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3 worst treatments for pain
If you have knee pain, then you know that it can be excruciating to deal with.
Knee pain hurts – plain and simple.
But 3 of the most popular treatments for knee pain – steroids, surgery, and NSAIDs – might be doing more harm than good.
Steroids and NSAIDs are very good at relieving pain in the short-term, but can end up damaging knees MORE in the long-term.
And surgery, while expensive and invasive, doesn’t improve pain or mobility outcomes.
Considering how common all 3 of these treatment methodologies are…
…it’s a little bit on the crazy side that none of these treatments work well over the long-term.
But I’ve found that health is often like this…
Big Medical and Big Pharma will promote short-term wins over long-term function in order to make money.
It shouldn’t be that way, but money is a powerful motivator.
In a study published in the JAMA Network, researchers gave 3 different treatments to a group of 140 patients with knee issues.
Half the patients were given corticosteroid triamcinolone shots, and half got placebo shots of salt water (saline).
The steroid shots didn’t give more pain relief than the cortisone shots.
But the steroid shots DID create more cartilage loss in the knee then the saline shots.
“The use of MRI in this study enabled direct quantitation of cartilage and soft-tissue structures and showed more cartilage loss in the triamcinolone group than in the saline group.”
Losing cartilage in your knee is NOT a good thing. It increases the risk of knee pain getting worse!
The researchers concluded that this study did not support the use of steroid injections for people who have knee arthritis.
“These findings do not support this treatment for patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis.”
Arthroscopic Surgery
Another popular treatment for knee pain is arthroscopic surgery.
As I mentioned before, this type of surgery is EXPENSIVE, and costs patients in the US over $3 billion dollars a year.
In a study published in the BMJ, doctors found that knee pain wasn’t helped at all in the long-term by arthroscopic surgery of the knee!
“The panel is confident that arthroscopic knee surgery does not, on average, result in an improvement in long-term pain or function. Most patients will experience an important improvement in pain and function without arthroscopy.”
It’s a lot of money and time off work to spend on an intervention that doesn’t really work all that well.
Treatments like Advil and Aleve are widely taken for knee pain.
The challenge with these treatments is that they work in the short-term.
But in the long-term they don’t work. In fact, in the long-term they cause joint damage to the knees!
The results showed no long-term benefit of NSAID use. Joint inflammation and cartilage quality were worse at baseline in the participants taking NSAIDs, compared to the control group, and worsened at four-year follow-up.
To me… all of this is just bonkers. These 3 major treatments either don’t help knee pain long-term or make it WORSE.
I’m not saying that you shouldn’t use them.
But if you do, you should understand that the long-term results aren’t shown to be helpful.
That way you can make an informed decision about your medical care.
After all, you are the person that’s going to care the most about YOUR health.
—-Important Message for Men in Pain—-
This cheap supermarket supplement boosts men’s libido while treating chronic pain
It costs less than a few bucks at almost any grocery store…
And it starts working immediately, as soon as you take it…
It naturally gives men a huge boost in T which makes libido skyrocket…
And all the while, it’s relieving your chronic aches and pains that never seem to go away with normal pain treatments.
And it’s just a simple supermarket supplement that Big Pharma hopes you never find out about…