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Drug companies are currently extremely focused on trying to create a drug that increases allopregnanolone in the brain.
They are furiously trying to find synthetic drugs they can patent that can raise allopregnanolone.
Allopregnenolone fixes things such as epilepsy and post-traumatic stress disorder.
But there’s already a natural substance that does this.
And in most places in the world, you can get this very easily and inexpensively.
It’s called pregnenolone.
Pregnenolone makes you feel good.
It counters depression and anxiety.
Pregnenolone works probably by boosting allopregnenolone levels in the brain.
But it does so many more things, and that is the focus of this study.
Researchers administered pregnenolone to mental health patients.
They started low and ramped up to dosages that ended up being 500 mg a day.
This is a very good double-blind experiment.
So some of the patients were getting pregnenolone, and some were getting a placebo.
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The study lasted for eight weeks, and they were working with schizophrenic patients.
The researchers found that that high levels of allopregnenolone correlated with much lower symptoms among these patients.
You can see the hormone changes from the pregnenolone were pretty dramatic:
I’ve highlighted the allopregnenolone column to show you how much it went up.
It went from about 100 to about 800 after only eight weeks!
This correlates with dramatically better mood, lower anxiety, lower depression, and lower symptoms.
So, what is pregnenolone?
Pregnenolone is a steroid hormone that is used as a building block for many other hormones.
It comes from cholesterol like all of the other steroid hormones.
And then the pregnenolone becomes various steroid hormones including testosterone, estradiol, cortisol, DHT, and many others.
Most building block hormones do not have much of an effect on their own.
But it turns out that pregnenolone itself has effects on mental and physical health.
It’s called a prohormone — meaning that it forms other hormones, but it also has significant activity.
Plus, it seems pretty safe in almost any quantity.
I’ve known people who’ve taken 500 mg a day or more and been just fine.
I have never heard of any lethal dose of pregnenolone — and I do a LOT of research.
You can take almost as much as you want, although I wouldn’t take more than 500 mg at a time.
Many people may find that they do better with much smaller doses of pregnenolone.
They do best with dosages such as 5 mg or 10 mg or 20 mg each day.
This is because some of the pregnenolone becomes progesterone.
And while progesterone is very helpful for men, too much progesterone can cause penile numbness and erectile dysfunction.
Some progesterone is very important to oppose estrogen, though.
And pregnenolone is extremely helpful for most men because it lowers estrogen levels.
Plus it raises allopregnenolone levels in their brain.
You don’t have to be a mental patient to benefit from pregnenolone.
I take about five or 10 mg a day myself and find it super helpful.
I don’t enjoy doses over this, but this dose seems magical for me.
You might want to try it yourself.
But as usual, talk to your doctor first.
I’m not a medical person, and I can’t tell you what to do or take any responsibility.
That’s your job.
So what should you do now?
Consider trying pregnenolone, talk to your doctor about it.
If you suffer anxiety or depression, you may find that it’s extremely useful.
If you’re having sleep problems, you might find it very useful for that too.
Like any drug or supplement, pregnenolone can certainly do some strange things.
So listen to your body carefully.
Start with a low dose and see how it goes.
If you decide to try it, make sure you talk to your doctor first.

- Proof-of-Concept Trial with the Neurosteroid Pregnenolone Targeting Cognitive and Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3427920/ - https://www.lifeextension.com/Magazine/2004/6/report_preg/Page-01
- https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2005/11/aas/Page-01
Drug companies are furiously trying to invent a drug that will increase allopregnanolone in the brain. Allopregnanolone has been found to help with everything from epilepsy to post-traumatic stress disorder.
What many people don’t realize is that there’s a natural substance that does the same things. In the vast majority of the world, you can get it easily and cheaply. It’s called pregnenolone. Simply put, pregnenolone is a “feel-good” substance. It counters depression and anxiety.
A study observing the effects of pregnenolone on mental health patients backed this up.
The scientists had two groups of schizophrenic patients. With one group, they administered pregnenolone, starting with low doses and ending at 500 mg a day. The study took eight weeks in total.
The other group received a placebo.
