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The hair on your head and youthful sexual performance are completely related… Grow more hair and get better erections… There are no chemicals involved – it’s all natural. Here’s how…
—–Important Message—–
Lower your blood pressure without taking the erection killing treatments the docs hand out…
I found out that my lack of erections was due to the man-killer treatments my doc had given me.
Those Big Pharma treatments KILL men’s hard-ons…
So, I decided to get rid of my high blood pressure naturally, so I could get my doc to take me OFF those medications…
I did this daily when I woke up… and again in the evening before bed.
In just two days, this simple 90-second activity lowered my pressure by 5 points, and then by another 5 points.
The 90-second activity works by opening up the blood vessels.
It has long-lasting effects and restores normal blood pressure.
And it only involves breathing. Nothing more. It lets the blood flow like an unclogged garden hose… And it increases blood flow to the penis as well…
Regain a full head of hair…and youthful erections
You might not be old enough to recognize this person. LOL.
Whether you are or not, you can see he was balding. He was also in very poor health.
This famous bald man, Nikita Khrushchev, had many health issues and died of heart disease at the age of 75.
I’m bringing up Khrushchev because he is a poster child for the true cause of baldness – and what that means to you if you’ve lost your hair (or most of it) by now.
The popular press will have you believe that being bald or losing your hair early is a hereditary thing, that it’s all genetic.
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This genetic stuff isn’t actually true.
Nor is it true that if you still have a full head of hair at age 50 or 60 or 70 or 80, you can assume you are healthy.
I wanted to be sure to add that. Because here is the other side of this picture:
President Kennedy, who had lots of shiny hair, suffered from many health problems.
“…severe intestinal ailments, infections, and what doctors thought for a time was leukemia. He suffered from ulcers and colitis as well as Addison’s disease, which necessitated the administration of regular steroid treatments.”
I want to explain what I believe is at the heart of poor health and what it means to men who are getting older and have already lost some or most of their hair.
These Czech scientists looked at the hormone levels of 37 men with premature hair loss.
They compared those results against men who are not losing their hair.
The 37 balding men had lower testosterone and less sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG).
They probably also had elevated estrogen levels, but blood tests for estrogen are not reliable.
Estrogen often correlates with prolactin, though.
So a blood test for prolactin, which is accurate, would be an indicator of estrogen levels.
The balding men had higher levels of prolactin.
Here are the numbers from the study:
To summarize, we’re talking about…
low testosterone, high estrogen, and high cortisol.
Low SHBG is also very common in men who go bald or start losing their hair early.
The point is this…
If you’ve lost your hair early in life you probably have metabolic problems that make you susceptible to obesity, diabetes, erection problems, heart disease, and more.
I often talk in this newsletter about how to lower estrogen, raise testosterone, and lower stress hormones such as cortisol.
Fixing all of these can help you restore your metabolism.
You don’t want to look like Khrushchev and have all of his health problems.
Nor do you want a full head of hair like Kennedy and have the health problems he was battling before his death.
This key is to restore your health by fixing your metabolism. Preferably through natural means.
——Important Message——
Here’s how to raise your testosterone, lower your estrogen, lower your prolactin… and live life on your own terms…
Remember when you were young?
You were hard as a rock even with a tiny wisp of wind…and you could go again and again and again…remember?
What’s the difference now? It’s having a low and slow metabolism rather than a YOUTHFUL metabolism.
Low and slow…means not much blood is getting to your penis so it’s hard to keep it going once it starts…
Low and slow…That means you have high estrogen and high prolactin… And these KILL men’s erections…
But what if you could regain that youthful metabolism for decades LONGER?
What if you could raise your metabolism using this simple metabolic shake?
This metabolic shake wakes up a sleeping metabolism and fires it up again, making it like it was when you were a teenager…
And, as you already know, a good metabolism increases testosterone, boosts hair growth, gives you back your great erections, and prevents diabetes and obesity…
It’s like a crucible of health!

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