Now I can barely keep up with her!
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—-Important Message—-
My little experiment — getting her hot and gushing
I’ve discovered how to get my wife hot and gushing wet between her thighs…
…simply by using the right combination of natural supplements and vitamins to restore a woman’s primal desires…
This worked for us even when my wife was going through menopause.
And it will go a long way to restoring that hot and heavy honeymoon period you both enjoyed when you first got together!
Here’s how to reboot any woman’s drive and desire with just a few cheap supplements
Are you using these estrogenic substances?
Very early on in hormone research, it was discovered that estrogenic substances are easy to produce.
Easy to produce patentable estrogenic substances then they can be marketed for great profit.
And they were.
Because of the ease of production of estrogenic treatments…
…there has been a bias within the pharmaceutical funded research community toward a beneficial effect of estrogen.
But the science shows just the opposite – estrogen is an inflammatory and energy suppressing substance.
It is produced by both men and women and estrogen is strongly linked to cancer.
Researchers in California showed that treatments used to lower estrogen may be useful in the treatment of lung cancer.
The human cell research was carried out at the University of California. The paper was published in Cancer Research.
Lung cancer is a major problem which affects both men and women – it is very difficult to treat.
“Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the world. It is a highly lethal disease in women and men, and new treatments are urgently needed.”
There is already a lot of research indicating that estrogenic substances can increase the risk of lung cancer and increase the severity of the disease.
Much of the estrogen produced in the body is made by an enzyme called aromatase…
…and outside of estrogen supplementation, aromatase levels may be the greatest factor in increasing estrogen.
“Previous studies implicated a role of estrogens and estrogen receptors in lung cancer progression, and this growth-stimulatory pathway may be promoted by tumor expression and activity of aromatase.”
When the researchers looked at human cancer cells they found that these cells did produce aromatase – and so they can create their own estrogen.
“We found expression of aromatase transcripts and protein in human non-small cell lung cancer cells.”
The vast majority of human lung cancer cells can make estrogen.
“Aromatase staining was detected in 86% of archival human non-small cell lung cancer tumor specimens from the clinic.”
The researchers found that lung cancer cells were much more likely to produce estrogen compared with nearby healthy cells…
“Significant activity of aromatase occurred in human non-small cell lung cancer tumors, with enhanced levels in tumor cells compared with that in nearby normal cells.”
The researchers found that an aromatase inhibiting treatment was effective in decreasing the amount of aromatase activity in the cancer cells.
“Lung tumor aromatase activity was inhibited by anastrozole, an aromatase inhibitor.”
Decreasing the activity of the estrogen producing enzyme slowed tumor growth in cells.
“Treatment of tumor cells in vitro with anastrozole led to significant suppression of tumor cell growth.”
Then the researchers moved on to doing some animal experiments. They grafted human lung cancer tumors on mice.
The researchers then looked at the effect of the estrogen-lowering treatment on lung cancer in the animals.
The aromatase inhibitor – by blocking the production of estrogen – slows the growth of lung cancer in the lab animals.
“In mice with lung tumor xenografts, administration of anastrozole for 21 days elicited pronounced inhibition of tumor growth in vivo.”
(Anastrozole lowers estrogen by inhibiting aromatase.)
The research shows quite clearly that estrogen is involved in lung cancer…
…and that the production of estrogen is done locally by the aromatase enzyme in lung cancer cells.
“These findings show that aromatase is present and biologically active in human lung cancers and that tumor growth can be down-regulated by specific inhibition of aromatase.”
Blocking the production of estrogen by attacking its major enzyme (aromatase)…
…is a very promising treatment for lung cancer, as it is for other chronic diseases.
“This work may lead to development of new treatment options for patients afflicted with human non-small cell lung cancer.”
Everything in the modern environment predisposes the body to produce more and more estrogen…
…and this excessive estrogen is a major cause of the modern chronic disease epidemics.
—-Important Message for Men—-
This is how I reversed my high estrogen levels and turned it into high T
I’ve discovered a super simple way to lower my estrogen levels at home…
…naturally, without the doctor…
And now I use it constantly!
Best of all, it not only lowered my estrogen levels but boosted my testosterone too.
And the difference in my body is so visible now…I’m more muscular without lifting a single weight…
And I’m rockier and stiffer than ever…
Here’s my high estrogen levels hack — use it as early as tonight