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—-Important Message—-

Take this quick longevity quiz

Answer these 3 questions — then prepare to be shocked as you discover the real answers:

  1. Is it better to have blood pressure of 160/90 or 105/75?
  2. Is it better to have a resting heart rate of 80, or 55?
  3. Is it better to have a body temperature of 98 or 97?

Discover the answers here (#2 may surprise you)


This is the biggest risk for dementia (not in your genes)

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…

Genetics are not your destiny when it comes to health.

While there are a few very severe genetic conditions that can cause massive health issues…

…most health issues are a tangle of genetic components, lifestyle, and the kind of food you put into your body.

When you understand that you can influence your health dramatically by how you live…

…it gives you a lot of power over your wellbeing and your life.

You can’t guarantee that you’ll be healthy well into old age…

…but you sure can do a lot to put yourself in a position to be as healthy as possible.

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In a study from Oxford University and the University of Exeter…

…researchers compared the risk of getting dementia when a person has a genetic predisposition vs. when they have heart disease.

What they found was that if you have heart disease, you are MORE likely to develop dementia then if you have a genetic predisposition to dementia.

Having multiple conditions that affect the heart are linked to a greater risk of dementia than having high genetic risk, according to a large-scale new study.

This sounds like bad news – especially if you have heart conditions.

But I don’t believe that it is.

I think that a lot of people give far too much credit to their genetics when it comes to health, and adopt a type of fatalistic attitude.

To me, knowing that heart conditions create high risk for dementia gives me tools and insight…

Tools and insight that I can use to help prevent dementia in myself.

This is particularly important because of dementia, which runs in my family.

We found that having such heart-related conditions is linked to dementia risk to a greater extent than genetic risk. So whatever genetic risk you were born with, you can potentially make a big impact on reducing risk of dementia by looking after heart and metabolic health throughout life.

This was a large study of over 200,000 people.

One of the things that I found the most interesting was that in a subsection of 12,000 people they had brain scan data.

The difference between heart disease damage to the brain vs. genetic damage to the brain was striking.

They also had brain imaging data for over 12,000 participants, and found widespread damage across the brain for those with more than one cardiometabolic condition. By contrast, high genetic risk was linked to deterioration only in specific parts of the brain.

People with heart disease had damage to the brain that was more widespread than those with genetic risk.

I don’t want you to get depressed if you currently have heart disease. It’s not too late to make a difference in your brain health.

By protecting your heart, you will protect your brain and you can make changes even if you already have problems with your heart.

The evidence is clear that what’s good for your heart is also good for your head. A person’s risk of developing dementia is a complex mix of their age, their genes, and aspects of their lifestyle.

One of the reasons why I develop my Transformations is to give people more power over their health and their lives.

When I was a young man, I was in the hospital on a regular basis because of asthma.

I had to learn techniques to heal myself because the doctor’s answers were inadequate.

If you want to have better health you have to take the reins on it yourself.

The good news is you can…

—-Important Message About Joining My Incredible Transformations—-

How to get an All Access Pass to ALL of my discoveries, protocols, methods, and breakthroughs

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With an All Access Pass, you are embarking on an amazing journey of discovery with access to…

  • Our Weekly Experiment Podcasts
  • Transformation Classes
  • Video Protocols
  • Daily Discoveries
  • Breakthrough Bonus Reports
  • Healthy to 120 eBook
  • Romance to 120 eBook

If you’ve ever been skiing, this All Access Pass works like a lift ticket…

You get full access to everything for however long your All Access Pass is active.

And because this is the very first time I’m ever doing this, I’m going to make you a one-time special offer…

You see, normally all of these courses and Transformations and protocols would cost thousands and thousands of dollars…

But with an All Access Pass, you get it all for just a tiny fraction of that.

Today, when you try out this new solo activity for men for just $5.00, you get your own All Access Pass along with it.

And I know you’re going to love this. In fact, I had you in mind when I decided to make this offer.

So just go here to sign up for Raging Sexual Confidence and you’ll get your very own All Access Pass for just 5 bucks!
