It slows down aging at a cellular level — making you feel like a man 10 or 20 years younger
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and I have a fascinating find for you… a natural substance with shocking healing properties…
Maybe you’ve heard of it before… it’s called Rapamycin.
And rapamycin is a substance that was discovered in the soil of Easter Island back in the 1960s.
It was initially identified as an extremely potent antibiotic and antifungal.
However, it also suppresses the immune system when given in antibiotic/fungal doses.
Instead of becoming an antibiotic treatment it became a treatment used to suppress the immune system…
…something that is potentially life-saving in people who have recently had organ transplants.
But the story doesn’t end there. It targets a protein called mTOR.
MTOR is critical in regulating cell metabolism, growth, and longevity.
Rapamycin is now being heavily investigated for its anti-cancer and anti-aging effects.
Let’s look at some animal research showing profound anti-aging effects, increasing lifespan and reducing the burden of aging and age-related chronic disease.
The animal experiments were performed at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. This paper was published in Nature.
This is one of a series of fascinating experiments at the University of Michigan that looks at the effects of mTOR inhibition by rapamycin on aging, cancer, and chronic disease.
“Rapamycin increases lifespan in mice, but whether this represents merely inhibition of lethal neoplastic diseases, or an overall slowing in multiple aspects of aging is currently unclear.”
This, like many other studies, show that rapamycin increases longevity.
Animals given rapamycin live longer.
Rapamycin also reduces or reverses all of the signs and symptoms of aging – something thought impossible and very recently.
The treatment also has potent anti-cancer effects.
“The results strongly suggest that rapamycin retards multiple aspects of aging in mice, in addition to any beneficial effects it may have on neoplastic disease.”
There are some downsides, however.
The researchers discovered that rapamycin is associated with testicular degeneration and cataracts.
“We also note, however, that mice treated with rapamycin starting at 9 months of age have significantly higher incidence of testicular degeneration and cataracts.”
It’s quite possible that these effects are dose-related and could be minimized by only starting rapamycin in old age.
These experiments involved giving rapamycin to young adult rodents. It seems like this is not necessary.
9 months is about 1/3 of the average lifespan of these mice.
We are still working at the optimal dose of rapamycin for antiaging, anticancer, and longevity.
However, we know that the dose should be relatively low compared to the dose used for other medical purposes.
“Harmful effects of this kind will guide further studies on timing, dosage, and tissue-specific actions of rapamycin relevant to the development of clinically useful inhibitors of TOR action.”
Many beneficial effects on aging have been seen with rapamycin. Unfortunately, these experiments afforded just a few.
- Rapamycin reduced “age-related” changes in the heart.
- Rapamycin minimized “age-related” liver degeneration.
- The treatment prevented the shrinking of the adrenal glands seen in older animals.
- Treatment with rapamycin improved the health of tendons in older animals.
- As animals age, cancer becomes more likely, but rapamycin reduces the number of cancers seen in older animals.
- Treatment with rapamycin is also associated with slower growth and spread of cancers when they do occur.
“We report here that many forms of age-dependent change, including alterations in heart, liver, adrenal glands, and tendon, as well as age-dependent decline in spontaneous activity, occur more slowly in rapamycin-treated mice.”
Anti-aging doctors in the United States and some other countries are already prescribing low doses of rapamycin to slow aging.
Many people are reporting the remarkable beneficial effects of this treatment.
The benefits have been shown in experiments in yeast, fruit flies, and rodents.
As I write this, experiments are being carried out in larger animals with a more similar lifestyle to humans – companion dogs.
We will know more about the effects of rapamycin on dogs in a few years.
—-Important Message—-
The 2 cent remedy we’ve been hearing about
This 2 cent cure is buzzing all over the internet.
It is said to revolutionize your workouts…
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To fix over 200 different diseases.
To be utterly harmless.
And yes, to really cost less than 2 cents per day.
But does it work?
I researched this thoroughly over the past few months and here is what I found.
Click here for my full conclusions on this 2 cent remedy