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This raises testosterone, lowers blood sugar, and boosts energy – and it’s SO easy…
—-Important Message—-
419% muscle growth in just 45 seconds – here is the “workout”
Just 45 seconds can get you bulging muscles and great erections…
I call it a “workout,” but it isn’t really. There are no gym exercises to do.
Yes, your waist gets firmer and your chest and thigh muscles become better defined.
Some older guys even discover that, yes, they have ab muscles – even a six-pack.
Why does it work and how do you do it?
Men – “intense” muscle growth without exercise
Studies tell us that vigorous exercise can improve blood sugar for people who lean towards diabetes.
Yet research has also shown that people with blood sugar issues are unlikely to maintain exercise regimens.
Grueling, high-intensity exercise routines are more difficult for people with health problems.
The thing is – even moderate exercise can have huge benefits for people with blood sugar issues…
Research has shown that walking, or yoga, or a combination of both can significantly lower blood sugar…
These scientists conducted their human trials at the Sancheti Institute College of Physiotherapy, Pune, in India.
They published their results in the Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology.
Some research has shown the walking or yoga can lower blood sugar.
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So these researchers set up their study to see whether walking, yoga, or alternating between the two would be more beneficial.
They recruited 30 participants diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
All of the participants had been diagnosed for at least one year and were taking medication to lower their blood sugar.
The participants were randomly split into three groups – each group given a different exercise regimen.
The first group was tasked with walking for 30 minutes, 5 times per week for 4 weeks.
The second group was the yoga group. They performed yoga for the same duration and frequency as group one.
And the third group alternated between walking and yoga every week. The duration and frequency was the same as the first two groups.
“Group 1 – only walking, Group 2 – only yoga, and Group 3 – yoga and walking alternate weeks.”
All of the light exercise sessions were set at the same intensity level in order to make the most appropriate comparison.
The researchers carried out blood tests before and after the four-week intervention study.
They tested fasting blood sugar and post-prandial blood sugar – among other things.
“Post intervention fasting blood sugar and post-prandial blood sugar were obtained at the end of the four weeks.”
Fasting blood sugar dropped by 30 points in the “walking only” group.
- Their average fasting sugar went from 163 to 130.
- There was a drop of 40 points in post-prandial blood sugar in the “walking only” group.
- Post-meal blood sugar levels went from 210 to 170 on average after four weeks.
The “yoga only” group also saw benefits.
- Average fasting blood sugar levels dropped from 138 down to 122 in the yoga group.
- Post-meal blood sugar dropped from 214 down to 173 after four weeks of yoga.
The researchers also found a significant improvement in people who alternated weekly between walking and yoga.
- The alternating (walking/yoga) group’s fasting blood sugar dropped from 164 down to 140.
- Their post-meal blood sugar levels went from an average of 235 down to an average of 197.
The participants also completed a self-assessment questionnaire.
This questionnaire is designed to see how people perceive changes in their diabetes symptoms.
“Appraisal of diabetes scale is a 7-questions scale which rates the patient’s perception towards glycaemic control.”
There were significant improvements in blood sugar levels and on the appraisal of diabetes scale questionnaire in all groups.
“All three groups and significant improvements on blood sugar levels and appraisal of diabetes scale.”
Here are the (perceived) problems with exercise:
Physical fatigue and boredom with a set training regimen are two major obstacles that prevent people from maintaining an exercise regime.
You can overcome these problems by alternating lower-intensity exercise.
Alternate. That is the key!
“Poor adherence to exercise treatment protocol is a major challenge for obtaining blood sugar control.”
This research shows that diabetics can achieve significant benefits from alternating lower-intensity exercises.
“Alternate weeks of walking and yoga can be administered so as to break exercise monotony while maintaining efficacy.”
30 minutes of light-intensity exercise per day can have significant impacts on type 2 diabetes symptoms.
“Yoga, walking, and alternating walking with yoga are equally effective in improving blood sugar and patients’ perception of blood sugar control in type 2 diabetes.”
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health problems.
—-Important Message for Men with Blood Sugar Issues—-
Here is the blood sugar fix that men are using to get off medications and start living without Big Pharma chemicals
It uses this simple remedy that you mix up in your kitchen.

- Effect of Alternate Walking and Yoga on Blood Sugar Levels in Type 2 Diabetes https://www.ijpp.com/IJPP%20archives/2019_63_1/16-20.pdf
- Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2992225/
- Why Is My Blood Glucose Sometimes Low after Physical Activity?https://www.joslin.org/info/why_is_my_blood_glucose_sometimes_low_after_physical_activity.html