Most men are in their own world, especially during sex.
And women are the same way.
But women are much less willing to talk about it than men are in my experience.
That’s what makes this study so interesting.
We can get an inside view of what women really think, and what other men encounter about sex.
And we know that we are not alone.
There’s nothing special about sex in Australia — but this study was done with Australian men and women.
Researchers interviewed over 10,000 men and over 9,000 women.
And they asked questions about the most intimate details you can imagine.
The participants’ ages were 16 to 59 years old.
So this isn’t just an older people study.
It’s not.
It’s as mainstream as you can get — covering young and middle-aged people.
And the results were striking.
Over half of the women complained about losing their desire for sex.
And a lot of men did too — about 25% of the men report frequently losing interest in sex.
Both men and women reported being extremely concerned about their looks and about revealing their bodies during sex.
There was really no difference between men and women when it came to self-consciousness about their bodies during sex.
That surprises me because I have always thought that women were more concerned about their appearance than men.
But during sex, the concern is about equal.
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25% of the men reported coming too fast.
This was not so much of a problem with the women who more frequently reported the opposite.
But the women also frequently reported that intercourse was painful and uncomfortable.
Anxiety was worse with the younger men — and so was the “coming too fast” problem.
As more men are taking medication than ever before, sexual problems are getting worse.
High blood pressure medication, SSRIs, and diabetes medications often cause erections problems in men.
For women, as usual, the problems are more complex.
Women get less and less out of conventional orgasm-focused sex as they get older.
Women’s hormonal mix changes quite a bit at menopause.
Most women lose the level of testosterone they require to maintain a healthy libido at this time.
Some women actually develop more of a sex drive after menopause.
But most women lose their desire.
Women’s loss of desire is probably due to even lower testosterone levels and higher estrogen levels at menopause.
As men and women age together as couples, they can start focusing more on sensation rather than orgasm.
They can strive for greater and greater sensation, with less movement and fewer orgasms.
And this way, they can actually experience a much better sexual life that can last for the rest of their life.

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