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Health gurus are praising it. But could it be dangerous?
—–Important Message—–
My mind was racing, ready for the sexual pleasures to come, but my dick was just limp…
I noticed it a few years ago – I would imagine bedroom playtime that would go on for hours, different sexual positions I would like and so on…
…but when I actually got down to sex, I couldn’t even get an erection.
My mind wanted it, but my body just didn’t respond.
That’s when I learned about the brain-penile connection…
My brain couldn’t send hard-on signals to my penis – the connection was broken somewhere.
But luckily, after years of struggle, I found the solution to this problem and now I’m offering it to any man who may have a similar problem.
The solution is a simple solo activity that rewires the brain-penile connection…
…so now, my body keeps up with my mind and my erection is pulsating with anticipation even before she takes my trousers off.
She always goes “wow, what do we have here?” as her hand brushes it slightly.
Resveratrol? Is all the hype true?
We already know that resveratrol behaves like estrogen.
And we know that estrogen is bad news for men.
But I can see why men get confused when they read popular men’s health websites and find promises like this for resveratrol:
- Mental alertness
- More stamina
- Cardiovascular protection
- Cancer protection
- Testosterone boost
Who wouldn’t be tempted? Especially as you can get it from drinking wine?
Well, now that I’ve mentioned estrogen as one problem…
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Here’s another reason you don’t want to take resveratrol:
“In the human adrenal cortex, cortisol is synthesized from cholesterol by members of the cytochrome P450 superfamily and hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases…We show that resveratrol increases the protein expression and half-life of P450 side chain cleavage enzyme (P450scc).”
“…Finally, resveratrol also increases the protein expression of P450 11β, another mitochondrial enzyme required for cortisol biosynthesis.”
Translated into non-scientist language:
Resveratrol raises cortisol by suppressing a crucial enzyme called cytochrome P450.
Cortisol has its place. We do need some. Our bodies produce it in our adrenal glands.
Sometimes higher levels can be helpful in the short term – when we’re sick or injured.
But in the long term, high cortisol drops men’s testosterone and makes us insulin resistant.
Modern life tends to raise stress hormones such as cortisol. So I prefer to try and keep my levels in check.
And I also don’t want to suppress cytochrome P450 for all these good reasons:
According to Wikipedia:
“Cytochrome P450 enzymes… play important roles in hormone synthesis and breakdown (including estrogen and testosterone synthesis and metabolism), cholesterol synthesis, and vitamin D metabolism. Cytochrome P450 enzymes also function to metabolize potentially toxic compounds, including drugs…”
- Vitamin D is important to avoid hair loss, muscle weakness, loss of libido.
- Cholesterol is our source of youth hormones.
- And a body that can’t deal with toxins is in trouble.
As the study mentioned, lowering cytochrome P450 involves yet another word that only scientists ever use: Sirtuins.
“The effects of resveratrol on P450 side-chain cleavage (P450scc) protein levels and acetylation status are dependent on sirtuin-3 and sirtuin-5 expression. Stable overexpression of sirtuin-3 abrogates the cellular content of acetylated P450scc, concomitant with an increase in P450scc protein expression and cortisol secretion.”
What the heck are sirtuins?
Sirtuins are enzymes.
According to a Wikipedia entry, sirtuins are “implicated in influencing a wide range of cellular processes like aging, transcription, apoptosis, inflammation and stress resistance, as well as energy efficiency and alertness during low-calorie situations…”
“sirtuin-3 and sirtuin-5 overexpression increases…cortisol secretion…”
Sirtuin 3 (SIRT3) is also a cancer suppressor… Or is it a promoter?
They can’t decide.
So I’m going to keep it simple.
Resveratrol raises cortisol. Sirtuins raise cortisol. I don’t want to raise cortisol.
So I’m not going to supplement resveratrol – or raise sirtuin-3 – if I can help it.
To my surprise, I found that some men are intentionally trying to raise sirtuins!
They have read that resveratrol, green tea, olive oil, omega-3 fats and soy, turmeric and melatonin supplements, will raise sirtuin-3 and thus extend lifespan.
Along with calorie restriction and exercise, of course.
I avoid many of the things on that list (and I’ve debunked many myths about diet and hard exercise).
Because they’re stressful and stress is bad for the body.
Some of the items on that diet list suggest these men are going on a cortisol-RAISING diet.
And cortisol is a recipe for belly fat, erectile dysfunction, heart problems, and more…
There is a lot of advice on this site about how to lower cortisol.
It doesn’t include drinking red wine. Sorry.
But there’s also no fasting or starving, or wearing yourself out with exercise.
Is that a fair trade?
Raising stress and cortisol will never give you long-term good results.
——Important Message——
Are you taking any of these for blood pressure? (they KILL erections…)
Doctors are trained to give you chemicals such as ACE inhibitors.
Medical schools nowadays are paid for by the Big Pharma companies.
They have no interest in curing blood pressure.
And the latest drugs, ACE inhibitors, are their most profitable ever.
And yes, I know plenty of people who have been given ACE inhibitors, and who are taking them now.
Chances are you are taking them yourself.
ACE inhibitors DO lower blood pressure.
…but the side effects have been purposely BURIED, CENSORED, and IGNORED…
One of the WORST results is poor sexual performance. I mean, guys taking these drugs report limp dicks and dead bedrooms.
But many men don’t get the connection between ACE inhibitors and low libido.
These men don’t realize that it’s not their fault. ACE inhibitors should be called “erection inhibitors.”
However, there is good news…

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