Why are low-carb diets bad?

Why are low-carb diets bad?

November 15, 2016 Matt Cook 0

[cmamad id=”4567″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””] I was one of the original big believers in low-carb diets. But knowing risks of low-carb diets now, I […]

Increase DHT with exercise

Increase DHT with exercise

November 14, 2016 Matt Cook 0

[cmamad id=”4565″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””] Do you ever wonder if you can increase testosterone with exercise? It can be difficult to figure it out […]

High blood pressure medications disrupt erections

High blood pressure medications disrupt erections

November 13, 2016 Matt Cook 0

[cmamad id=”4563″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””]Today’s new miracle drug for blood pressure are ACE inhibitors. ACE (angiotensin-converting-enzyme) inhibitors cause the relaxation of blood vessels. Since […]

Erectile dysfunction drugs cause cancer

Erectile dysfunction drugs cause cancer

November 12, 2016 Matt Cook 0

[cmamad id=”4561″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””] Drugs and erectile dysfunction go hand in hand. All of the medications for erectile dysfunction are known as phosphodiesterase […]

Does green tea affect thyroid?

Does green tea affect thyroid?

November 11, 2016 Matt Cook 0

[cmamad id=”4457″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””] Green tea is a huge trend. Green tea is supposed to be really good for you, but is it? […]

Women get aroused as quickly as men do

Women get aroused as quickly as men do

November 9, 2016 Matt Cook 0

[cmamad id=”4453″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””]There are researchers that study arousal, and we love them for it. We can learn a lot about how to […]

Can Estrogen cause prostate cancer?

Can Estrogen cause prostate cancer?

November 8, 2016 Matt Cook 2

[cmamad id=”4451″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””] It’s been well known that there are many dangers of estrogen, the biggest being that estrogen is carcinogenic. And […]

Can you be in love forever?

Can you be in love forever?

November 7, 2016 Matt Cook 0

[cmamad id=”4449″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””] This newsletter is exceptionally interesting because it shows you how to stay in love forever. What do you think […]

Sexual side effects of prostatectomy

Increase testosterone levels when aging

November 6, 2016 Matt Cook 0

[cmamad id=”4447″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””] In this newsletter, I want to talk about what factors influence testosterone and estrogen levels as a man gets […]