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Why you should avoid this type of surgery…which INCREASES the spread of cancer…
—–Important Message—–
How to replace abdominal fat – with muscle!
The body has a metabolic system that transforms fat into muscle.
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New study: This reduces cancer by 90%
I’m not a big fan of surgery for cancer – if it can be avoided.
And, despite what the doctors tell you, you don’t get better outcomes for ALL cancers from surgery.
This is especially true for most types of prostate cancer. But that’s a different story entirely.
I’ve talked about that many times.
I want to be clear here… Cancer surgery works to remove tumors for sure.
“Surgery is very effective in removing solid tumors…”
But surgery can also spread the remaining cancer cells around, causing the cancer to spread.
I’m sure you’ve heard of people getting cancer in other places after they had surgery to remove tumors.
It happens fairly often.
And it’s one of the main reasons you need regular checkups AFTER you get cancer removed.
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“However, we’re now realizing that, tragically, surgery can also suppress the immune system in a way that makes it easier for any remaining cancer cells to persist and spread to other organs.”
That’s because the surgery itself can cause conditions in the body that make cancer spread.
And it’s scary as heck to know that.
I’m not saying you should not get cancer treatments. I’m not a medical professional and I can’t tell you that.
What I am saying is that you need to be careful with cancer treatments.
You need to know exactly what you’re getting into and what the side effects might be.
It’s a good idea to also know how to deal with any side effects that do occur.
Including spreading cancer cells.
Weird chemical cocktail helps immune system beat cancer cells…
The medical community KNOWS that cancer cells can spread because of surgery.
Research has shown how to prevent this spread from happening.
After all, nobody wants cancer in the first place and they certainly don’t want it BACK.
And scientists have come up with an innovative and weird combination of drugs that seems to be pretty effective at keeping leftover cancer cells from spreading post-surgery.
“A new study suggests that a common treatment for ED combined with the flu vaccine may be able to help the immune system mop up cancer cells left behind after surgery.”
I’m not sure how scientists came up with this particular drug combination, but they put Viagra (or Cialis) together with a flu vaccine.
And this unusual combo reduced the spread of cancer by over 90%
That’s a huge reduction.
But it doesn’t quite tell the whole story…
“The study, published in OncoImmunology, shows that this unconventional strategy can reduce the spread of cancer by more than 90 percent in a mouse model.”
This study is a mouse model study. It has not been tested on humans yet.
But this method DOES mimic the way that cancer can spread in humans after surgery.
So this study is exciting.
It has promise as a method to reduce one of the biggest risks of removing tumors surgically.
“The current study investigated sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis) and an inactivated influenza vaccine (Agriflu) in a mouse model that mimics the spread of cancer (metastasis) after surgery.”
Here’s how the study breaks down (and these are pretty small numbers so far, so it will be interesting to see how further testing goes):
- 37 metastases with cancer cells alone
- 129 metastases with cancer cells and surgery
- 24 metastases with cancer cells, surgery and one of the erectile dysfunction drugs
- 11 metastases with cancer cells, surgery, one of the erectile dysfunction drugs and the flu vaccine
I think it’s important to pay particular attention to how cancer cells spread with and without surgery.
With surgery, there are three times more metastases then without…
Check out those numbers. So surgery certainly SPREADS cancer when used alone.
But when you add in the ED drugs and the flu vaccine in combo (I know it still sounds crazy) – the numbers drop dramatically.
These are better outcomes than you’d get by leaving it alone OR by just having surgery.
This is three times better than not having surgery at all.
This is a very exciting development!
And, while I don’t normally recommend ED drugs because they can cause desensitization and other problems with long-term sexual function, they are very well tolerated compared to other types of cancer treatments.
And their side effects are less damaging than what you get from other cancer treatments.
If you’re being treated for cancer, keep an eye on this particular follow up treatment.
It seems like it will really reduce post-surgery risks.
—–Important Message—–
How men are fixing ED and prostate cancer BOTH
Men with prostate problems often have erectile dysfunction.
And there is a reason for that.
I’ve found that prostate problems and erection problems have the SAME cause.
Internal inflammation causes both.
It’s been proven again and again.
As in this study…
“These data strongly suggest that BPH is an immune inflammatory disease.”
The CAUSES of this are also CAUSING high blood pressure, diabetes, GERD… and sexual problems.
Some men won’t have ALL of these problems (yet?) but why not start getting it fixed now.
You’ll lose excess pounds without even trying. You’ll look a lot better.
Your energy levels will come roaring back.
And you’ll feel more confident because the same internal inflammation affects your brain – so fixing it will make your brain cells HAPPY…
…bringing back your drive and shrinking down your swollen prostate.
Here’s the prostate fix that stops internal inflammation and also ends erection problems

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