And this sneaky method works better than almost anything else, even antibiotics, to reduce harmful overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine (SIBO)
—-Important Message—-
How to last an hour or more in bed — try this tonight

I’m doing something totally new, something fun and pleasurable…
And it’s “training” my member to stay rocky for longer…
So that I can last an hour, maybe even an hour and a half in bed with my wife…
And the best part about this is — my wife can do this with me and we BOTH get pleasure out of it.
There’s no “holding back” or sacrificing pleasure when you last longer this way.
Here’s what I’m doing to last an hour or more in bed
Reduce harmful gut overgrowth for better boners
Sometimes, general health remains poor despite many lifestyle changes and interventions.
In men, poor health often shows up in reduced rockiness, or none at all.
Plus symptoms such as headaches, oral health issues, digestive difficulties, low energy, or nausea…
And all of these are often driven by one underlying problem:
Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine (SIBO).
In states of stress, when thyroid and immune function becomes chronically suppressed, our gut slows down…
…and a slow gut gives too much time for bacteria to fester in our gut, especially where it does NOT belong, in the small intestine.
Yes, the presence of bacteria is a fundamental part of human biology: there are more bacteria than human cells in our bodies.
But WHERE those bacteria grow — that makes all the difference.
Typically, we can keep the proliferation of bacteria under control with a good state of health, as evidenced by a robust metabolism and immune system.
Good health can speed up gut speed, propelling food quickly enough through out gut to not give much time for harmful bacteria to grow and multiply.
Many factors such as vitamin D levels, deficiency of healthy sunlight, chronic stress, subpar nutrition, etc. can contribute to an impaired metabolic rate and immune function.
Even after taking steps to improve one’s state of health, if it’s gone too far, you may not be able to fix it just by improving things like nutrition, or getting more sunlight.
Pathogenic bacteria can easily migrate from one area of the body to another, most commonly through the process of bacterial translocation.

A course of antibiotics can often be the only therapy to bring profound relief of chronic conditions.
The problem, however, is that by their very nature, all antibiotics are toxic and cannot be reliably used on a consistent basis.
Some antibiotics, like penicillin or minocycline are very safe, but their effectiveness may now be limited by the growing problem of antibiotic resistance.
This is where bacteriophages come into play:
Bacteriophages (phages) are viruses that kill bacteria specifically but cannot infect other kinds of organisms. They have attracted new attention since the increasing antibiotic resistance developed into a global crisis. – Rohde et al. (2018)
These “bacteria-killing” viruses are found everywhere in nature, and also in our own bodies, but are sometimes in sufficient numbers to deal with pathogenic bacterial overgrowth.
A few probiotic products using bacteriophages have been on the market for several years, and are often used for the very same purposes as the conventional antibiotics would be.
Bacteriophages are also non-toxic and appear very safe:
Phage therapy, a 100-year-old form of antibacterial treatment in medicine, is gaining momentum because phages represent a therapy concept without such negative side effects as toxicity; phages are the only therapeutic agent that regulates itself at the sites of infection and decays when the infectious bacteria have been killed. – Rohde et al. (2018)
Modern research on the topic is still in its early stages, but bacteriophages have a great track record for safety and effectiveness and could have therapeutic potential as an alternative to antibiotics…
Especially for individuals with nagging, long-standing infections and chronic symptoms which do not seem to go away.
I’ve experimented with phages and found them quite effective if used for a short time, and I think they are quite safe.
—-Important Message—-
This washes your organs clean — removes built-up toxins and bacteria
I’m doing a simple little protocol that is detoxing my entire body…
It’s cleaning bacteria and toxins out of all of my organs…
…including my lungs, my kidneys, my gut, and even my penis.
And when you remove this built-up crud from your organs, blood flow improves.
And it makes a world of difference not just for your health, but for your male erections too.
Here’s my clean organ protocol just for men (free today)

Cisek, A. A., Dąbrowska, I., Gregorczyk, K. P., & Wyżewski, Z. (2017). Phage Therapy in Bacterial Infections Treatment: One Hundred Years After the Discovery of Bacteriophages. Current microbiology, 74(2), 277–283. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00284-016-1166-x
Criscuolo, E., Spadini, S., Lamanna, J., Ferro, M., & Burioni, R. (2017). Bacteriophages and Their Immunological Applications against Infectious Threats. Journal of immunology research, 2017, 3780697. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/3780697
El-Shibiny, A., & El-Sahhar, S. (2017). Bacteriophages: the possible solution to treat infections caused by pathogenic bacteria. Canadian journal of microbiology, 63(11), 865–879. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjm-2017-0030
Rohde, C., Wittmann, J., & Kutter, E. (2018). Bacteriophages: A Therapy Concept against Multi-Drug-Resistant Bacteria. Surgical infections, 19(8), 737–744. https://doi.org/10.1089/sur.2018.184