Not all vitamins are created equally!
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—-Important Message—-
Replace your vitamin C supplements with Super C — free today
When men take normal vitamin C, it only stays in the bloodstream for a few minutes.
But when men take SUPER vitamin C, it stays in the bloodstream for HOURS…
And it penetrates the tissues, the organs, the glands, and even the brain.
So this new SUPER vitamin C delivers more health benefits than regular vitamin C, and it can make men virtually immune to disease.
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Get my special Super C for free
Same vitamins, different effects?
We tend to think of a vitamin as one singular identifiable molecule.
But most “vitamins” are actually a family of similar molecules.
These different forms of the same vitamin can have very different effects.
This can be confusing – but it is important to use the right form of a vitamin to get a desired effect.
Nowhere is this more important than in the case of the different forms of vitamin K.
There is a vitamin K1, which comes from green leafy vegetables. Then there are also a number of different forms of vitamin K2.
You may be aware that vitamin K2 can help to prevent or reverse atherosclerosis – well that is only if you use the correct form.
The animal experiments are carried out at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands. The findings were published in the Journal of Vascular Research.
Out of place calcium is one of the major causes of aging and age-related disease.
The essential mineral can build up in soft tissue. One of the places calcium tends to find itself is in the walls of the blood vessels.
This process of “calcification” leads to narrowing of the blood vessels and loss of elasticity of the blood vessel walls.
This calcification is one of the major factors in atherosclerosis – and it can cause numerous other cardiovascular diseases.
Calcification and atherosclerosis can be caused by diet and lifestyle…
But it can also be caused by treatments like warfarin, a common “blood thinning” treatment.
These experiments looked at the effect of different forms of vitamin K on calcification and atherosclerosis caused by warfarin.
The researchers carried out their experiments using a number of different groups of rats.
One group of rats was given vitamin K1 – the form of vitamin K that you get from green leafy vegetables.
Another group of rats was given vitamin K2 MK4, which is found in cheeses like brie, Gouda, and Parmigiano-Reggiano.
“The effects of vitamin K1 and K2 MK-4 on vascular calcification and their utilization in the arterial vessel wall were compared in the warfarin-treated rat model for arterial calcification.”
Only 1 form of vitamin K helped to prevent atherosclerosis caused by warfarin – vitamin K2 MK4.
“We found that vitamin K2 MK4 but not K-1 inhibits warfarin induced arterial calcification.”
The researchers found that these different types of vitamin K were attracted to different tissues in the body.
Vitamin K1 was mostly absorbed in the liver.
Vitamin K2 MK4, on the other hand, tended to be used by cells in the aorta – the blood vessels around the heart.
“Liver K-1 accumulation was threefold higher than that of K2 MK-4, or is aortic K2 MK-4 was three times that of vitamin K-1. The aorta showed a more efficient utilization of vitamin K2 MK-4.”
So, in terms of health benefits, there really is no such thing as “vitamin K.”
There are in fact numerous different types of vitamin K – all with different effects.
Vitamin K2 MK4 is the form of vitamin K which has the most potent effects on the cardiovascular system.
The most beneficial aspect of this nutrient is the fact that it helps the body to remove calcium from the blood vessels.
Calcification is the major cause of cardiovascular disease – not cholesterol, as we have been told for decades.
Some cheeses contain a good amount of vitamin K2 MK4 – and it’s a good idea to eat these cheeses regularly.
But for people with major health problems, much higher doses of this nutrient are required.
Japanese research has used up to 45mg per day – it’s impossible to get much from diet alone.
—-Important Message About Vitamin K2—-
The right kind of vitamin K2 boosts penile blood flow
If you want great blood flow down there, it’s essential that you get enough vitamin K2 — and not just any K2, but the right kind of K2.
The right kind of vitamin K2 clears the arteries out, removing any blockages and putting calcium deposits back into the bones where they belong.
This improves blood flow almost immediately — especially down there where men need good blood flow the most.
Plus, as an added bonus, having the right amount of vitamin K2 in the body reduces the chance of heart disease by more than 50%:
But here’s the thing — men should get the right kind of vitamin K2 from foods, NOT supplements.