While men who eat this 1 food often live to 100 and beyond…
—-Important Message for Living to 120—-
Men eating this 1 food often live to 110 or 120
I know it sounds crazy… but there’s 1 food that very old and vital men are eating — and they’re often living to 100, 110 or even 120…
While many so-called health gurus are dropping dead at 50 or 60 by AVOIDING this one food…
Here’s the 1 food — are you eating it or are you avoiding it?
Men who avoid this 1 food often drop dead by age 60
Anti-aging researchers have made some great breakthroughs over the last 20 years.
Unfortunately, they have been unable to put all parts together, and they have misinterpreted the implications of their work.
Researchers discovered that caloric restriction (eating less) extended the lifespan of small animals.
Later, researchers also discovered that restricting protein as a percentage of the diet also increases lifespan when carbohydrates in the diet are high.
But so far, longevity experts have ignored studies showing the critical role of a few amino acids in these findings.
You don’t need to starve yourself or avoid protein in order to maximize brain health and longevity. You just need some gelatin.
These animal experiments were carried out by researchers at the University of Sydney Australia. The results were published in Cell Reports.
Researchers have discovered that restricting the amount of food eaten by small animals extends their lifespan and seems to improve their brain health.
“Calorie restriction increases lifespan and improves brain health in mice.”
This type of caloric restriction causes problems in larger animals like humans.
So researchers have been looking for some way to mimic the benefits of caloric restriction on longevity.
The scientists at the University of Sydney later discovered that limiting the amount of protein eaten by mice has the same benefits.
“Ad libitum low-protein, high-carbohydrate diets also extend lifespan.”
Those diets were designed to have 5% of calories come from protein.
75% of the diet came from carbohydrates.
So they were also on a pretty low-fat diet.
In this experiment, the mice ate ad libitum. This means they ate as much as they wanted.
The mice ate 20% more calories than usual – increasing their total protein intake as well as their available energy…
In another series of experiments the researchers looked at the effect of these diets on brain health.
Microscopic examinations of the brains of the animals showed that high carb, low protein diets have the same brain benefits as caloric restriction.
“Caloric restriction and low-protein high-carbohydrate diets were associated with increased dendritic spines.”
The mental performance of these mice was improved compared to mice fed a normal diet too.
“Mice fed caloric restriction and low-protein high-carbohydrate diets had modest improvements in the Barnes maze and novel object recognition.”
The researchers noted that the high carb, low protein diet has similar effects to the low-calorie diets.
“Low protein, high carbohydrate diets recapitulate some of the benefits of caloric restriction on brain aging.”
The logical assumption is that there is something in protein which shortens the lifespan and hampers brain health.
After all, both the low-protein diets and the low-calorie diets will have less protein – this is the common factor.
The problem is not protein in general – rather, it’s a few amino acids which are part of protein.
The amino acid methionine particularly accelerates aging.
Methionine has an antidote – another amino acid called glycine – which is found in gelatin and collagen.
The anti-aging potential of glycine was discovered by researchers at Baruch College in New York. Their findings were published in the FASEB Journal.
The work of these scientists came after other researchers are discovering that restricting methionine extends lifespan…
Just like protein restriction or caloric restriction.
“Dietary methionine restriction extends lifespan in rodents by 30–40% and inhibits growth.”
The researchers knew that glycine was essential for the removal of excess methionine by the liver
“Glycine is the vehicle for hepatic clearance of excess methionine.”
So they wondered whether glycine supplementation might be as effective as methionine/protein/calorie restriction.
“We hypothesised that dietary glycine supplementation might also extend lifespan.”
So they carried out a number of experiments feeding different diets to different groups of rats.
Glycine supplementation led to significant increases in lifespan.
Rats given high doses of glycine lived 28% longer.
No protein restriction. No calorie restriction.
“In rats given 12% glycine, the median lifespan increased from 88 weeks to 113 weeks.”
The maximum lifespan of the rat increased from 91 weeks to 119 weeks when given plenty of glycine.
So the potential benefits of caloric restriction are likely due to less methionine – which can be easily achieved by eating more glycine.
(Glycine helps the liver remove methionine so you don’t have to worry about only eating tiny amounts of protein.)
Gelatin and collagen are the best food sources of glycine.
They contain between 20 and 30% glycine by weight.
A couple of ounces of these foods a day can do wonders for longevity and overall health.
—-Important Message About Your Immune System—-
Why men need more glutathione and how to get it
One of the most important compounds in the body is glutathione because it fights infection and inflammation in men.
Without glutathione, men get sick much more often and suffer from chronic long term disease.
And unfortunately, we make only a small amount of glutathione in our bodies…
And once we use up our glutathione, it must be either made fresh or recycled.
Recycling glutathione has huge health benefits — our bodies WANT to recycle used-up glutathione…
But to recycle and reuse glutathione, we must have a lot of vitamin C floating around our cells and our tissues.
And most men don’t have enough vitamin C — even men who are taking vitamin C supplements.
And that’s because regular vitamin C doesn’t stick around in the body long enough to recycle glutathione.
But my new Super C does, and it replenishes glutathione so your immune system is much stronger.