Out of University of Virginia comes a fantastic study with massive consequences for anybody who has cancer or who may have cancer.
Start with this fact. About one in four of us guys will die from cancer.
And that’s probably on the low end.
In fact, the better they get at the other death risk, heart attack, the more men die of cancer. It’s either one, or the other.
We are dying of anything else very much anymore, accidents and contagious disease death rates are always falling.
And one of the most common cancers is prostate cancer. Among men, is the most common form of cancer. So here’s this study that has huge consequences.
Let me make it really simple.
When you consume vegetable oil, the body turns it into something called arachidonic acid, or AA.
So remember this: AA comes from French fries. AA comes from peanuts. AA comes from bottled salad dressings, AA come from mayonnaise, AA comes from supposedly heart healthy nuts.
So now, we find out that the AA is turned into some nasty stuff that spreads cancer. AA becomes eicosanoids, and in turn, these turn on cancer cells.
And they actually spread cancer by firing off neutrophils, specialized cells that carry the cancer-promoting eicosanoids to other tissues, resulting potentially in metastasizing cancer spreading to other organs.
There is an enzyme that’s involved in all this. An enzyme called 5-LOX. The more 5-LOX does its job, the worse the cancer gets, or becomes.
When they inhibit the 5-LOX with the use of drugs or supplements, the cancer cells all of a sudden commit mass suicide.
They call this apoptosis.
It’s a good thing when cancer cells kill themselves.
What to take from all this
First of all, the same mechanism has been shown to be involved in breast cancer. I’ll be discussing this study soon.
The fact is that omega six fatty acids, or vegetable oil, power the 5-LOX enzyme. the fatty acids from Omega six vegetable oil turn into eicosanoids in the body. And these eicosanoids, chiefly arachidonic acid, are the stimulators of cancer.
So one thing I would take from this is try to bring your diet to a point where you don’t have any omega six fatty acids at all. This is very opposite to what were being told now by the conventional diet and nutrition so-called experts. They’re all telling us to consume omega six fats.
They’re saying, consume more nuts, consume more fatty fish, don’t worry about things like soy oil or corn oil, it’s all good for you.
But that is not true, according to the study.
This study and others are showing that these omega six fatty acids are very powerful promoters of cancer.
And we may be better off without any of them in our diet.
But what about the ratio people that tell us as long as you consume a certain ratio of omega six to omega-3 oils, you’re golden?
the studies that I am seeing now don’t say that ratios are important. They really indicate that Omega six and probably omega-3 fatty acids promote cancer.
They don’t say that “if you have some omega-3 with your Omega six, the combo won’t promote cancer.”
They don’t say there is a safe ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 fats.
They really show that these polyunsaturated fatty acids are very powerful promoters of the inflammatory processes that lead to cancer.
The result is as the study says,
These results suggest that agents inhibiting the formation and function of…eicosanoids may make attractive new tools for the treatment of prostate cancer.
And this would be true of any cancer. All have some amazing reports on other types of cancers, including breast cancers from some brand-new studies. But the studies are all pointing to the problem with polyunsaturated fatty acids promoting cancer.
Are there any inhibitors of 5-LOX that are safe?
Studies are turning to an asthma medication, one known as Singulair, as a very potent inhibitor of 5-LOX. But there are other more natural inhibitors of this cancer-causing enzyme.
Dr. David Duke has provided this list of plant-based inhibitors of 5-LOX:
Allicin | garlic (dasuan) | D = 25 ug/ml |
Berbamine | hu-chang (huzhang) | IC50 = 40 uM |
Berberine | coptis (huanglian), phellodendron (haungbai) | IC50 = 118 uM |
Boswellic acid | frankincense (ruxiang) | IC50 = 1.5 uM |
Caffeic acid | taraxacum (pugongying) | IC50 = 62-148 uM |
Epicatechin | tea | IC50 = 140 uM |
Epicatechin-gallate | tea | IC50 = 18 uM |
Epigallocatechin | tea | IC50 = 21 uM |
Fisetin | chih-shih (zhishi) | IC50 = 11 uM |
Flavone | numerous | IC50 = 32 uM |
Galangin | galanga (liangjiang) | IC50 = 20 uM |
Morin | morus (sangbaipi) | IC50 = 160 uM |
Quercetin | numerous | IC50 = 0.1-5 uM |
Theaflavin digallate | tea | IC50 = 0.25 uM |
Ursolic acid | ligustrum (nuzhenzi) | IC50 = 180 uM |
The one we know and love the most in the aboe list are going to be tea (tea catechins), and curcumin (found in turmeric but hard to absorb.)
But the best thing may be to avoid polyunsaturated fatty acids altogether. They are not “essential” as I”ll be showing in some upcoming new studies.