Hint: there are neurons down there, just like in your brain…
Matt Cook here, and it may sound crazy to hear that you have more computing power down there, than a cat does in its entire brain…
But it’s totally true! In fact, your male body is hiding a secret…
It’s much smarter than we all think… it’s got a mind of its own…
And you’re going to be shocked when you discover what’s been hiding down there all along…
—-Important Message From John Collins—-
This makes you stiffer than a baseball bat
When I was in high school, I had no problem getting stiff at a moment’s notice…
A hot girl could bend over in class and I would be hiding my boner under the desk for the next hour!
But eventually, as I got older, I started losing my stiffness…
I started wondering…
- Is it because I’m drinking too much?
- Too much stress?
- Not enough sleep?
- My diet?
What is it that’s keeping me from enjoying the same firm, solid, long-lasting erections that I used to enjoy as a young man?
Men have a second brain down there
I know that I talk about the gut all the time and how important it is to have a healthy gut if you want to have good overall health.
But why is the gut so important?
A lot of you have probably heard of the microbiome.
These are all the lifeforms that live inside our gut and if they are healthy they help us exist in a healthy manner in the world.
The microbiome is mostly made up of bacteria and viruses and there are an astonishing number of them that live in us.
Picture a bustling city on a weekday morning, the sidewalks flooded with people rushing to get to work or to appointments. Now imagine this at a microscopic level and you have an idea of what the microbiome looks like inside our bodies, consisting of trillions of microorganisms (also called microbiota or microbes) of thousands of different species. [1] These include not only bacteria but fungi, parasites, and viruses.
There is more to gut health than just the microbiome though.
The gut contains what researchers are starting to call a “second brain.”
Most people have no idea this even exists.
“It’s like this second brain in our gut,” Gulbransen said. “It’s an extensive network of neurons and glia that line our intestines.”
This second brain allows the gut to carry out most of its functions completely on its own…
…even if it ends up disconnected from the central nervous system!
Beyond that, the enteric nervous system is remarkably independent: Intestines could carry out many of their regular duties even if they somehow became disconnected from the central nervous system.
We have as much computing power in our guts as cats have in their entire brains.
And the number of specialized nervous system cells, namely neurons and glia, that live in a person’s gut is roughly equivalent to the number found in a cat’s brain.
It’s kind of crazy to think about the idea that our bodies possess a second and quite powerful brain, but they do.
The two pieces that make up the gut brain are neurons and glia.
You might be familiar with how neurons work because we also have them in our brains.
Neurons conduct electrical signals and glia are part of the signaling network.
“Thinking of this second brain as a computer, the glia are the chips working in the periphery,” Gulbransen said. “They’re an active part of the signaling network, but not like neurons. The glia are modulating or modifying the signal.”
This discovery may lead to a new way to understand irritable bowel syndrome as well as constipation and other bowel disorders.
Gulbransen’s team found that glia could open up new ways to help treat irritable bowel syndrome, a painful condition that currently has no cure and affects 10% to 15% of Americans. Glia could also be involved in several other health conditions, including gut motility disorders, such as constipation, and a rare disorder known as chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction.
This is potentially good news for people who suffer from these conditions.
I also think that finding out more about how the gut actually works is critical to health and could lead to significant additional breakthroughs in the future.
Taking care of our gut is critical to having good health and even influences sexual performance.
It’s also worth paying attention to your gut if you want to have high testosterone levels and be able to gain muscle mass easily.
—-Important Message From Matt for Men Worried About Gut Health—-
This cleans penis poisons out of your gut – results in much better erections in as little as 2 weeks
Young men have strong, healthy gut microbiomes that aren’t affected as much by the endotoxins in the fatty, processed foods they eat.
But years of eating these PUFA-heavy foods have turned the gut microbiomes of older men into vats of raw sewage.
Vats of raw sewage that are leaking from your gut into your penis, your prostate, your entire body…
A leaky gut lets this raw sewage escape into the rest of the body like a whole horde of unwelcome visitors.
I call these unwelcome visitors penis poisons, because they are deeply tied to erections problems and prostate inflammation.
Fortunately, my new protocol cleans these penis poisons out of the gut and out of the male member.
And the result is much better health and rockiness, in as little as 2 weeks.
For a limited time, I’m letting men try it for free.
Clean Organ Protocol just for men — click to try