And then she comes again…and again…
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—-Important Message—-
She comes in 30 seconds now (really cool)
Here’s a shortcut that lets you have the most convulsive and hot sex anytime, any place — because she gets turned on so fast.
Before I was doing this, sex was a big deal because it would take her SO long to get in the mood.
Now she gets in the mood instantly and we’re doing it a lot more often.
And in mere seconds, wives and girlfriends are convulsing in pleasurable O’s…
This 1 move lets you SKIP the difficult work, and instead use a smart technique to speed up her arousal…
Like Ryan, who’s spending 10 or 20 minutes trying to get his wife turned on…
And now they are enjoying the dirtiest, raunchiest, most intense sex in their 10 years of marriage.
And the good news?
Not only is this the fastest way to make any woman climax… it’s also 1 of the easiest.
Tufts University warns against this super toxic food (could cause cancer)
What you eat matters. It matters a lot.
Eating the right foods can help you maintain good health.
Eating the wrong foods can make you very sick, and potentially even give you cancer.
When it comes to diet, I talk a lot about PUFA fats in my Transformations and how bad they are for your health.
But do you know where a lot of those PUFA fats are hiding?
They’re hiding out in what are called ultra-processed foods.
These are frozen pizzas, chicken nuggets, crackers, potato chips, and packaged cookies, just to name a few.
About 70% of prepackaged food falls into the ultra-processed category.
Ultra-processed foods have a bunch of problems.
One of their big problems is that they mess up your gut.
Because they are processed with chemicals and stripped of nutrition…
…they can screw up the way your gut works, from your stomach to your bowels.
In a study from Tufts University, researchers found that ultra-processed foods, particularly processed meats…
…caused weight gain, obesity, and a higher risk of colorectal cancer.
Processed meats, most of which fall into the category of ultra-processed foods, are a strong risk factor for colorectal cancer. Ultra-processed foods are also high in added sugars and low in fiber, which contribute to weight gain and obesity, and obesity is an established risk factor for colorectal cancer.
The increased risk for colorectal cancer from these types of easy, instant foods is significant.
They are associated with a 29% increase in developing colorectal cancer!
Colorectal cancer is fairly common, and is the 3rd most diagnosed cancer in the US.
In a study published Aug. 31 in The BMJ, researchers found that men who consumed high rates of ultra-processed foods were at 29% higher risk for developing colorectal cancer — the third most diagnosed cancer in the United States — than men who consumed much smaller amounts. They did not find the same association in women.
I get why folks eat ultra-processed foods. They’re easy.
But that doesn’t make them good for you.
“Much of the dependence on these foods can come down to factors like food access and convenience,” said Zhang, who is also a member of the Tufts Institute for Global Obesity Research. “Chemically processing foods can aid in extending shelf life, but many processed foods are less healthy than unprocessed alternatives. We need to make consumers aware of the risks associated with consuming unhealthy foods in quantity and make the healthier options easier to choose instead.”
I’ve coached 1000s of men on how to eat a super simple diet.
This diet requires very little prep and doesn’t have the downfalls of eating a diet that is high in these types of ultra-processed foods.
It’s actually pretty easy when you get the hang of it.
There is very little that is as impactful on our health then the foods we eat.
Ultra-processed foods, especially when eaten in high quantities, are really bad for your body.
Eating real food and avoiding PUFAs is much better.
I’m always very careful about what I eat and I’m always doing experiments to see what works the best for my body.
These experiments are based on hours of research, and are backed up by other men who sign up to help me figure these things out.
My health has benefited tremendously over the years, and my diet helps me to keep both my health and my bedroom performance excellent.
Paying attention to what you eat really matters.
—-Important Message About Eating Your Way to 120—-
This is 1 of the healthiest foods men can possibly eat
Every so-called “diet expert” in the world will tell you this 1 food is bad for you…
…that it makes you fat and unhealthy…
Like it’s the gateway drug to every bad disease under the sun…
But what if I told you this was all a big giant lie?
What if this 1 so-called “bad” food is actually one of the healthiest foods you can possibly eat?
What if this 1 food turned out to be the key to remaining young and healthy naturally…
…with a hot, high metabolism, a high drive, and teenage-like stamina…
Would you eat it?