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Experience a resurgence of energy and motivation that lets you perform like a stallion in the bedroom – and don’t need naps anymore.
—–Important Message——
Discover your hard-on score: Just answer these 3 quick questions…
Question 1 – Did you get morning wood and spontaneous semis without touching yourself at some point in the past 7 days?
Question 2 – Did you use any kind of doctor-ordered treatment in the past 7 days?
Question 3 – When you think about doing it with a girl, do you experience feelings of anxiety, worry, or embarrassment?
The answers to these answers will determine whether you have any of the three types of erection problems… And if you do, EXACTLY how to get it fixed FAST.
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New help if you are tired all the time
Being tired all the time, taking frequent naps, having brain fog… It’s a mysterious and debilitating disorder categorized by low energy and chronic pain.
It’s sometimes called myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
Doctors tend to treat “tired all the time” as a psychosomatic disorder.
But new evidence is showing that it’s really a problem of impaired energetic metabolism.
This study looked into the relationship between amino acid metabolism and CFS (tired all the time).
Doctors at Haukeland University Hospital in Norway enrolled over 300 people in the study.
200 study recruits had a diagnosis of CFS. 102 study recruits did not have CFS.
The scientists looked at 20 different amino acids circulating in the blood of the participants.
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Amino acids are processed into energy in different ways.
By analyzing the amino acids in the blood, the researchers came up with theories about how energetic metabolism behaves differently in people with CFS.
“We hypothesized that changes in blood amino acids may disclose specific defects in energy metabolism in chronic fatigue syndrome.”
In the CFS group, the scientists found a reduction of some amino acids.
These amino acids fuel oxidative metabolism of the Krebs cycle (which is involved in energy production).
These amino acid profiles indicate changes in energetic metabolism in people with CFS.
“Analysis showed a specific reduction of amino acids that fuel oxidative metabolism via the Krebs cycle in chronic fatigue syndrome”
These changes led scientists to believe that there could be impaired function of an enzyme called pyruvate dehydrogenase.
“The amino acid pattern suggested functional impairment of pyruvate dehydrogenase.”
Pyruvate dehydrogenase is central to the body’s production of energy from food.
Genetic deficiencies of pyruvate dehydrogenase lead to lethargy and a buildup of lactate.
Lactate is thought to be involved in some chronic pain disorders.
And… congenital pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency looks similar to CFS.
Then they found the smoking gun…
The scientists found elevated levels of a number of enzymes that suppress pyruvate dehydrogenase in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.
“We found significant upregulation of three enzymes known to inhibit pyruvate dehydrogenase.”
Increases in these enzymes are usually seen in people who are starving.
It seems to be a mechanism to slow down energy use in order to keep starving people from wasting away quickly.
The researchers also looked at lactate in CFS.
The study showed that when energy demands are higher, excessive lactate is produced in people with CFS.
“These observations are compatible with a metabolic obstruction of pyruvate dehydrogenase, causing increased conversion of pyruvate to lactate.”
This change in metabolism is usually seen in high-stress states.
People with CFS are known to have a very low capacity for high-intensity activity – a form of stress.
“Chronic fatigue syndrome is associated with impaired efficiency of energy metabolism combined with lactate overproduction. This may explain why many chronic fatigue syndrome patients reach the anaerobic threshold at a low workload.”
Chronic fatigue syndrome may be made worse by high-intensity activity due to increasing the levels of lactic acid.
“The increase in energetic demands during strenuous exercise would create a situation with accumulation of pyruvate and subsequently lactate”
So this is certainly not a condition that you could exercise your way out of.
Sufferers of CFS need rest until they have recovered.
“Impairment in pyruvate dehydrogenase function could, therefore, be consistent with poor recovery, and post-exertional malaise as observed in chronic fatigue syndrome patients.”
The root cause of CFS is still unclear, but this study takes us a lot closer to a proper understanding.
You are not alone.
If you recover poorly from exercise, if you suffer from sexual problems, if you feel tired and draggy, you may have high lactate levels and a very slow metabolism.
There may be many reasons why these impairments of energetic metabolism occur.
You should see a doctor about any suspected health problems.
—–Important Message—–
How I recovered my youthful energy (bouncing off the walls)…instead of being tired all the time…
Being tired and run-down is a metabolic problem…
Low thyroid, overstressed adrenals, and elevated prolactin and estrogen levels will put men into an “always tired” state.
Luckily, there’s a fix for this “always tired” problem:
I have discovered a simple combination of safe ingredients you can find in your kitchen and bathroom that raise your metabolism by 30%…
…and with a restored metabolism, men are feeling like teenagers again, bouncing off the walls and having sex like crazy.
Here is one of MANY testimonials that this just WORKS:

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