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This strange method could keep your prostate healthy and make your trips to the bathroom effortless
——Important Message——-
Imagine staying as hard as you want and having sex for as long as you want.
Over the years I’ve learned how to make it so each sex act increases sensitivity and increases pleasure…
First, two or three times what you used to feel, and then ten times more pleasure, and then and then 100 times more pleasure.
And now I’m going to show you how a breakthrough simple change in focus can give any man whole-body orgasmic waves of bliss for an hour or longer…
Each time you use this change in focus, your body is re-programmed for erections that last a long time in the bedroom. And you can do it right before you have sex… all it takes is a few seconds of concentration.
Prostate health and peeing – new research
Joe wrote to me recently and said, “Matt, I’m getting up 3 to 7 times a night – every night – to pee. I’m not sleeping well. I’m tired all day. What do I do?”
It seems inevitable that as we get older, us guys have enlarged prostates that make us have to pee all the time.
And it’s annoying!
“Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and associated lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are common clinical problems in urology and affect the majority of men at some time during their lives.”
But what if peeing all the time and having a large prostate wasn’t the norm?
What if there was something you could do to beat the odds… or even reverse the symptoms you already have?
It turns out there are several things you can do to help your prostate get healthier.
And a major one is getting rid of the estrogen-like compounds in your environment.
Estrogen and prostate health
Most people think of estrogen as a female hormone.
In reality, both men and women carry both estrogen and testosterone.
But when this balance gets out of whack in the male body it causes major problems.
When your estrogen levels get too high, you can end up with an enlarged prostate…
And you have to go to the bathroom so often that your daily life is negatively impacted.
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“The development of BPH/LUTS is associated with an increased ratio of estrogen to androgen levels, and this ratio, when mimicked in a variety of animals, induces BPH and lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD).”
But there is another side to this story…
When your estrogen levels are too low, you may actually have declining testosterone levels as well.
It’s complicated.
“Estrogens are important in a number of normal and pathologic processes in men. Estrogen deficiency, in addition to androgen deficiency, is an important contributor to age-related hypogonadism (declining T with age).”
That’s why it’s important for men to have healthy levels of both testosterone AND estrogen.
Now, scientists don’t know exactly how estrogen affects the prostate…
But they do know that the prostate is an estrogen target tissue.
This means that the amount of estrogen in the body directly affects how the prostate functions.
“Numerous endogenous and exogenous estrogens exist in humans. These estrogens act via multiple estrogen receptors to promote or inhibit prostatic hyperplasia and other BPH-associated processes. The prostate is an estrogen target tissue, and estrogens, directly and indirectly, affect growth and differentiation of prostate.”
The key here is not to get rid of estrogen completely, but to help your body have the right testosterone to estrogen ratio.
Where extra estrogen comes from…
There are a bunch of estrogens found naturally in the body.
But there are also a lot of compounds in the environment that act like estrogen in the body.
These are called xenoestrogens.
“Estrogens are…compounds that activate receptors…for the major physiologic estrogen in higher organisms, 17β-estradiol (E2)… In addition to E2, there are numerous estrogens in the body…including those that are endogenously produced, as well as those acquired from external sources.”
“Estrogens from outside the body (xenoestrogens) can be derived from plant sources (phytoestrogens) or synthetics such as the many endocrine disruptors or environmental estrogens whose effects on human health have been widely debated…”
In our current environment, there are a lot of sources of these types of estrogens.
Phytoestrogens (estrogens from plant sources) are common in soy products and in hops.
Yes, that means beer has lots of estrogen in it.
Synthetic estrogens come in many forms.
The most common source of synthetic estrogens is plastics.
A good rule here is that you never want to heat food in a plastic container.
Don’t drink hot coffee out of styrofoam and don’t drink water that’s been in a plastic water bottle if you can help it.
Avoiding phytoestrogens and synthetic estrogens can help your body have more balanced hormone production.
And that can help you keep your prostate healthy in the long run.
—–Curious about reducing estrogen? Important Message—–
Lowering estrogen this way is the only path to great health for a man.
As our estrogen falls, the testosterone that we produce can take over and perform its rightful function.
(And too much estrogen can actually suppress testosterone production.)
But there’s an easy way to drop estrogen in a few days…
…even if you have use the plastics that raise estrogen.
Here’s how to drop estrogen in a few days, and raise testosterone… and even lose belly fat.

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