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Blood clots can be lethal. Here’s how to know 100% if you have one.
—–Important Message—–
This turns every sex session into a celebration
I was using every excuse to avoid having sex with her. Until…
It all changed for me overnight. Literally overnight.
It took months for me and Jodi to get on the same page completely. But meanwhile, we were having sex every day, for an hour or longer.
I don’t say it was always totally easy. Nothing connected with sex is totally easy. I don’t care what anyone tells you.
But this DID happen to me overnight.
- No more masturbating. This had been killing my performance. But I never realized it. Quitting was NOTHING, it was effortless. I still marvel at that.
- No more anxiety. It was GONE. I felt nothing but desire – no anxiety or stress.
- No more going soft. Everything just WORKED. Failing to perform was literally impossible now.
Here is the amazing simple change in focus that fixed it all for me
The No.1 warning sign that you may have a blood clot
Most of us have seen an episode of one of the zillions of hospital TV shows where someone is going to die because of a blood clot in their heart.
In these shows, there is usually some hot-shot, good-looking doctor who saves the day.
In real life, pulmonary embolisms kill 1/3 of the people who get them.
And it’s instant. You get no warning or second chances.
The worst part is that most people have to get a life-threatening DVT (deep vein thrombosis) before a doctor will even suggest treating it.
And that’s true even if you have lots of risk factors.
Which is crazy when it’s something that can kill you instantly!
Luckily, one man named James was wearing an Apple Watch that alerted him that his blood pressure was skyrocketing…
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…so he called 911 immediately and got help.
I don’t wear an Apple Watch, but I don’t want to end up in the morgue early.
I bet you don’t want to either.
So it’s important to know how to prevent the clotting that can cause pulmonary embolisms or DVT.
The big problem with DVT…
A DVT is something that most people don’t think about until it’s too late.
“DVT is a blood clot that develops within a deep vein in the body, usually in the leg, and causes swelling, aching, and difficulty walking.”
And this is a huge problem because the consequences are SEVERE.
“DVT and its complication, pulmonary embolism, have high morbidity – reducing quality of life and leading to death.”
Even if you have never had a DVT, you still need to pay attention to this if you are over 50, if you travel regularly, or if you are overweight.
Because you may STILL be at major risk.
As we get older our RISK factors often increase…
It’s no secret that as we get into our 50s and 60s we often end up with high blood pressure and we gain weight.
Both of those increase our odds of developing DVT – especially if we also travel a lot or have surgery.
But the good news is there are ways to DRAMATICALLY reduce your risk factors… now and in the future.
“Those setting off on long-haul flights should be aware of the risk of DVT, which can be triggered by immobility. There are ways to reduce your risk, such as walking around the airplane or wearing anti-DVT socks. This is even more important for people already at risk for DVT, who carry other risk factors such as old age, obesity, smoking, or being pregnant.”
But before we look at how to reduce risk, we should probably examine what CAUSES DVTs…
Inflammation strikes again…
Most of the chronic diseases that we associate with aging in men are actually the direct result of chronic inflammation in the body…
Obesity, diabetes, high-blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, and even DVT.
When you eliminate chronic inflammation from your life, a lot of these diseases go away on their own.
(We’ll get into chronic inflammation again in a bit.)
But first… I want to show you a few easy ways to reduce your risk of getting a DVT.
Move around
Humans aren’t meant to sit on their butts all day long.
Whether you work at a desk or you’re recovering from surgery, moving around is super-important to maintaining good health.
I recommend getting up and walking every half hour or so. It really helps.
It also helps to wear anti-DVT socks when you’re in a high-risk situation.
Chemical therapy
After you’ve survived a DVT, your doctor will want to put you on medication to prevent another one.
This usually means blood thinners, which have their own negative effects (but they’re better than dying).
“The current treatments for DVT, which affects around 60,000 people in the UK every year, include anti-clotting drugs such as heparin and warfarin.”
“These drugs are relatively effective but put patients at increased risk of bleeding. This is because, as well as targeting the blood clot, they also affect hemostasis, the body’s natural response to blood vessel injury and bleeding.”
But there is a new class of treatments for DVT is being examined, and it might provide prevention benefits without the risk of bleeding.
Weirdly, these are actually anti-allergy meds that are already on the market.
They work by blocking mast cells – which seems to prevent DVT, at least in mice.
“This is particularly exciting because this is a group of drugs which already exists, and some forms are approved for the treatment of allergies such as hay fever and asthma, meaning that this discovery could help people with DVT sooner rather than later…”
This could be VERY good news for people at high risk of DVT.
