My T is 900 and my estrogen is low-normal – here’s why

There’s only one way to really increase T without raising E…


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Matt Cook here, and testosterone is like the holy grail for men.


It is the pinnacle to our health and sexual performance.


And it helps regulate all the other important processes in our bodies.


So when men get too low in T, they often reach for a supplement.

But what almost always happens is this — the testosterone supplement turns into estrogen in the man’s body!


And estrogen goes up while testosterone stays the same or sinks even lower.


Fortunately, there’s an easy way to stop this conversion of T into E… I’m showing you how…


—-Important Message From Jeff—-


Wives and girlfriends exposed (watch)


The truth is… size does matter…


Because most men aren’t able to reach this hidden magical spot inside a woman that gives her the kind of full body O’s she’s looking for…


In fact, the spot is actually the deepest part of the vagina along the back wall slightly past her cervix…

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…which, depending on how deep she is down there, means that a man needs somewhere between 7.2 and 8 inches to stimulate this spot and make her gush like a geyser…


And less than 1 in 100 men possess one of these holy grail members!


So what can a man do?


It’s called “phalogenic traction” and it’s working for me and over 6,000 other men to add length and girth down there




My T is 900 and my estrogen is low-normal — here’s why


One of the things that drives me the most bonkers about Big Pharma is how good they are at getting people to ignore potential side effects of their treatments.


They seem to have a lot of psychological tricks up their sleeves to make this happen, and it’s weird how well it works.

Most treatments have side effects and sometimes you just have to live with the side effects if you can’t live without the treatment.

But sometimes treatments have side effects that are directly counter to what the benefit of the treatment is supposed to be.


Testosterone therapy falls into this category.


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There are a few cases where testosterone is worthwhile for men to take…


…but many men take it as a kind of vanity treatment, because that’s how it’s marketed.

Supplemental testosterone is supposed to make you feel younger and more vital.


The commercials make it seem like it will make you feel like you’re 20 when you are 60 or older.


Lots of guys also believe that testosterone supplements will help with their rockiness.


But there’s a couple of problems…


Supplementing with testosterone is likely to create MORE estrogen in your body and it can also make you FEEL less.

Testosterone can turn into estrogen.


When you dump excessive amounts of testosterone into your body – which is usually what happens with supplements…


That testosterone can be converted to estrogen in your body.


That estrogen can then have a feminizing effect in the body.

Here we show that testosterone is converted into such estrogenic steroids by aromatase-negative HeLa cells. This aromatase-independent generation of estrogenic steroids is seen in aromatase-positive MCF-7 cells as well.


This is the exact opposite of what most men who take testosterone want.


They want to be MORE masculine, not more feminine.

Testosterone supplements can make you feel less.

This one is not nearly as well known, but it still happens.

When men are given testosterone supplements over a long period of time they FEEL less.


That means that things are less sensitive “down there,” and they have less pleasure when they have sex.

Chronic treatment with testosterone enanthate was associated with a decline in the perceived intensity of vibrotactile stimuli in hypogonadal men.


Personally, I think that these two side effects combined are a good reason to never take supplemental testosterone…


…unless your body produces very little of it and you truly need it.

This is one of those cases where Big Pharma markets a product that has the opposite effect that most people want to get from it.


They just don’t really tell you that’s the case.

After all, testosterone is VERY profitable to sell.

Naturally produced testosterone doesn’t have these problems.


Here’s the good news…


When you get your testosterone levels up naturally, these side effects don’t occur.

If your body is in optimal testosterone-making mode, then it will make the amount it needs and not dump in too much at once to create more estrogen.


It also seems to not have the same desensitizing effect that supplements have.

It’s something worth understanding how to do, because when you DO get your body to make its own testosterone…


You will feel amazing and actually get most of the benefits of those ads from the Big Pharma companies.


—-Important Message From Matt Cook—-


Protecting your heart when you are exercising or having sex


I pop this in my mouth for a T boost within minutes…and this is highly heart protective…


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Why does it work so fast? How is this even possible?


What is it that makes it possible for a man’s T to skyrocket when he pops this in his mouth before exercise or before sex?


Here they are so you can eat them when you want a T boost




Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.,can%20stimulate%20the%20estrogen%20receptor