Trust me, you don’t want to get this condition — it’s painful!
Matt Cook here, and there’s one beverage men can be drinking every day to naturally prevent certain attacks…
These attacks start in the gut and are quite painful.
And they can even lead to hospitalization.
So here’s what to do — drinking this stops these attacks…
—-Important Message From Jonathan—-
This one Amazonian ingredient is the #1 memory and brain booster

Did you know that there are over 120 treatments that have come directly from the Amazon?
It’s true. In fact, the Ancient Incas lived in the Amazon Rainforest with over 80,000 different plants…
…giving them the largest “natural pharmacy” on earth… right on their doorstep…
And what they had in their medicinal arsenal is not only astounding, it might just hold the key to avoiding Alzheimer’s and dementia…
Discover the one Amazonian ingredient that can give men an ageless brain
Men who drink this are 23% more protected from this attack
Gallstones are formed within the gallbladder as a result of the accumulation of bile components.
Most people with gallstones never have any symptoms.
But for people who do have symptoms, they can be excruciating.
Gallstones can cause pain, inflammation of the gallbladder, jaundice, and inflammation of the bile duct.
Coffee stimulates bile production.
This fact has made many people assume that coffee may be bad for people who have gallstone problems.
But the best research indicates just the opposite.
The more coffee people drink, the lower the risk of gallstone attacks.

The human research was carried out at the Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark.
The results were published in the Journal of Internal Medicine.
The research was intended to find out whether coffee could protect against gallstone attacks.
“We tested the hypothesis that high coffee intake closely protects against the symptomatic gallstone disease.”
The study used information from over 100,000 people.
All of the participants provided information on their dietary habits including coffee intake.
The researchers also had access to the medical records of all the participants.
So they knew who had suffered from gallstone attacks.
“First, we tested whether high coffee intake was associated with the risk of gallstone disease in 104, 493 individuals from the general population.”
The participants in the study were tracked for between 8 to 13 years.
Study found that people who drank more than 6 cups of coffee had a 23% lower risk of developing gallstone attacks.
This was compared against people who did not drink coffee at all.
“Those with coffee intake of >6 cups daily had a 23% lower risk of gallstone attacks compared to individuals without coffee intake.”
One cup of coffee was associated with a lower risk of developing gallstone attacks.
But the risk reduction was only 3%.
Coffee’s protection against gallstone attacks increases with every cup, at least up to 6 cups per day.
“The estimated observational odds ratio for gallstone attacks for a 1 cup per diehard coffee intake was equal to 3% low-risk.”
The study also carried out predictive analysis using genetic information from the participants.
Those calculations also found decreased risk of gallstone attacks with coffee intake.
“High coffee intake is associated observationally with low risk of gallstone attacks, and with genetic evidence to support a causal relationship.”
Up to 15% of people have gallstones.
When gallstones cause problems, they may require surgery to remove the stone.
Occasionally treatments or other non-invasive procedures can be used.
Gallstone attacks can present as a pain in the upper right-hand side of the abdomen.
Often attacks occur after eating a high-fat meal, usually at night and after drinking.
It’s common for people with gallstone problems to be woken by attacks in the middle of the night.
Other symptoms include a high temperature, rapid heartbeat, yellowing of the skin and eyes, diarrhea, confusion, and loss of appetite.
Coffee is well known for its remarkable effect to stimulate all of the internal organs.
Increasing coffee intake has the ability to prevent many gallstone attacks.
Some of the other benefits of coffee include decreasing the risk of Parkinson’s, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, and improved sex hormones in both men and women.
If you’re not a coffee drinker, then shooting straight for 6 cups per day is probably a bad idea.
Coffee stimulates the metabolic rate. And it takes time to adjust.
Too much too soon can cause gastrointestinal problems and anxiety.
It’s always a good idea to eat with coffee — to provide fuel to sustain the increased metabolism.
—-Important Message for Boosting Metabolism—-
This shake raises men’s metabolic rate and can add decades of healthy, happy life

If you’re not a big coffee drinker, that’s okay — because you can drink this shake and instantly start boosting your metabolism.
This shake contains key nutrients that speed up your metabolic rate.
And the result is more energy, more stamina, less cravings, better health, and even better performance.
Scientists agree — restoring your metabolism to youthful levels is the true fountain of youth!
So if you want to boost metabolism and live a longer, healthier, sexier life — drink this shake

Coffee intake protects against symptomatic gallstone disease in the general population: a Mendelian randomization study