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Harvard discovery: How “mirror neurons” get girls in my bed

Believe it or not, scientists from a Harvard lab are learning a thing or two from older guys…
Like this one technique that gets hot younger women going home with guys in their 50s and 60s…
A technique that works because of “mirror neurons” — which are special brain cells that can be trained to react a certain way…
And older guys are going nuts with this little technique…
It’s literally step-by-step, simple stuff that anyone can use to attract young women.
Reversing penile fibrosis fixes erections in men
The vast majority of erections problems are caused by physical changes to the penis.
These changes present themselves as the buildup of fibrotic scar tissue in the main body of the penis — this tissue must swell to induce rockiness.
Because of this process of fibrosis, the blood vessels are impeded and the main body of the penis is prevented from expanding as it should.
The tissue becomes rubbery, rather than elastic.
The result is the inability to achieve or maintain a boner.
Fibrosis of the penis can be triggered by many different things. It’s often caused by treatments or hormonal imbalances.
It seems that x-rays can also cause penile fibrosis leading to erections problems.

This case report was written about the Boston University School of Medicine in Massachusetts. It was published in the Journal of Urology.
The case report involves a man who suffered with Peyronie’s disease. This occurs when plaque builds up inside the penis.
Peyronie’s disease can cause a bent, curved penis.
Peyronie’s disease may or may not cause erections problems.
This man did not have a problem with getting stiff, his only problem was the shape of his penis.
Seeking a solution, he visited doctors who suggested shooting a beam of radiation into his penis to see if that would help.
“A potent man with early signs and symptoms of Peyronie’s disease treatment duration received external beam radiation to the penis.”
It’s a crazy idea — but it can reduce some of the symptoms of Peyronie’s disease and it can reduce the curvature of the penis, at least in some men.
But not long after the treatment the man returned to the doctor with far more severe problems.
He now had the inability to get rocky.
“The formerly potent man presented 5 months later with impotence.”
The doctor examined his penis and found it to be structurally abnormal.
Scans revealed abnormalities in the blood vessels supplying the main body of the penis.
The doctor tried a number of different things for erections problems, including penile injections — none of which helped.
As a last resort, the man decided to have a surgical procedure to implant a prosthesis into his penis which was designed to help him achieve a boner.
It was during the operation to implant the prosthesis that the surgeons came across something quite strange…
The tissue surrounding the main body of the penis which is essential for erections had become rubbery.
“During penile prosthesis implantation, bilateral rubbery ‘penile’ tissue was encountered.”
This tissue should be soft, pliable and flexible — like elastic, rather than thick, tough and rigid like rubber.
The tougher, rubbery tissue will not allow the expansion of the cavity which causes a boner.
The surgeons had to remove a lot of this tissue in order to implant the prosthesis.
They later sent this tissue to the lab to see what was going on with it.
They found that what should be flexible and elastic tissue had become infiltrated with fibrosis, tough, rigid scar tissue which would not allow a boner.
“Analysis revealed extensive fibrosis and arterial vasculopathy.”
The blood vessels which manage pressure inside the penile tissue were deranged — as was the tissue itself.
This is the usual pattern seen when doctors analyse this tissue in men with erections problems.
The authors believe that the beam of x-ray used as a treatment for Peyronie’s led to far more severe damage to the penis.
“The most likely explanation for severe fibrosis is penile radiation.”
The researchers believe that the radiation caused damage to the endothelial cells — these are the cells which line the exterior of the tissues.
This damage led to scar tissue — a.k.a. fibrosis — which essentially prevents the penis from becoming firm. It became rubbery rather than elastic.
“Penile irradiation is a potential cause of diffuse corporeal fibrosis.”
It’s quite crazy that this type of radiation has been used so readily by the medical establishment, when the harms of radiation have been known for decades.
—-Important Message on Fixing Penile Fibrosis—-
If you haven’t had a boner in 6 months — chances are very high this is the reason… penile fibrosis…

Penile fibrosis sets in when you don’t get a regular boner blood supply to the penis.
It shows up as failure to have a boner even in the morning. Any time.
And also, instead of this symptom, some men have a bump, bend, or lump in their members, often called Peyronie’s but just another form of penile fibrosis.
The good news is that penile fibrosis and Peyronie’s can be reversed naturally, using a toothbrush…

Extensive corporeal fibrosis after penile irradiation