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Today’s newsletter is about how to get rid of viral illnesses.
One thing to keep in mind is this: virus production happens in every cell.
At this moment it is possible that every cell in your body is producing viruses. Viruses are not the enemy.
In fact, the body produces many many viruses as a way of communicating between cells.
This may sound bizarre, and you may think I’m making this up. But I’m not. It’s all absolutely true.
But one thing you need to keep in mind is you need to control bad viruses.
And there aren’t any good pharmaceutical solutions to viruses.
We’ve conquered a lot of bacterial disease with antibiotics. But we haven’t made significant inroads in viruses.
I don’t care what people tell you about how we are conquering the AIDS virus or how we have medication that gets rid of viruses such as shingles or flu.
It isn’t really true.
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All these drugs do is they actually poison cells.
They’d poison cells that are producing viruses preferentially to cells or not. But they’re not selective “magic bullets.”
And they aren’t fighting viruses at all. They’re killing every category of cells.
Now, to summarize — cells produce all viruses.
So, what you want to do is you want to stop cells from producing viruses. But you don’t want to have to kill your own cells to do that.
With that background, we can look an important paper that shows how to get rid of viruses.
The paper starts by observing that milk becomes antiviral after laying around for a few days.
That includes cows milk and human milk — and probably all mammal milk.
Now, the question is what is it that makes the milk antiviral?
In this paper, the researchers observed that the fatty acids in the milk are what makes it antiviral.
There are various types of fatty acids. There are the unsaturated ones or PUFAs, there are the monounsaturated ones, and there are the saturated ones.
A number of fatty acids which are normal components of milk lipids were tested against enveloped viruses, i.e., vesicular stomatitis virus, herpes simplex virus, and visna virus, and against a nonenveloped virus, poliovirus.
So, here they are testing various types of fats to see which fats are antiviral and which are not.
Medium-chain saturated fatty acids were all highly active against the enveloped viruses.
Now we have a promising fat that fights viruses.
And another fascinating thing was that creating a simple derivative of the fat, called a monoglyceride:
were also highly antiviral, in some instances at a concentration 10 times lower than that of the free fatty acids.
The researchers speculated as to how these fatty acids fight viruses.
They determined that:
the antimicrobial effect of human milk lipids in vitro is therefore most likely caused by disintegration of cellular and viral membranes by fatty acids.
And here you can purchase and use a supplement containing a mono glass ride of a very antiviral fatty acid:
It’s called monolaurin — it’s a glyburide from a common fatty acid called lauric acid.
At concentrations of 1%, all viruses were reduced in infectivity by >99.9%
The concentrations of monolaurin that you need to take are small enough to be easily consumed. We’re talking about possible amounts of a tablespoon a day.
That’s not much for something treating shingles naturally and other virus based illnesses.
The study also noticed that adding the preservative BHA increased the activity of monolaurin.
You could take BHA or BHT. In fact, you can buy BHT pretty easily.
BHT and BHA have been used for decades as a food preservative, and I do not believe in the long run they are safe at all.
But in the short run, combined with monolaurin you may be able to knock out many viruses.
As always, talk to your doctor before you do anything.

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