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—-Important Message—-
She’s craving this Triple Crown position – it hits all the right spots
Do you know about this Triple Crown sex position that makes her come more powerfully than she ever has before?
A position that makes it easy to hit all her hot spots…
A position that can either tighten her grip on your manhood, or allow her to open herself wide for better clit stimulation…?
See this Triple Crown position that she’s craving — it hits all the right spots
My favorite saturated fat
Some people say that I am obsessed with fats – guilty as charged!
Really though I’m obsessed with feeling great, being healthy and living a long and happy life.
What I found is that the type of fats that we consume play an extremely important role in all of this.
As I have outlined over the years, research shows that the stable, non-reactive saturated fats are best for human health.
This is entirely contrary to what we have been told by official “nutritional experts.”
The people who want to sell us waste grain and fish oils…
…the precise oils which are identified in scientific research as being the major drivers of nutritional disease.
But once we understand that it’s the saturated fats that are more beneficial for health, the question is – are they all the same?
No, they’re not. Some saturated fats are more beneficial than others.
This is good news for lovers of beef and chocolate.
The human research was carried out at Maastricht University Medical Center in The Netherlands. The paper was published in the European Journal of Nutrition.
The researchers compared metabolic effects of 2 common dietary saturated fats.
They looked at palmitic acid which is found in dairy, meat, cocoa butter, and olive oil.
Palmitic acid was compared against stearic acid which is also found in dairy, but is found in much higher amounts in beef fat and cocoa fat.
The researchers were aware that these fats have different effects on lipoproteins – proteins which bind fats in the blood.
They were interested in different effects of these fats on blood sugar and blood lipids after meals.
“Palmitic and stearic acids have different effects on fasting serum lipoproteins. However, the effects on postprandial lipemia and glycemia are less clear.”
Lipemia is abnormally high levels of fats in the blood.
Researchers normally focus on triglycerides…
…but there are far more dangerous blood fats called free fatty acids which these researchers also tested.
Lipemia – particularly elevated free fatty acids…
…is often seen in people with diabetes, kidney failure, hypothyroidism, pancreas problems, liver problems, and alcoholism.
In fact, the elevated free fatty acids play a major role in causing many of these diseases.
The researchers recruited over 30 people for their experiment.
The participants were randomly split into 2 groups – a group fed a high stearic acid diet, and a group fed a diet high in palmitic acid.
“In a randomized, crossover study, 32 participants followed 4-week diets rich in palmitic or stearic acids.”
The researchers then carried out tests on the participants which involved feeding them a high-fat meal…
…and then looking to see what was going on in their blood in the hours after consuming that meal.
The experiment was then repeated a few hours later – because different things may occur during the second meal versus the first.
“At the end of each dietary period, participants consumed two consecutive meals each containing 50 g of the corresponding fat blend.”
“Postprandial concentrations of triglycerides and apolipoprotein B48 were lower after stearic-acid than after palmitic-acid intake.”
They found that the people consuming the diet that’s high in stearic acid…
…had less of an increase in triglycerides and a lipoprotein which tracks with cholesterol and other blood lipids.
People who were on the high stearic acid diet had less fat in their blood for 8 hours after consuming the first experimental meal.
The researchers found the same results with the second meal, too.
Most importantly, free fatty acids were significantly lower in the blood of people who had been consuming the high stearic acid diet.
Free fatty acids are, in my opinion, one of the best markers of overall health – lower levels of free fatty acids in the blood are better.
This indicates that consuming a little more stearic acid could be very, very good for your health.
“Postprandial changes between the diets in free fatty acids this and C-peptide differed significantly over time, while those for glucose and insulin did not.”
The researchers also found lower levels of C-peptide in people consuming the high stearic acid diet.
C-peptide is an accurate marker of insulin.
It means that people consuming more stearic acid may need to produce less insulin.
This makes sense because free fatty acids compete with sugar in the blood for access to the cell.
If free fatty acids are lower, then we need less insulin to try to force sugar into the cell. There is simply less competition.
Completing the picture, the researchers found that blood sugar and insulin levels were lower after the second meal in people who were on the high stearic acid diet.
This is a nice complement to a lot of other research published in the last few years showing the wide range of metabolic benefits which can be had from consuming palmitic acid.
You don’t need to consume huge amounts either.
Long-term research shows that eating a couple of ounces of dark chocolate every day can have profound benefits for your health.
There is probably enough stearic acid in this to improve your metabolic function.
—-Important Message for Men with Blood Sugar Problems—-
This special breakfast is giving men with diabetes great blood sugar again
“I have been working on a meal plan that you provided for diabetics. This is working great for me. My A1c is down to 6.2 since I started doing what was recommended.” — Jack |
“It has done well for my blood sugar. I have gotten some readings in the 125 area, with highs usually not over 165, and most commonly around 145. For me this is fantastic – a drop of at least 20 points.” — Roger |
“My life is getting better and better, my diabetes is getting better by following your diet. My sex life went from almost zero, because my rocky ones were very weak if I could even get one. We are having sex every morning and my erections is getting better every day. My relationship with my wife is going thru the roof. Thanks for changing our life” — Daniel |
Here is the diabetes reversing breakfast for men