Hopefully, it will lower the risks of DVT with fewer negative side effects.
Back to inflammation…
Look… I’m not telling you to go off meds (or anything like that).
What I’m saying is that DVT is a serious condition that should be prevented at all costs.
And DVT goes hand in hand with other serious medical conditions that most people assume are just a fact of aging.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
If you tackle inflammation, then you can help prevent DVT and a whole slew of other medical conditions BEFORE they start.
And one of the best ways to tackle inflammation?
Get rid of PUFAs.
PUFAs are polyunsaturated fatty acids.
They are the cause of much of the inflammation in your body…
And they are in everything.
Avoid vegetable oils, seed oils, canola oil, and soy oil!
Replace them with coconut oil and olive oil.
Over time you will probably start to see many of your symptoms disappear.
Whatever you do, don’t take risks with DVTs. They can be deadly.
—–Important Message—-
Harvard University: “We were wrong – aging is partially reversible.”
Some of us could live to the age of 150.
This Harvard discovery has literally rolled back the clock on men’s bodies and brains.
These men at the age of 80 are virtually the same as at others at the age of 50 or even younger.
The secret is in the energy-producing mitochondria where free radicals are generated.
Glycine helps. So does this Harvard discovery.
Imagine…reclaiming the reliable erections and sexual prowess you haven’t had since you were a young man.
Some men are reporting almost embarrassingly huge hard-ons that appear out of nowhere, morning erections, and youthful energy becoming part of daily life again.
Here’s what gets your youthful energy and virility back, according to Harvard.

Mast Cells Granular Contents Are Crucial for Deep Vein Thrombosis in Mice
Performing well in bed is the secret to a fulfilled sexual life .It can not only boost your relationships but with dietary or lifestyle changes, it can also improve one’s stamina.Stamina, Endurance or Vitality is necessary for the male body not only to play a proactive role in facing the day to day challenges of life, but also in maintaining the emotional fluidity required to live life to its optimum.Regular physical activity and yoga are great ways to improve the flexibility and boost the stamina of the human body among males. High intensity exercises can also boost the testosterone production and can also help build strength in the body. Yoga is a great medium to collaborate the mind and the body together .Exercise also helps to build the inner muscles and boost metabolism that makes the body agile and strong.One must also pay attention to the intake of healthy carbs and protein rich foods which can support the required energy needed for the body. A diet which is rich in fruits and vegetables and healthy multi grains with high fiber content, can aid in boosting energy levels. Increasing the intake of Vitamin B12 rich foods like Eggs, dairy products, milk, yogurt, salmon and tuna helps to boost the stamina levels of the body. Healthy foods like peppers, apples, nuts and dairy products can also help boost libido and build stamina.Apart from that one should relax and enjoy the sexual experience than stress out, since it affects the outcome. It is very important to maintain a healthy weight which is according to the body’s height and body structure. Limiting certain addictions like alcohol intake or tobacco use are great ways to increase the body stamina naturally. A well balanced diet which is low in fat but is high in protein acts as building blocks for the body and can help build stamina. Also having a fulsome sleep is very necessary since most of the body repairs and energizes itself during the sleep phase.In bed, a relaxed state of mind and the use of lubrication works magic when it comes to the stamina required to enjoy sex.
2. What causes male stamina to increase?
Exercise and the proper use of a balanced diet can help to increase the male stamina. Male stamina is very much related to the activity levels of the body, so a dedicated exercise regimen is very essential. High intensity training exercises or martial arts can help to increase the male stamina. These exercises actually work on the muscle parts of the body and improves the elasticity of the body .Protein rich foods can also increase the male stamina. Cutting down on certain stimulants like caffeine, sugar, alcohol and tobacco is a great way of controlling the negative effects on ones libido and body processes. Certain kind of exercises helps to build the body stamina very much especially squats and working with weights. Other exercises like running, jogging, trekking and swimming also help to keep the body’s muscles supple and strong.Consumption of good quality protein foods like eggs, milk and dairy products, lean meat and fish are great ways of providing the body with the needed amino acids that helps the body work in top condition. Following alternative protocols like meditation and yoga are great ways of controlling stress of the modern life, which can help to boost the stamina levels too.Some of the best foods that can help increase stamina are almonds, apples, banana, beans and all kinds of citrus fruits. Cardiovascular exercises like aerobics, dancing and biking helps to exercise the heart and lungs thus increasing the efficiency of the oxygen supply to the muscles and other body parts. This improves the stamina among men very much.
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