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Thanks to this new discovery, your vision may get BETTER with age.
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How to get erections ALL the time like when you were a teenager
Do you remember when you were getting woodies and semis ALL the time? When you just couldn’t shake that horny feeling? Remember?
And I’m sure you can remember that as a teenager you were also eating pizza, sub sandwiches, and anything else you wanted… And you were rail thin, right?
The difference between then and now is metabolism. Your metabolism and my metabolism are TOO slow, too low, and too cold.
Well, it turns out that if you can WARM and LIFT your metabolism, you can lose flab and still eat anything you want…
And, even better, you’re going to feel an erection starting just by spotting a pretty girl or looking at your wife.
No kidding. It’s pretty sweet to have woodies and semis all day long like you used to…
Big Pharma is working on this – of course they are.
But guess what?
We ALREADY have a simple and direct way to raise your metabolism and roll back the clock to those great erections…without using dangerous Big Pharma chemicals…
No more glasses anymore – and I’m 63
Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of loss of vision.
It occurs because of the deterioration of the back layer of the eye.
Vision problems and blindness from age-related macular decline affect more than 10 million Americans.
And researchers expect this number to double in the next 30 years.
A new study shows that oranges provide significant protection against age-related macular decline.
An orange a day could reduce your chances of age-related macular decline by over 50%.
These scientists conducted their research at the Westmead Institute for Medical Research in Australia. They published their results in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Previous studies showed that some vitamins and minerals could lower the risk of macular degeneration.
“The majority of research performed to date has examined the effects of vitamins C, E, and A on age-related macular degeneration.”
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But these researchers were curious about the beneficial effects of some other dietary nutrients – flavonoids.
Flavonoids are compounds that exist in many plants.
Research has demonstrated that a number of flavonoids have health-boosting properties.
For example, flavonoids in coffee and citrus fruits can lower the risk of obesity.
The study looked at the effect of different flavonoids on the risk of age-related macular decline.
“We aimed to assess the associations between dietary flavonoids and the prevalence and 15-y incidence of age-related macular decline.”
Almost 3,000 adults enrolled in this study. And the study spanned 15 years.
“2,856 adults aged 49 years or older baseline and 2,037 followed up 15 years later were included in prevalence and incidence analyses.”
The participants completed numerous food questionnaires throughout the trial period.
“Dietary intake was assessed by using a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire.”
The scientists then calculated the intake of different dietary flavonoids from the dietary survey data.
“Estimates of the flavonoid content of foods in the questionnaire were assessed by using the USDA Flavonoid databases.”
All of the participants underwent eye examinations.
Doctors assessed the participants’ retinas for age-related macular decline.
Statisticians then calculated the risk relationship between age-related macular decline and the various flavonoids.
Many foods contain flavonoids.
Fruits, vegetables, and nuts usually contain some combination of different flavonoids.
Higher total flavonoid intake was associated with a lower risk of macular decline.
“Overall flavonoid intake was associated with a reduced likelihood of age-related macular decline.”
As total flavonoid intake increased, the risk of age-related macular decline decreased.
“Each statistical increase in flavonoids was associated with reduced odds of the prevalence of any age-related macular decline.”
Total flavonoid intake seems to be protective against age-related macular decline.
“We suggest an independent and protective association between dietary intake of flavonoids and the likelihood of age-related macular decline.”
The scientists noted that one flavonoid called hesperidin seems to provide extra protection.
“A trend was observed between increasing the intake of total flavanone and hesperidin and reduced likelihood of age-related macular decline.”
Further analysis revealed a staggering protection offered by oranges.
The rate of age-related macular decline was 60% lower in people who ate one or more oranges per day.
“Participants who reported ≥1 serving of oranges per day had a 61% reduced risk of late age-related macular decline 15 years later than those who did not.”
The statistics showed that even one orange per week has a beneficial effect against the onset of age-related macular decline.
A diet with plenty of flavonoids can protect your eyesight…
But oranges seem to be the most protective food when it comes to age-related macular decline.
You should always consult a healthcare professional about diagnosing and treating health problems.
—–Important Message—-
Here’s how you can feel your heartbeat in your penis…
It was so strange… If I got really quiet, I could feel my whole body pulsating with every heartbeat. But my penis would never pulsate like that.
That pulsating – when it’s really intense it means that your blood pressure is super-high…
So that’s when I started taking these recently discovered vitamins – and they released all the pressure inside me…
My blood pressure reached normal within one week.
These recently discovered vitamins remove the plaque and clear the blood vessels that feed blood to the penis, blood to the heart, and blood to the tissues.
And the strangest thing happened… I lay down and I couldn’t feel the big pulsating sensation in my body anymore… That was quiet and calm…
But my penis woke up and it started pulsating. It’s like all the blood pressure went from my body and heart into my penis.

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