Men over 50 should do this pleasurable activity at least 1x a week (not intercourse)

This can instantly improve your quality of life

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Matt Cook here, and as men, we put ourselves through a lot physically.

And it can put a lot of wear and tear on our bodies.

Fortunately, one very pleasurable activity is restoring the body to its prime…

—-Important Message From Lloyd Lester—-

Put her in this one position to give her the biggest O of her life

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This ONE position will give her a massive full-body orgasm…

So with every thrust, you are sending her to seventh heaven during intercourse.

It’s not weird or awkward, and it doesn’t require extreme flexibility.

This one position is simple, comfortable, and oh so pleasurable — for you and her both!

Put her in this one position tonight — and she’ll beg you to do the same tomorrow…


Men over 50 should do this pleasurable activity at least 1x a week (not intercourse)

Low back pain can be a chronic and excruciating health problem for many people — and it’s very difficult to treat.

Most people end up taking pain treatments for this health problem, and many of these pain treatments have serious side-effects. 

These side-effects include actually making the pain worse — in the case of opioids.

But there are a number of chemical-free options which can be surprisingly effective.

One of these is massage therapy.

Some studies have found that massage therapy can help around 50% of people deal with chronic lower back pain.

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The human research was carried out at the University of Kentucky at Lexington. The results were published in Pain Medicine.

Most people have experienced lower back pain at some time in their lives.

A lot of the time it clears up quickly. But sometimes the pain persists.

This long-term chronic lower back pain becomes very tricky to deal with.

The pain causes stress, and stress increases inflammation, leading to more pain.

There are a lot of studies showing that massage can help with chronic lower back pain. 

But most of these are short-term — and researchers wanted to know if this therapy is effective over periods of months…

And whether the improvement persists when massage therapy is stopped.

The researchers recruited over 100 patients with chronic low back pain for this study. 

They tracked pain, disability, and overall quality-of-life.

“We evaluated the impact of massage on pain, disability, and health-related quality-of-life for primary care patients with chronic lower back pain.”

The participants had these measures assessed before the study began.

Then further assessments were done at 12 weeks and again at 24 weeks.

There were 10 massage sessions in the first 12 weeks.

There were no sessions between week 12 and week 24.

Some people dropped out — but 86 people stayed in the study for at least 12 weeks — and three quarters of the participants were re-tested at 24 weeks.

Just about half of the participants had improvements in pain.

“For the bodily pain domain, 49% were clinically improved to 12 weeks.”

That dropped to 40% by 24 weeks. There were no massage sessions from week 12 to week 24.

Even when people stopped doing their massage therapy — the vast majority of them retained improvements in pain levels for three months.

This treatment-free therapy might keep 40% – 50% of people with chronic lower back pain from needing pain treatments with long-term serious ramifications.

The researchers also found that massage therapy was more effective for people who are 50 years of age or older. 

These are the people who have the most trouble with chronic lower back pain.

“Adults older than age 49 had better pain and disability outcomes than younger adults.”

Unsurprisingly, the study also found significant improvements in quality-of-life massage therapy. 

In fact, quality-of-life improvements were slightly greater than the improvement in pain.

55% of people reported quality-of-life improvements after 12 weeks.

And 43% reported improved quality-of-life 12 weeks after their last massage therapy session.

Massage therapy has the ability to relax muscles and lower stress — thereby decreasing inflammation and interrupting the pain/stress/inflammation cycle.

It is one of a number of treatment-free therapies that people with chronic lower back pain should look into.

“Results provide a meaningful signal of massage effect for primary care patients with chronic low back pain.”

You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health-related problems.

—-Important Message From Matt Cook for Men in Pain Who Want Relief Right Now—-

This manly element erases chronic pain in as little as 2 weeks — and it’s as safe as table salt

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I’ve discovered a natural powder that is so potent and so powerful…

…it can bathe you in soothing healing goodness…

…obliterate the need for dangerous, addictive drugs like opioids…

…and make life as physically and romantically rewarding as it was when you were a young man.

I call this powder the Manly Element — because not only does it safely erase chronic pain in men…

…it raises testosterone, lowers estrogen, raises sperm quality, increases the quantity of semen a man ejaculates…

…and even boosts a man’s sex drive.

All from one remarkable powder that you can buy at any store for less than two bucks…


Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.


Real-World Massage Therapy Produces Meaningful Effectiveness Signal for Primary Care Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: Results of a Repeated Measures Cohort Study