The researchers noted that high levels of allopregnanolone (the result of the administered pregnenolone) corresponded to much milder symptoms in the patients.
The results were dramatic. Levels of allopregnanolone increased eightfold over the course of the study.
This correlated with a better overall mood, lower anxiety, and lower depression in these patients.
Like all other steroid hormones, pregnenolone comes from cholesterol, and is used as a building block for many other hormones.
Pregnenolone is what’s known as a prohormone — meaning that it forms other hormones, but it also has significant activity on its own. Many building block hormones don’t have much impact independently, but pregnenolone, as is clear, can improve mental health all by itself.
As I said, you can find pregnenolone supplements at most vitamin shops around. As with everything, moderation is the key. This is because some of the pregnenolone becomes progesterone. Excess progesterone can create problems with erectile dysfunction.
It should be obvious by now that you don’t have to be a mental patient to benefit from pregnenolone.
2. Is allopregnenolone supplement safe to use?
Drug companies are furiously trying to invent a drug that will increase allopregnanolone in the brain. Allopregnanolone has been found to help with everything from epilepsy to post-traumatic stress disorder.
What many people don’t realize is that there’s a natural substance that does the same things. In the vast majority of the world, you can get it easily and cheaply. It’s called pregnenolone.
Simply put, pregnenolone is a “feel-good” substance. It counters depression and anxiety.
Studies have shown a clear correlation between pregnenolone and better moods, lower anxiety, and lower depression.
So, if you get your hands on a pregnenolone supplement, the next question is: What’s an ideal dose?
Luckily, it seems that pregnenolone is safe in almost any quantity. Some men take up to 500 mg a day and report that they’re just fine. There is not a lethal dose of pregnenolone that’s been discovered at this point (that’s good news, right?)
Oftentimes, people find that a fraction of that amount works just fine for them. Dosages like 5, 10, or 20 mg a day are ideal for these folks.
Too much pregnenolone may not be a great idea, health-wise, because some of it will become progesterone. Some progesterone is good in countering excess estrogen; however, too much can cause penile numbness and erectile dysfunction. It’s a mantra of mine: Moderation in all things! No need to overdo it.
If you find yourself suffering from anxiety, depression, or even insomnia, consider giving it a try. Start with a low dose and gauge the effects on your body and brain. Consult with your doctor, if you feel like you need a second opinion.
As I said, it could present a cheaper and more natural alternative to expensive anti-depressants.
3. What is the approximated pregnenolone dosage?
Pregnenolone is a little-known hormone which has been found to boost memory, help in fighting fatigue and improves the mental functioning among humans. It also improves concentration, aids in injury recovery and is known as a great mood enhancer. Pregnenolone like other hormones such as testosterone and cortisol are natural hormones that are essential for human survival. Pregnenolone is also known as mother of all hormones in the human body. Depending on the needs of the given moment, the body can convert Pregnenolone into Progesterone. Also, the Pregnenolone molecule can convert to make the stress hormone which is also known as cortisol and the molecule aldosterone which is very important for the regulation of blood pressure.
For an average adult male, his body produces around 14mg of Pregnenolone per day. The Pregnenolone concentrations are higher in the brain than the blood plasma, which is why its importance is more related to the mental functioning of the human body. One another benefit of Pregnenolone is that it lowers the effects of depression in humans. Since Pregnenolone is mostly found in the cerebrospinal fluid, it is beneficial in aiding individuals to heal who have severe spinal injuries. Among those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, Pregnenolone lessens swelling and associated pain as it changes the permeability of cell membranes. Some studies have shown that an approximated Pregnenolone dosage of less than 300 mg is sufficient for adults. In adults suffering from stress issues, a 50mg of Pregnenolone is considered optimal. For men suffering from depression issues the usual dosage administered is 25 – 75 mg of Pregnenolone. To lower excess cholesterol the usual dosage beneficial is between 200 – 250 mg of Pregnenolone.
Ehmm does that table not also show that estradiol went up by a factor of 10x?
That is much more of a big increase than progesterone (which you do mention in your article).
Even for menopausal women with very low estradiol levels, such a huge increase would be worrying…
let alone for men.