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We know something clearly now — inflammation starts the chain reaction responsible for cancer.
Inflammation leads to fibrosis leads to possible cancer.
Fibrosis happens after long-term inflammation.
The fibrotic tissue builds where cells are sick, and have low activity levels, and low energy levels.
The fibrosis is a defense mechanism.
But it also causes a lot of damage.
If we can stop the inflammation, we can stop the fibrosis and stop cancer from forming in many cases.
That inflammation could be in the prostate, inside penile arteries or erection chambers.
It can be inflammation in the brain, heart valve, kidney, or liver.
It’s possible for pancreatic inflammation eventually to cause the death of the beta cells and then diabetes.
Even before the beta cells die, inflammation can cause the cells to be in a chronically low energy state where they cannot metabolize sugar.
That means type two diabetes.
It’s clear that if we can lower inflammation, we can stop the progression of fibrosis and cancer.
It turns out that one of the key ways that fibrosis builds up has to do with what are called matrix metalloproteinases.
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These are enzymes that create collagen, scar tissue like tangled strands of protein.
And as you’ll see in the name they have metal in them.
One of the worst metals is iron.
We need a little bit of iron to oxygenate our blood, but often we have too much iron, and the body cannot get rid of it.
The iron build up can lead to severe metabolic illness, Alzheimer’s, and death.
It’s a severely under-recognized problem.
They even forced food manufacturers to put toxic iron into flour and grains in the United States and other Western countries.
It’s a terrible tragedy that we get too much iron in our diet when we should be trying to get rid of iron — especially as we age.
In this study, they gave rats higher levels of this fibrosis enzyme.
And they watch what happened in the rats’ brains.
Doctors think that fibrosis enzymes are responsible for not just penile and liver fibrosis, but also fibrosis in the brain.
And it is that fibrosis which may lead to Alzheimer’s.
What the scientist discovered is this.
Periodically, when brain cells or other cells are low on oxygen, these fibrosis enzymes are activated.
It’s the process of being low on oxygen that activates the fibrosis enzymes, the metalloproteinases, to create tangled scar tissue we call fibrosis.
And then scientist discovered a solution.
Pretreatment with metalloproteinase inhibitor significantly decreased fibrosis activity and increased DNA repair enzymes…it decreased accumulation of oxidative DNA damage, and promoted neuronal survival.
So that’s all a good thing.
By inhibiting the formation of these fibrosis enzymes, the brain cells were able to recover more quickly and suffer less damage.
The path is clearer towards slowing down or preventing fibrosis in the tissues — including the brain and penile tissues.
This is a very valuable thing.
Because too many of these fibrosis enzymes not only increase the chances of diabetes, stroke, and Alzheimer’s — they also contribute to penile fibrosis.
And they contribute to the formation of cancer in the body.
So it’s very valuable to lower these fibrosis enzyme levels in the body.
There are many things you can do to lower this fibrosis phenomenon.
Now, there are many things that you can do to prevent this fibrosis — including lowering your iron intake.
Drink more coffee.
Give blood periodically — which drains the body of excess iron.
And take aspirin.
In this study, they showed how aspirin actually inhibits the formation of these fibrosis enzymes, metalloproteinase.
And it also prevents tumors from spreading through perhaps the same mechanism.
These mechanisms will help slow down, prevent, or even reverse penile fibrosis, hardening of the arteries, and fibrosis in the liver, kidney, and heart valve.
Another crucial step is lowering iron and all heavy-metal levels.
And make sure your cells are well oxygenated and energized.
These steps can make you live a long healthy and sexually active life.

Aspirin Inhibits Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Activity, Increases E-Cadherin Production, and Inhibits in Vitro Invasion of Tumor Cells
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