A deeper sleep isn’t just healthy, it slows aging down to a crawl — but is this GABA supplement really safe?
—-Important Message—-
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Safe? This GABA supplement for deeper, more restful sleep
GABA, or gamma-Aminobutyric acid, is the single most important neuro-transmitter associated with sleep, recovery and what is called inhibition.
Inhibition means stopping nerves from firing — you need both inhibition and excitation to live.
We get stimulated (or “excited”) by our environments, activities and emotions, and then we have to wind down, recover, renew our tissues so we can wake up and do it again — this is the process of excitation and inhibition.
Inhibition is a very important concept to understand, especially in the context of aging.
The older the person is, the more emphasis should be put on protective inhibition, rather than immediately increasing energy production. – Ray Peat (2006)
The single best example of an inhibitory state is deep sleep.
Many people struggle with achieving such high quality sleep, when they reach middle age.
Deep sleep is characterized by the activation of the GABA system, which inhibits the senses, and relaxes the nervous system to allow repair processes to take place at a cellular level.
Aging can be described as the state of incomplete repair from inadequate sleep.
This is not a matter of total sleep time, but of the quality and depth of sleep.
The activation of the GABA system in a context of deep, restorative sleep can overcome the deleterious effects of many stressors and toxins.
One such example is the chronic exposure to fluoride in drinking water.
For many years, researchers have indicated that there is a clear link between fluoridated water and impaired thyroid function.
Taurine, an amino acid, has been found to protect against and reverse the anti-thyroid effects of fluoride.
As it turns out, taurine, along with theanine, vitamin B6, glycine, magnesium, and many other supplements are known to increase GABA.
These supplements all have a common characteristic of inducing calmness and relaxation.
It seems likely that the increase in GABA is the common denominator.

A 2016 study found that direct GABA supplementation could provide the same benefits taurine had against fluoride-induced hypothyroidism:
(…) this is the first study to establish the therapeutic efficacy of GABA as a natural antioxidant in inducing thyroprotection against fluoride-induced toxicity. – Yang et al. (2016)
Considering the many and constant assaults of modern life, including stress, malnutrition and toxins, it makes sense to optimize GABA and the quality of our sleep to counteract the deleterious effects on our physiology.
Too many people just keep on degenerating and cannot offset the harmful factors in their environment with their sleep.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
Simply incorporating a few of the aforementioned supplements in the latter part of the day, while also making an effort to unwind and relax, should be enough to significantly increase GABA and benefit from the restorative and protective processes of deep sleep.
—-Important Message—-
This stops chronic fatigue and gives men a big boost in libido

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Ray Peat (2006). The problem of Alzheimer's disease as a clue to immortality - Part 2 Link: https://raypeat.com/articles/articles/alzheimers2.shtml
Adedara, I. A., Ojuade, T., Olabiyi, B. F., Idris, U. F., Onibiyo, E. M., Ajeigbe, O. F., & Farombi, E. O. (2017). Taurine Ameliorates Renal Oxidative Damage and Thyroid Dysfunction in Rats Chronically Exposed to Fluoride. Biological trace element research, 175(2), 388–395. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-016-0784-2
Yang, H., Xing, R., Liu, S., Yu, H., & Li, P. (2016). γ-Aminobutyric acid ameliorates fluoride-induced hypothyroidism in male Kunming mice. Life sciences, 146, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lfs.2015.12.041