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—-Important Message for Men Over 45—-
Drinking this restores teenage energy-levels and stamina, boosts metabolism
I’m blowing the lid off a way to restore your metabolism that is so momentous…
…that every major Big Pharma company is spending billions of dollars in a race to take advantage of this discovery…
This discovery lets any man gain the metabolism of a teenager, and do it in days…
…totally safely, without costly treatments of any kind, without gym exercise, and without crazy diets.
“Maintaining energy metabolism promotes the survival of older animals.”
This discovery literally rolls back the clock on your body, making your body at age 40 the same as it was at age 20 or even younger.
And you can restore your youthful metabolism right now, I’ll show you exactly how I’m doing it at home…
Meanwhile, Big Pharma companies are spending billions on expensive new treatments, they are exerting huge pressure to take this website down…
…so please go here right now rather than expecting it to be up next time you visit this page…
Because it may well have disappeared by the time you come back…
Men who eat this one food have younger healthier brains
When the mind works well we can think clearly — we are able to remember with ease and confusion is rare.
But many people suffer from muddled thinking and memory problems.
Doctors and medical researchers call these problems cognitive impairment.
Cognitive impairment can be caused by many things, medications, some diseases, and just general aging.
This loss of mental powers happens to some degree with everyone as they age.
But there are many factors which can affect cognitive impairment.
Recently, researchers in Singapore found that people who eat mushrooms regularly are far less likely to have cognitive impairment.
The human research was carried out at the Department of Psychological Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore. The results were published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s disease.
Different types of mushrooms are alleged to have a myriad of different health effects. They are some of the oldest natural medicines.
In recent decades, scientific research has proven that mushrooms can fight cancer, slow aging, and help with weight loss.
Mushrooms are also alleged to improve mental function and protect the aging brain.
To get some insight into this, the researchers analyzed information from a health study conducted in Singapore.
This study enrolled hundreds of people over the age of 60 years old.
The participants had their dietary habits analyzed.
“We used data from 663 participants aged 60 and above from the Diet and Healthy Aging study in Singapore.”
All of the participants went through a number of standardized psychological tests.
These tests evaluated the mental performance of the participants.
The study focused on one particular aspect of mental performance called mild cognitive impairment.
This is diagnosed when there is a decline in mental performance over time.
“Mild cognitive impairment was diagnosed if there was clear cognitive decline and deficits based on available information and clinical judgments but no self-reported cognitive complaints from the participants.”
They compared the rates of mild cognitive impairment against mushroom intake.
The dietary questionnaire asked about the consumption of the six most common mushrooms in Singapore.
“The questionnaire included six mushrooms consumed in Singapore: 1) golden mushroom 2) oyster 3) shiitake 4) white button 5) mushrooms, dried 6)mushroom, button, canned, drained.”
The study defined a portion of mushrooms as 150 g – about 5 1/2 ounces.
People who ate two portions of mushrooms were far less likely to have mild cognitive impairment.
11 ounces of mushrooms per week was associated with a 57% lower chance of mild cognitive impairment.
“Compared with participants who consumed mushrooms less than once per week, participants who consumed mushrooms >2 portions per week had reduced odds of having mild cognitive impairment.”
This amazing result was even after the researchers had corrected the data for other factors that can affect mild cognitive impairment.
“This was independent of age, gender, education, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, physical activities, and social activities.”
The results back previous research showing the benefits of mushrooms for older people.
“Nurk and colleagues found that mushroom consumers had better performance on all six cognitive tests as compared with non-consumers.”
More mushrooms means better mental abilities.
“The dose-response association of mushrooms on cognitive performance tended to be linear”
Previous research on mushrooms has given some clues as to why they may protect the brain.
Mushrooms have a number of beneficial compounds, including one called ergothioneine.
One study showed that people with higher levels of ergothioneine had better mental function.
“Our recent study revealed that plasma levels of ergothioneine were significantly lower in participants with mild cognitive impairment compared to age-matched healthy individuals.”
Mushrooms are one of the best sources of dietary ergothioneine.
And this may be one reason why they protect the brain.
Most people would probably benefit from eating a couple of large portions of well cooked mushrooms a few times a week.
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about training in diagnosing health-related problems.
—-Important Message For Men Who Don’t Like Mushrooms—-
Sprinkle this in your water to prevent Alzheimer’s from ever happening to you
There’s a cheap powder that you buy at any grocery store…
And just a pinch will naturally turn your normal tap water into a powerful elixir…
…where with every sip, you are destroying the harmful amyloid plaques that lead to Alzheimer’s…
Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about it… because it won’t make them any money…
Here’s the cheap ordinary powder you just sprinkle in your water…