Omega 3 fats – good or bad for men?

This is everything they’re not saying about fish oil and other omega-3 fats


Matt Cook here, and most men are under the impression that omega-3 fats like fish oil are really good for health.

But I purposefully avoid fish oil supplements for one very good reason…

And it has a lot to do with men’s natural ability in the bedroom…

—-Important Message From Kyle Bonnstetter—-

I’m peeing like a racehorse now thanks to this nutrient that supports powerful streams AND boosts rockiness

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So instead of kicking off the sheets and stumbling to the bathroom 3, 4, or even 5 times a night or more…

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And instead of failing to rise to the occasion in the bedroom…

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…because this nutrient will help any man pee like a racehorse, sleep like a rock, and have sex like a juvenile bull


Omega 3 fats — good or bad for men?

I’m not a fan of unstable polyunsaturated fats – those fats which are found in vegetable oil and fish oil.

Finally, after decades of research showing the detrimental effects of vegetable oils, most people are getting the message that they are dangerous.

But fish oil supplements remain one of the most profitable “nutrients” on the market.

The argument is that the omega-3 fats found in fish oils are anti-inflammatory.

And this is true in a certain sense.

But they suppress the immune system in order to lower inflammation – and they have many other detrimental effects.

When you look at the whole picture you have to conclude that omega-3 fats from fish oils or other sources should be avoided.

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These animal experiments were carried out at The University of Maine. The findings were published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.

This investigation consisted of wide ranging animal research.

The researchers fed 6 different diets to groups of mice for periods of months.

The diets varied by the types and amounts of fats provided to the animals.

The animals were given different amounts of stable saturated fats, alongside the unstable omega-3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated fats.

Mice fed the high omega-3 diet gained less weight and seem to have better blood sugar control.

“Mice fed the omega-3 polyunsaturated diet for 16 weeks displayed a striking reduction in weight gain and improved glucose sensitivity.”

If that’s all this study reported, then you might conclude that fish oil supplementation, providing plenty of omega-3, is a great idea.

If you’ve ever considered supplementing fish oil, you’ve probably come across the idea that it needs to be fresh fish oil to get the benefits.

You don’t want rancid, oxidized fish oil, everyone agrees that that is harmful.

But the thing is that fish oil is oxidized inside the body. It “goes rancid” by a natural process called lipid peroxidation.

In the experiments, the researchers discovered toxic effects of omega-3 caused by lipid peroxidation.

“We demonstrated for the first time that lipid-peroxidised omega 3 enriched diets led to lipotoxicity of white adipose tissue.”

They found a number of alarming effects caused by oxidized omega-3 in the body.

The first was an increase in fibrosis.

Fibrosis is the growth of and infiltration of scar tissue into the organs.

Heart problems, liver problems, and even erections problems are all caused by fibrosis.

“Omega-3 lipotoxicity was evidenced by increased fibrosis.”

Fibrosis is one of the major drivers of age-related changes and age-related disease.

The researchers also found an excessive accumulation of lipofuscin.

Lipofuscin is the substance which makes up “age spots” or “liver spots.”

“We demonstrated that peroxidised omega 3 led to increased lipofuscin.”

Lipofuscin is not just a cosmetic condition.

It’s a build up of cells, caused by the breakdown of fatty acids and iron accumulation.

Lipofuscin is linked to many diseases – and it is essentially the body’s way of trying to quarantine large amounts of toxic substances consumed in the diet.

The researchers also uncovered nervous system problems in the mice given large amounts of omega-3 fat.

After only 4 months of the diet!

“A peroxidised omega 3 enriched diet led to loss of proper nerve supply.”

There is a lot of weight behind the idea that omega-3 fats are good for your health.

And the authors reinforced this statement in their conclusion…

Even while acknowledging the major problems caused by the breakdown of omega-3 fats in the body.

“While helpful, omega-3 fats are prone to peroxidation and we observed peroxidase had lipid metabolites in the adipose tissue of mice in these diets.”

One of the reasons why so many people are positive about omega-3 fats is the false belief that they are essential.

I have debunked this idea many times in other articles, and when you understand that omega-3 fats are not essential but harmful, it puts everything in a different light.

—-Important Message From Matt Cook About Toxic Fats—-

How to avoid the deadliest fat of all — the killer lipid lurking in the food supply

Nearly 100 years ago, manufacturing companies started contaminating food with a toxic killer lipid…

And now today, it’s in almost every single food item we eat.

It’s in fast food, organic food, so-called “healthy” foods — every single food at the grocery store is full of this toxic fat.

And it’s doing terrible things to men’s bodies…

Unfortunately, there’s almost no way to avoid eating this killer lipid nowadays. It’s in too much of the food supply…

But I’ve finally discovered a way to safely destroy this killer lipid once it enters our bodies — BEFORE it gets in the bloodstream and wreaks havoc in our cells and organs.

Here’s how to destroy this killer lipid (this can save you from obesity, diabetes, erections problems, and even Alzheimer’s)



Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.
A peroxidized omega-3-enriched polyunsaturated diet leads to adipose and metabolic dysfunction