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—-Important Message—-
Sensate method makes any man last 30 minutes or more
Here’s the easiest way for any man to last a long time while feeling MORE pleasure…
…I took this right from the legendary teachings of sex experts Dr. William Masters and Virginia Johnson…
Make this 1 simple tweak next time you’re with a woman
How to know if your home air filter is making you sick
Endotoxin is one of the major causes of modern chronic diseases.
It plays a massive role in obesity, type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia and depression.
Endotoxin is a structure created by some bacteria…
It aggravates the immune system leading to elevated inflammation which can damage every part of the body.
I’ve talked about some very interesting recent papers which even argue that endotoxin is the major cause of low testosterone and male infertility.
On top of this, endotoxin, when inhaled, inflames the airways.
Research has shown that when we breathe endotoxin it can trigger allergies and asthma.
Now, new studies are showing that air purifiers could be breeding grounds for endotoxin…
And that when we turn these devices on they pump endotoxin into the air – which could be causing health problems.
This research was carried out at Beihang University in Beijing, China. The paper was published in Environment International.
The authors were interested in finding out more about potential detrimental health effects of commonly used portable air purifiers.
“Stand-alone portable air purifiers have become an increasingly popular method of controlling individual inhalation exposure.”
You see, it’s possible that endotoxin bacteria could replicate inside these devices…
Later being pumped out into the “fresh” air which they circulate. Endotoxin is a major trigger for lung problems.
“Exposure to bacterial endotoxins has a causative role in respiratory inhalation health.”
So the researchers tested the air pumped out by some of these devices.
The devices were fitted with HEPA filters.
“Here, we studied the changes in endotoxin levels in indoor air before and after purification by a portable air purifier equipped with HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters.”
When they were tested it was found that the air purifiers increase the amount of endotoxin in the room air.
“An increase in endotoxins was observed when a previously used air purifier was turned on to clean the air.”
The researchers, of course, wondered whether there was a problem with the previously used HEPA filters.
They replaced the filters which led to some improvement but brand new air filters still increased the amount of endotoxin in the air.
“Replacing the HEPA filters in the air purifiers helped to mitigate the increase in endotoxins of larger sizes but not endotoxins of smaller sizes.”
The implications are clear.
Air purifiers could actually impair your health by kicking up more endotoxin into the air you breathe…
Leading to inflammation of the lung and respiratory problems.
“Consequently, the use of air purifiers could lead to increased endotoxin deposition in airways, especially in the alveolar region.”
Some of the research indicated that the increase in endotoxin could be coming from the HEPA filters in the devices.
“The endotoxin concentrations on the HEPA filters were well correlated with the free DNA concentrations on the HEPA filters.”
Many people believe that air purifiers and the HEPA filters within them purify the air they breathe, improving their health.
But this research shows that the truth may be just the opposite.
Indoor air purifiers with HEPA filters could be increasing our exposure to some of the most harmful microorganisms in the environment.
“The disrupted bacteria, which released free DNA, could also release endotoxins, thus making HEPA filters a source of indoor airborne endotoxins.”
If there’s one thing we are to learn from this research it is that we should pay attention to the effects of air filters.
If you use one of these devices then perhaps try going without it for a few days and compare how you feel with the device on versus the device off.
The air filters many of us are using these days may be causing more problems than they solve.
“Our results illustrate a potential endotoxin inhalation risk associated with HEPA- air purifiers as an air cleaning strategy and highlight the importance of composition-specific air cleaning while reducing the particle number/mass.”
You should always consult your healthcare practitioner for guidance on medical diagnosis and treatment.
—-Important Message About Getting Her in the Mood—-
Get your wife or girlfriend hot, bothered, and VERY turned on with fully clothed foreplay
Picture flicking a switch that instantly gets your wife or girlfriend ready for sex…
You can be out to dinner or running errands together… and with just one little thumb flick…
…she’s begging you to take her home and undress her…
It takes all the work out of “getting her in the mood,” so you can hurry up and enjoy getting busy together.
I call it fully clothed foreplay — 1 simple trick makes her libido liftoff