Not one man died who was taking this – but without it everyone died

And most men are low — are you getting enough?


Matt Cook here, and there’s one vital hormone that most men are deficient in…

And this one hormone is responsible for producing energy in the body.

It helps our cells stay healthy, recover from illness, and it helps prevent chronic diseases, even heart failure…

It can also make men live longer.

So here’s how to make sure you’re getting enough…

—-Important Message From John Collins—-

Warning for guys about getting bigger

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Not one man died who was taking this — but without it, everyone died

T3 — the active thyroid hormone — is needed by every cell in the body in order to catalyze the production of energy from fat and sugar.

If you don’t have enough T3, then your cells will not be able to produce adequate energy.

Energy is required for moving around and getting your body to do work in the world.

But energy is also required for building and repairing the structure of the body.

Energy production (triggered by T3) is especially important during illness.

T3 levels determine how quickly and how fully we can recover from illness. 

In critical cases, it can mean the difference between life and death.

Respiratory failure occurs when people cannot breathe for themselves.

It’s a major cause of death and low T3 plays a major role in this killer condition.

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The human research was carried out at Pulmonary Institute and Respiratory Intensive Care Unit, R. Silvestrini Hospital, Perugia, Italy.

The results were published in the European Journal of Endocrinology.

Low levels of thyroid hormone T3 predict the risk of developing many chronic diseases. 

This low-energy state also predicts the risk of death for things like heart failure.

“Various low T3 states have been associated with a poor prognosis in cardiovascular disease patients.”

This study was designed to see if this relationship held true for another major killer — respiratory failure.

“We assessed thyroid function in patients with severe respiratory failure from pulmonary disorders needing invasive or noninvasive mechanical ventilation.”

The research looked at 32 people who had been admitted to hospital with severe respiratory failure.

They were tracked over the course of their hospital stay up to the point where they released or succumbed to the condition.

People with severe acute respiratory failure had exceptionally high rates of low thyroid hormone.

“T3 levels were below normal in 53% of patients.”

This means that half of the people with this life-threatening condition had their ability to recover crippled — because they could not produce enough energy.

Low levels of thyroid hormone were clearly tied to disease markers which can predict the risk of death. 

This is something called the APACHE II score, which doctors use to estimate how severe a patient’s condition is.

Low T3 was also tied to gas exchange in the body — something which tells us how well the lungs are functioning — the keystone issue in respiratory failure.

“T3 was correlated with gas levels and APACHE II score.”

People with higher levels of thyroid hormones were better able to regulate oxygen and carbon dioxide.

They also had fewer indicators of critical disease.

The lungs and the rest of the body require T3 to recover from whatever is causing respiratory failure.

Of the 32 people in the study, 4 passed away.

100% of those who died from respiratory failure in this study had low levels of thyroid hormone.

“Of the four patients who died, T3 levels were significantly lower than in the patients who survived.”

In fact, the researchers found that low T3 was the only significant predictor of death.

“T3 was the only factor significantly associated with an increased risk of death.”

Much like other chronic and severe diseases, low thyroid hormone leads to worse outcomes in people with lung conditions leading to severe respiratory failure.

“Our preliminary data suggest that low T3 is a predictor of outcome in pulmonary patients with respiratory failure.”

Another important point about this study was that it investigated something called non-thyroidal illness syndrome.

This syndrome is diagnosed when either of the thyroid hormones (T3 or T4) are low but the TSH levels are normal.

TSH is another hormone which is normally used to assess thyroid function.

But TSH is not always accurate.

Particularly in very ill people, the TSH levels can be normal when their T3 or T4 thyroid hormones are low.

This means that many people with thyroid problems and severe illness have their low thyroid overlooked because doctors only look at TSH.

In reality, as this study shows, up to 100% of deaths in severe illness could be attributed to low levels of the active thyroid hormone T3.

—-Important Message From Matt Cook—-

One thing older men are doing to have intercourse every day

I’ve found a hidden group of men in the Eastern Bloc who are living well past 100, even 115 and 120… AND having great sex.

Not just good sex, GREAT sex. As if they are men in their prime, in their 20s and 30s!

And I’ve identified one single thing these older men are doing (that I am now doing myself) that leads to a very long and sexy life.

Keep in mind, these men routinely smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and eat what they want.

Here’s the amazing discovery that lets these men live to 115 or 120 or more and still “do it” with their wives or girlfriends.


Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.


Low triiodothyronine (T3) state: a predictor of outcome in respiratory failure? Results of a clinical pilot study