Here’s how you should be doing it

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Do you penetrate her this way? (it’s an orgasm killer)
Fun fact: The clitoris’ one and only function is pleasure.
But the irony is… the female orgasm is often viewed as being magical and difficult to produce.
For men it’s easy. The big O just shows up without you even needing to cultivate it.
But when it comes to women, it becomes frustrating when she can’t climax.
Who doesn’t want more pleasure? Your woman sure does!
Turns out that getting her to climax powerfully and continuously all boils down to a simple but unique method of penetrating her…
…a method that you can use to produce more (and better!) O’s for her.
So I think it’s really important you hear everything about this…
Even the juicy details…
Find a private place though… this is definitely NOT PG-13
How to tell if you are suffering from candida overgrowth
Although Candida overgrowth is generally seen as a minor inconvenience, it can actually be disabling — even fatal.
Death and disability can occur after it goes systemic, after which it’s called either candidemia when found in the blood, or systemic candidiasis when other organs are also affected.
Epidemiologists generally estimate that a little over 10,000 Americans die per year from this, with many more becoming infected. The fatality rate is around 36%.
Of course many more Americans are infected but go undiagnosed and uncounted.
The total amount exceeds the CONFIRMED cases and would necessarily number in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people.
When considering all individual species separately, C. albicans is the single most common hospital-acquired infection — it’s also the most fatal.
Candidemia is associated with antibiotic use and also with corticosteroids (i.e. prednisone, cortisone).
Since the use of IV catheters has historically been associated with this condition, earlier researchers had thought all invasive yeast could have come exclusively through the skin.
But since oral antibiotics are correlated more strongly– odds ratios are as high as 30.51× — than all the surgery and catheters combined, there had always been the suspicion of another route of entry.
‘These infections make up 5% to 15% of all hospital- acquired infections, and in the United States affect at least 120,000 patients annually. The crude (overall) mortality rate for these infections ranges from 25% to 49% when all pathogens have been considered.’ —Wey
But even assuming that gastrointestinal absorption must occur — nearly demanded by statistical data — there had still been some uncertainty.
There’s the theoretical possibility that absorption must depend on C. albicans first transforming into the hyphal form and then penetrating the gut.
And that oral candidiasis is absorbed through small abrasions.
But it’s likely that none of these actually occur much at all.
The other speculations had been put to rest in 1969 after it had been convincingly shown that yeast cells can freely pass through the gut lining even in healthy people:

After reading the Volkheimer studies demonstrating micron-sized starch particles can be absorbed intact, English doctors decided to test similarly-sized yeast cells.
A new term was invented called persorption, made to distinguish this from the type of absorption already known to occur at the time — that of much smaller nano-sized molecules such as lipids, glucose, and free amino acids.
Why this concept isn’t found in textbooks today is anyone’s guess.
It was proven in the ‘90s that an entire enzyme — pineapple bromelain — could be absorbed intact while retaining its full activity…
A phenomenon then subsequently confirmed by independent researchers.
But even if you could predict this would happen based on the sizes of other particles already shown to be persorbed, it’s quite another thing to actually prove it.
So an intrepid English surgeon of 36 years old and healthy ingested one trillion C. albicans cells.
As one of the study’s lead authors, this was also an autobiographical case report.
So all observations were ESPECIALLY accurate.
Blood samples were collected every few hours and urine samples a bit more frequently.
The samples were cultured and found to contain the very same strain of C. albicans, first appearing around the 3 hours post-ingestion.
So it is conclusive: whole yeast cells can be absorbed by healthy humans and without any preliminary infection.
This study could make even the most dedicated beer drinker consider opting for distilled beer next time.
One trillion yeast cells may seem like a bit much, but this amount of C. albicans was actually calculated beforehand to match that found in patients who’d taken antibiotics.
‘Therefore, the quantity of 10¹² cells in the whole gut is comparable to the number of fungi in the intestinal tract after oral administration of antibiotics. Persorption of living Candida may therefore account for certain cases of systemic candidiasis which have followed oral administration of large doses of antibiotics.’ ―Krause
So yeast cells can disseminate, more-or-less freely, through the gut and into the bloodstream.
This is perhaps why some people with Candida overgrowth and a high glucose intake have blood ethanol concentrations 3× the legal limit.
Sodium fluoride is now routinely added to blood samples drawn from suspected drunk drivers.
It’s been found that when this isn’t done, unfairly high readings are sometimes observed.
Yeast cells which exist in blood samples create ethanol from residual glucose, and are presumed to come from the skin — but there’s actually more reason to assume they’d been there all along.
Besides yeast cells of 120μm diameter, you would expect the smaller bacterial cells to have similar or greater absorption capabilities.
Bacterial blood infections are also common.
‘The speed of persorption is astonishing, as shown by the interval between administration and the toxic reaction, and the timing of the positive blood and urine samples. […] the amount that reached the bloodstream was sufficient to cause a violent reaction.’ ―Krause
Besides bacteria, yeast, and enzymes being absorbed whole, perhaps it is most important to never forget about the first particles discovered to do this — Volkheimer’s starch particles.
This is because starch has been shown to travel to the brain in animals, and also because it’s been found in the obscure human condition called Lafora’s disease.
To the relief of Nabisco, Kellogg, and General Mills, genetic enzyme-based explanations had been invoked to describe this pathological brain amyloid deposit.
But those explanations fail on account of Lafora’s patients being found with normal starch-storing enzyme activity more often than not.
Although human glycogen is similar to plant amylopectin — they differ only in the extent of branching — these close relatives can be differentiated on account of the slight shade difference using the Lugol’s iodine stain, and this can be measured accurately.
The brain deposits of polysaccharide seen in dementia more closely resemble plant starch than they do glycogen.
But this happens only with dry starch such as found in stale bread and potato chips, so wet starch is safe in this regard.
Wet starch will slowly absorb water and become gelatined, and will do so more quickly when heated.
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Pfaller, M. "Epidemiology of invasive candidiasis: a persistent public health problem." Clinical microbiology reviews (2007) http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Krause, W. "Fungaemia and funguria after oral administration of Candida albicans." The Lancet (1969) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140673669915347
Volkheimer, G. "The phenomenon of persorption." Digestion (1968) https://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/196856
Castell, J. "Intestinal absorption of undegraded proteins in men: presence of bromelain in plasma after oral intake." American Journal of Physiology (1997) http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Yokoi, S. "Biochemical studies on tissues from a patient with Lafora disease." Clin. Chim. Acta (1975) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/170019