No wonder most men are deficient and it’s affecting their performance
Matt Cook here, and if you want to feel vibrant, unlimited energy in the mornings with a clear, focused mind…
You must be sure to get enough of this all-important B vitamin.
It’s one of the most important vitamins for men — yet most men are low.
So check this out — are you getting enough?
—-Important Message From Jack Grave—-
4 herbs that trigger raging erections in men, no matter how long it’s been
There’s a reason why these 4 herbs work to produce raging erections when nothing else will…
And it’s because these 4 herbs address the REAL problem behind erections problems.
While all the other treatments just put a bandaid over the real issue.
See, these 4 herbs are scientifically proven to supply the body with specific nutrients that fix the chemical imbalance responsible for almost all men’s erections problems…
And this triggers raging erections that lasts 30 minutes or more, immediately, without any work on your part.
All you have to do is use these 4 simple herbs.
Most important and overlooked vitamin for men
All of the B vitamins are involved in energy production.
But probably the most important is vitamin B1 – AKA thiamin.
Thiamin/B1 is one of those vitamins that is depleted by the modern world.
We are getting less thiamin from our diet than we used to…
…but we are also eating foods and taking medications that deplete thiamine.
Studies have shown that energetic diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome can often be significantly improved with large doses of vitamin B1.
But B1 can also have major effects on otherwise healthy people that don’t have a clinical B1 deficiency.
Relatively small doses of vitamin B1 can improve mood and reaction times (mental sharpness).
The human experiments were carried out at the Department of Psychology at the University of Wales. The results were published in the journal Psychopharmacology.
Vitamin B1 is used in a wide variety of processes by the body – but we have limited ability to store that vitamin.
“As the body has only small stores of thiamine, there is a risk of deficiency if the level of intake is reduced for only a few weeks.”
Thiamine/B1 deficiency causes physical changes to the brain.
These effects can be seen in Korsakoff psychosis – a type of nutritional madness caused by this deficiency.
“Korsakoff psychosis, a reflection of brain lesions caused by thiamine deficiency, is characterized by the inability to form new memories, poor retrieval of old memories, apathy and emotional blandness.”
The treatment for Korsakoff psychosis is thiamine/B1 — it cures the disease.
And the research is carrying out these experiments to see the effect of this vitamin on mental and emotional markers in healthy people.
Are most people walking around with a functional B1 deficiency?
This experiment will tell us…
The experiment randomly split 150 young, healthy adults into two groups.
One group took a supplement of 50mg vitamin B1 every day for two months.
The other group received a supplement which looked identical but had no active ingredients – a placebo capsule.
Before the supplementation experiment began all of the participants went through tests.
These tests looked at mood, reaction times and memory.
At the end of the two-month supplementation period everyone was tested again.
Memory was not affected by supplementation – but mood did improve with vitamin B1.
For the mood assessment, the participants were asked to rate how clearheaded they felt before and after supplementation.
People taking vitamin B1 for two months reported much greater clarity of mind.
Clear headedness scores increase from 2.5 to almost 6 points – a massive improvement.
Vitamin B1 could really help clear up brain fog and muddled thinking…
Overall mood improved too – scores of good vs bad mood almost doubled with vitamin B1.
There was no improvement in the placebo group.
The researchers found that the improvement in mood mirrored the amount of the vitamin B1 in the blood.
The participants also reported having much more energy after they had taken vitamin B1 for a couple of months.
It is a very important nutrient for energy production – so this is not surprising.
“An improvement in thiamine status was associated with reports of being more clearheaded, composed and energetic.”
B1 also increased mental sharpness – as measured by reaction times.
Reaction times were measured by seeing how long it took for the participants to press a button after a light had flashed on screen – without making errors.
The participants were about 10% faster after taking vitamin B1 supplements.
This type of reaction time test is a great marker for overall mental sharpness.
“The taking of thiamine had no influence on memory but reaction times were faster following supplementation.”
Before supplementation began all of the participants would have been diagnosed as having adequate vitamin B1 status.
Going by current standards…
B1 can improve mood and mental performance in people who are not even clinically deficient in this vitamin.
“These influences took place in subjects whose thiamine status, according to the traditional criterion, was adequate.”
Another great thing about vitamin B1 is that there is almost no risk of side effects.
—-Important Message From Matt Cook—-
Men eating this 1 food often live to 110 or 120
So-called health gurus only live to 60 by avoiding this food —
I know it sounds crazy… but there’s 1 food that very old and vital men are eating — and they’re often living to 100, 110 or even 120…
While many so-called health gurus are dropping dead at 50 or 60 by AVOIDING this one food…
Here’s the 1 food — are you eating it or are you avoiding it?