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Scientists confirm – coffee has hidden effects that are very damaging to the thyroid.
——Important Message——
Men: This removes any blockage preventing erection…
As you can see in the picture, the penis contains many tiny arteries and chambers that all have to be wide open, in order for a man to get full erections.
If these tiny arteries are clear, performance is automatic like it was when you were a teenager.
However, if the arteries are closed and clogged – which is the case for most guys over 50 – it can seem impossible to get fully hard.
Fortunately, a simple 45-second trigger can open up those closed and clogged arteries…
…letting blood seep into each crevice and expand the penis for full erections.
Here’s the 45-second trigger that restores blood flow and rigid hard-ons
Men who drink coffee – are they in danger?
If there is a master hormone it must be thyroid hormone.
Thyroid hormone determines everything that happens in the body at the cellular level.
As thyroid hormone decreases below healthy levels, aging accelerates and disease sets in.
New data implicates compounds in green tea as having a shockingly deleterious effect on thyroid function.
This study was published in the Journal of Molecular and Cellular Biology.
And it casts real doubt on the alleged health benefits of green tea.
Green tea is one of the most commonly promoted health drinks.
Catechin extracts from green tea, such as EGCG, are also popular “fat burners.”
True, green tea is anti-inflammatory and can lower blood pressure.
And it’s true that green tea contains lots of antioxidants which can reduce oxidative stress.
But in this study researchers looked at a mechanism that has longer-reaching health implications than any of those benefits…
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Green tea’s effect on thyroid function…
In this study, the scientists divided a bunch of lab rats into groups of eight and gave the groups different doses of refined green tea catechin.
They injected the supplement into the body cavities of the animals – a method that simulates oral dosing in humans.
One group of rats was given a placebo. Three other groups received doses of 10, 20, or 30 mg per kg of body weight for two weeks.
In addition, some other groups of rats received the same doses but for a longer period of 30 days.
“Catechin was injected at doses of 10, 20, and 30 mg/kg body to male albino rats for 15 and 30 days.”
Then the scientists took thorough measurements of the rats’ thyroid hormones and the enzymes involved in thyroid hormone synthesis.
Green tea catechin lowered the levels of the enzymes the body uses to create thyroid hormones.
“Catechin decreased the activities of thyroid peroxidase and thyroidal 5′-deiodinase I.”
Even worse, the results showed that green tea catechin substantially lowered both the active form of thyroid hormone (T3) and its storage form precursor (T4).
“Catechin produced a substantial decrease in serum T3 and T4 levels.”
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is produced by the pituitary gland.
The pituitary gland samples the blood levels of thyroid hormones.
When levels of thyroid hormones decrease, the pituitary gland releases more thyroid-stimulating hormone.
TSH then acts on the thyroid gland, telling it to produce more hormones.
Elevated levels of TSH means that the body is sensing inadequate levels of thyroid hormones.
Thyroid-stimulating hormone should be low.
Green tea catechin significantly increased levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone – again proving its negative effect on thyroid function.
“Catechin caused a significant elevation of serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).”
When thyroid function becomes disordered, we can often see physical changes in the gland itself…
These tell-tale signs were present in the glands of the rats given the green tea catechin extract.
“Examinations of the thyroid gland revealed marked hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia of the thyroid follicles with depleted colloid content.”
Most of these results showed a dose-dependent effect…
The more green tea extract, the worst the effect on thyroid function.
The study confirms previous models indicating that green tea may have potent thyroid effects.
“The present study reinforces the concept that catechin, tea flavonoids possess potent antithyroid activity as evidenced from in vivo and in vitro studies.”
Thyroid hormones act on every cell to allow the cells to do their work.
Therefore, thyroid function affects every part of the body.
Thyroid hormones allow cells to generate energy and they control the amount of repair and rejuvenation that the body can achieve.
So maintaining healthy levels of thyroid hormones is key to health and longevity.
Anything that significantly inhibits the production of thyroid hormones should be seen as very suspect.
These studies showed a dose-dependent effect in animals.
But it is not clear at what point drinking green tea or taking a supplement would become detrimental to human health.
Small amounts of green tea or green-tea-based supplements are probably harmless or even beneficial.
You should see a professional if you suspect thyroid disease or any other health complication.
—–Important Message——
100-year-old men who have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and are STILL having sex with their wives
Here is their secret – and it could add 30 years or more to your life

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