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Not enough potassium means: High blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis (men get it too), and kidney disease.
——Important Message——
My secret testosterone experiment: What went wrong?!
My waistband was a little looser. I could pull my belt in an extra notch. Wow.
The scale still showed the same numbers, but I was definitely thinner.
Then, over the next few months, I went from a size 38 to a size 32. And my numbers slowly fell to 175.
I realized that my 45-second activity was working to burn off my flab AND give me stronger, firmer erections at the same time.
But what about my testosterone?
The proof would be in a blood test…that would tell me whether the 45-second activity really raises testosterone too.
A few days later my results came back from the lab…and I was astonished.
Here are the results:
Now I was sure my 45-second activity was definitely raising my testosterone too!
Of course, then I was too confident and thought my weight would drop in days… it actually took a couple of weeks.
(And my doctor had told me, “you are so WRONG…This is a really BAD idea.” Now he is trying it too, LOL)
Do you want the same results?
Men suffering in the bedroom have low potassium…
Don’t you often wish you could be one of those guys who doesn’t give a thought to what they eat? Or drink? Or smoke?
You wish that you could be one of those guys who seem to get away with it?
I do. I envy their peace of mind. And I marvel at their ability to drink beer, stay thin, keep their hairline, and be happy-go-lucky.
But then, in time, I see that they don’t get away with it.
Sooner or later it catches up with them.
You often see them go down when they get to their forties.
Your friend with cancer, heart failure, or Parkinson’s is in trouble.
Wouldn’t it be worth making some small changes to ensure this doesn’t happen to you…
If possible. Before symptoms appear.
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But wait! People used to get away with it, didn’t they?
Yes, they did! More than they do today.
Back then, the odds were good that you’d be one of them.
We all know some older people like that.
Back then most of us could afford to not give it a thought…
Why can’t we get away with it anymore?
That was before we were enrolled, without our consent, in a great experiment:
- The fertilizer revolution unbalanced the minerals in the soil.
- The diet revolution got us to eat more grains and high phosphorus foods like bread and breakfast cereals.
- The “heart healthy” spin got us to eat sunflower and soy oils instead of butter and animal fats.
- The growth in convenience foods added stuff to our food that is doing us no good. And they removed nutrients in the processing.
- Modern medicines, tested briefly in the laboratory, only really get tested in the population.
- And many more.
Today I’m looking at one thing from the first point on this list…
Potassium. If you value your heart and your kidneys and don’t want diabetes, potassium is important.
Balancing our minerals – such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium – is central to health.
“Modern food has significantly decreased potassium content. As a result, the tendency towards mild hypokalemia is rather frequent among healthy subjects.”
And that’s just our modern food as it is harvested…before it even gets processed.
Processed food is a whole other massive experiment.
We can see this is not turning out well just by looking at the rates of cancer, diabetes, and obesity.
Since the balance between nutrients has been lost, we can no longer just hope for the best.
We need to find out how to restore the balance as much as we can.
That is how we can choose to leave this experiment.
And, to a certain extent, we can remove ourselves from it…
By choosing less-processed foods. And foods higher in potassium.
“This can be easily corrected by the change of food habits – i.e. increase in fresh fruit and vegetable intake.”
This means cooking, my friend.
Are you sure they’re talking about me?
Let’s look at the figures…
“Potassium intake decreased with the agricultural revolution when energy intake shifted from a variety of plants, including potassium-rich tubers, to cereals and animal products that have lower potassium concentrations – and then further decreased with a shift to highly refined processed foods.”
“Only 3% of Americans met the adequate intake (of potassium) in the 2003–2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey representative sample.”
“The average potassium intake of Americans is just over half of the requirement at 2591 ± 19 mg/d. Adequate dietary potassium is important for heart and bone health and reduces the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease.”
3%… That says it all – you are probably not getting enough potassium.
And having too little potassium means more risks – high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis (men get it too), and kidney disease. These are the big ones.
And another really important one is ED…
Yes, men with low potassium often – usually – have sexual performance problems.
That’s not good…
But preventing potassium deficiency is simple: just eat more of the right foods.
The study author goes on to suggest ways to raise potassium in the diet.
“The potato is the highest source of potassium of all foods. However, because of consumption patterns, the top potassium sources for Americans are milk, coffee, chicken and beef dishes, orange and grapefruit juice, and potatoes.”
It’s not a bad list from other health perspectives too.
But from all I’ve read, I would add these cautions:
- Not too much chicken
- More fruit, but skip the grapefruit
- Don’t forget about milk
- Peel and cook the potatoes really well, and don’t throw away the cooking water
- Cook green vegetables really well too…eating them raw is hard on the gut.
How many bowel movements should you have per day?
To prevent overdoing it, you are better off getting potassium from food, not from a supplement.
Too much potassium can kill you.
It’s not just about avoiding illness. It’s about feeling great!
By the time you get any of the diseases on that list, I am willing to bet you have not been feeling great for some time.
Getting more potassium is likely to make you feel better in ways you have not even thought of.
If you’re prediabetic, think of how you used to feel…your energy levels…your mood.
Studies seldom mention these subjective things, but men often tell me about them.
It’s called quality of life.
And I think it’s worth doing a bit of cooking!
——-Important Message——-
Can this anti-diabetic breakfast reverse diabetes symptoms?
You will be surprised what men who have REVERSED their diabetes are eating for breakfast.
Things like orange juice. Eggs. Huh?? Orange juice? Eggs?? For a diabetic??
Well have you tried it? These men are doing great now…
Important: These men are NOT taking any medications with their breakfast…
They don’t need them anymore.
And these men learned about the 5 worst diabetes medications…so they knew they wanted a natural fix.
This report shows the reason why you want to quit those medications (with your doctor’s blessing) and how I discovered the real way to reverse diabetes (and it involves a doctor).
So, if you want to learn from my research and get over your diabetes FAST, right now, go here and discover what you need to add to your breakfast.

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