So many men get this wrong… but it’s not their fault…
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Strange reason why men need to eat more sugar
Hey, Matt Cook here, and everyone is against sugar.
Doctors say sugar is bad.
Diet gurus say sugar is bad.
Everyone who is anyone in the health industry seems to hate sugar.
But why?
What if I told you that everything you’ve ever been told about sugar is WRONG?
What if I showed you exactly how men can benefit from eating MORE sugar?
Watch this quick video I made — it explains everything
Which is better – sugar or fat?
Hey, Matt Cook here, and many countries are experiencing an exploding obesity epidemic.
This has been a slow moving disaster for decades.
Researchers and public figures continue to debate the causes of obesity.
This debate focuses on dietary fat intake versus carbohydrates and sugar.
Many commentators focus on theories about obscure hormones or very short-term human studies.
But there is a large amount of evidence showing that gut bacteria lie at the crux of the matter.
These bacteria poison cellular metabolism once they get into the bloodstream – causing weight gain and other health problems.
Too much dietary fat transports these bacteria into the bloodstream where they do the damage.
This broad ranging animal and human research was carried out at the INSERM Institute in Toulouse, France. The results were published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
The impact of different nutritional strategies on obesity can be difficult to comprehend.
It is made easier when you take into account the role of bacteria.
Part of the structure of some bacteria called lipopolysaccharide or endotoxin has a major effect on weight gain.
“The bridge between food intake and weight is not fully understood. Recently, the role of gut microbiota and bacterial lipopolysaccharides in weight has been noted.”
This research was carried out to learn more about the effects of this bacterial toxin on weight gain…
…and to understand the effect of nutrition on the dispersal of this toxin into the blood.
“The objective was to evaluate the relationship between plasma lipopolysaccharide concentration and food intake.”
This bacterial toxin can cause damage in the gut – but when it leaks into the bloodstream in large amounts it poisons the whole body.
The researchers wanted to know how diet affects the levels of bacterial toxins entering into the blood.
Blood levels are a good predictor of metabolic problems like obesity and type 2 diabetes.
First the researchers carried out a large-scale food survey. Over 1,000 participants were recruited.
They had their 3-day food intake analyzed.
“A dietary survey was conducted in 1015 subjects randomly recruited in France. The participants were given oral and written instructions on how to keep a consecutive 3-d food record.”
The researchers then selected over 200 men from this group to have blood samples taken.
Blood samples were analyzed to assess the levels of bacterial lipopolysaccharide.
“Plasma lipopolysaccharide was measured in a subsample of 201 men.”
The researchers then looked at the relationship between diet and this bacterial toxin in the blood.
The researchers found that high levels of dietary fat were associated with high levels of the bacterial toxin.
Higher energy intake – overeating in general – was also associated with this metabolic poison.
“Positive correlations were observed with fat and energy intake.”
Eating a lot of fat weakens the gut barrier and pulls these bacterial fragments into the blood when they cause obesity.
“Experimental data suggest that fat was more efficient in transporting bacterial LPS from the gut lumen into the bloodstream.”
The researchers also carried out experiments on mice. The mice were fed 1 of 2 types of high energy diets.
Some mice ate a high-energy, high-fat diet. The other mice ate a high-energy, high carbohydrate diet.
These experiments confirmed the findings in humans.
High-fat diets increase bacterial lipopolysaccharide.
High-carb diets do not increase this obesity-linked toxin.
“Compared with the control mice, mice fed a high-energy diet showed an increase in plasma LPS. However, in mice fed a high-carbohydrate diet, the increase in plasma LPS was blunted compared with mice fed a high-fat diet.”
Calories do matter – but there is far more to the story…
Excess calories from fat leads to increased bacteria in the blood and increased risk of obesity, type II diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
“The results of this study add to the knowledge of mechanisms responsible for relations between food intake and metabolic diseases.”
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health-related problems.
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Drink this to wash fat out of the blood vessels
When men are eating a lot of fat, it eventually starts piling up in the blood vessels.
I call it blood fat.
And this blood fat travels all around the body, polluting the organs, even the penis.
And the result is inflammation, belly fat, low T, and erections problems.
All from blood fat!
Luckily, there’s a super easy way to remove harmful blood fat from the body…
It’s a special drink I call “Fat Block” that cleanses the arteries from blood fat.
It even helps remove blood fat from the penile chambers!