A scientific technique lost till now – at last rediscovered with shocking results
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—-Important Message—-
Men who use this “sensate focus” technique are lasting 30 minutes or more
For more than 20 years, I’ve studied the amazing and shocking sensate focus technique developed by Dr. William Masters and Virginia Johnson…
You may have heard of them — they were 2 scientific pioneers in the world of sexual health in the 1960s.
This technique they developed is a method of enhancing sexual intimacy, sensuality, and pleasure through touch…
And I’ve tried sensate focus. In fact, I spent years studying and working with this technique.
And I tried teaching it to other men and to couples.
But sensate focus is tough to do the way Masters and Johnson intended…
Because Masters and Johnson studied sex in a clinical, scientific fashion.
They were doctors after all.
But I want to make sensate focus really easy…more fun, more instantly gratifying…
And I found this shortcut to sexual enlightenment…
This cheap white powder can help protect you from cancer
Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer globally, with nearly 2 million cases per year and almost 1 million deaths.
One of the major driving factors for colorectal cancer is inflammatory factors in the diet – but there are other factors too.
As with many other chronic diseases, doctors are keen to detect colorectal cancer early.
There are several different ways of doing this, most commonly colonoscopy.
The goal is to reduce the number of deaths from colorectal cancer with these screening methods.
But these screening methods are inconvenient and come with risks.
Several studies have also shown that taking low doses of the systemic anti-inflammatory aspirin…
…can be as effective at reducing colorectal cancer deaths as colonoscopy screenings.
The human research was carried out at the University of Oslo in Norway. This paper was published in Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.
There are two main types of screening for colorectal cancer detection.
The first is fecal occult blood testing.
This test takes a stool sample and checks for blood that may not otherwise be visible.
If this test is positive and is often followed up by the other primary type of screening method, colonoscopy – a.k.a. flexible sigmoidoscopy.
“Both aspirin use and screening with flexible sigmoidoscopy or guaiac fecal occult blood testing (FOBT) may reduce mortality from colorectal cancer, but comparative effectiveness of these interventions is unknown.”
This research compared both types of colorectal cancer screening methods against the use of low-dose aspirin.
The researchers scanned several online medical databases for existing human studies with data relevant to the topic.
The researchers only accepted randomized trials to be included in their meta-analysis of numerous studies.
“Randomized trials in average-risk populations that reported colorectal cancer mortality, colorectal cancer incidence, or both were included.”
The researchers ended up with data from over 100 individuals who were followed up for a minimum of 2 years.
They found that aspirin was as effective at preventing colorectal cancer deaths as common screening methods.
But remember, this is without the inconvenience, unpleasantness, and significant risk associated with colonoscopy.
“The effect of aspirin on colorectal cancer mortality was similar to FOBT and flexible sigmoidoscopy.”
However, they did find that aspirin was far more effective at preventing deaths from cancer of the proximal colon.
Aspirin reduced the risk of death from cancer of the proximal colon by about ⅔ compared to fecal blood testing and colonoscopy.
“Aspirin was more effective than FOBT (RR 0.36) and flexible sigmoidoscopy (RR 0.37) in preventing death from or cancer in the proximal colon.”
Aspirin was as good at reducing the recurrence of colorectal cancer as either screening method.
“Aspirin was equally effective as screening in reducing colorectal cancer incidence, while flexible sigmoidoscopy was superior to FOBT (RR 0.84).
Overall, the researchers found that low-dose aspirin (75 to 300mg) is as effective at reducing deaths from colorectal cancer as the common screening methods.
But it is far more effective at reducing deaths from cancer of the proximal colon.
“Low-dose aspirin seems to be equally effective as flexible sigmoidoscopy or guaiac FOBT screening to reduce colorectal cancer incidence and mortality, and more effective for cancers in the proximal colon.”
Many people die every year from perforations of the colon caused by colonoscopies for simple screenings for colon cancer.
Colon cancer is a serious condition, and colonoscopy can help reduce deaths from colon cancer a little…
But we need to consider the risk of the procedure itself when making decisions.
“A randomized comparative effectiveness trial of aspirin vs. screening is warranted.”
You should always consult your healthcare practitioner for guidance on medical diagnosis and treatment.
—-Important Message About Stopping Cancer—-
This natural cancer-fighting powder costs less than $1 for a 6 month supply
This seemingly ordinary white powder raises men’s testosterone and lowers harmful estrogen…
…it gives you a natural energy boost…
…reduces inflammation all over the body…
…repairs and balances the gut…
…lowers anxiety and raises the spirits…
And most importantly, it can cure the two biggest scourges on the planet…
…cancer and Alzheimer’s disease…
Here’s the natural cancer-fighting powder Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about