Masks causing this cancer to skyrocket – important news

Nobody mentions this — but these are the risks with wearing face masks…

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Matt Cook here, and we’re in the third year of this pandemic and still being told to wear masks everywhere we go…

But what are the risks? And why aren’t we hearing about them?

I like to follow the science — not the crowds or the government guidelines…

So here’s why I’m not a fan of wearing a mask… (what they will never tell you)

—-Important Message From Aaron Wilcoxx—-

This is the #1 trick I learned as an X-rated movie star (hint: helps a man last longer)

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My name is Aaron Wilcoxxx, and now that I’ve got 200+ movies behind me, I’m in a position of power…

I can finally share my secret with other men — how it works, how it can help you give your partner night after night of insane, soaking passion…

This was previously an industry secret that I could only share with other stars from “THOSE” movies.

Discover my secret method here in this exclusive video.


Masks causing this cancer to skyrocket – important news

It wasn’t long ago that the use of masks was something reserved for surgeons and dentists.

These days the mask debate can infiltrate every moment of your waking life – if you let it.

In fact, there are two mask debates going on.

The first is about the alleged potential benefits of wearing masks.

The second, often overlooked debate, is the question about the potential risks to wearing a mask.

The risks are going to be different depending on who the person is and their current health status.

It also depends on how long you’re wearing a mask for.

But recent research has delivered pretty convincing evidence that wearing a mask could be dangerous for people at risk of lung cancer.

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The human research was carried out at the New York University School of Medicine. 

The findings were published in the journal Cancer Discovery.

Masks are a breeding ground for bacteria.

They provide a warm inviting environment for bacteria of the mouth and skin to replicate.

On the skin and in the mouth there are protective factors which regulate bacterial populations — which normally keep bacteria under control.

But these antibacterial elements don’t transfer onto masks.

The growth of bacteria masks can be much more pathogenic than on the skin or in the mouth.

Of course, bacteria are everywhere. Recently there was some debate about the existence of bacteria in the lungs…

We now know that the lungs have their own natural bacterial community — lung commensal bacteria.

But in people with lung cancer, bacteria from the mouth begins to invade and infect lungs.

The massive growth of mouth bacteria on masks could lead to deadly lung infections.

“In lung cancer, enrichment of the airway microbiota with oral bacteria commonly occurs.”

Bacterial overgrowth from the mouth (including via a mask) spreads to the lung.

These changing bacterial populations also seem to play a role in lung cancer progression.

“Some of these bacteria can trigger changes associated with carcinogenesis.”

In this study, researchers looked at bacteria in the lungs of people with lung cancer.

The participants of the study were split into different groups according to how bad their lung cancer diagnosis was.

People with more mouth bacteria in their lungs had worse diagnoses.

“The lower airway dysbiotic signature was more prevalent in severe metastatic lung cancer.”

(Dysbiotic signature — bacteria where they should not be.)

People with more aggressive cancer had more mouth bacteria infiltrating their lungs.

This type of bacterial infection also predicted worse outcomes for lung cancer patients.

“Infiltration of lungs with oral bacteria is associated with poor prognosis as shown by decreased survival.”

Overgrowth of mouth bacteria in the lungs was also clearly associated with more aggressive tumor growth.

“This lower airway bacterial signature was associated with worse tumor progression scores among subjects with advanced disease.”

These mouth bacteria seem to increase inflammation in the lung too — something closely tied to cancer.

The researchers were even able to identify the most important mouth bacteria in this context.

Veillonella parvula — a bacteria which also causes periodontitis and high blood pressure.

Periodontitis, aka gum disease, is a common complaint of people who wear masks a lot.

Dentists worry about this because it causes them bad breath.

“We identified the mouth bacteria Veillonella parvula as the most abundant taxon driving this cancerous/inflammatory association.”

The researchers then carried out a number of experiments in genetically modified mice which backed up their findings in human cancer patients.

“In a mouse lung cancer model, lower airway dysbiosis with Veillonella Parvula led to decreased survival, increased tumor burden and an inflammatory phenotype.”

The debate about the potential benefits of wearing masks will continue…

But there should be no doubt that there are risks to wearing masks — especially for people who are already weak or ill.

“We found that local airway bacteria modulates the immune system in lung cancer, affecting tumor progression and prognosis.”

You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health-related problems.

—-Important Message From Matt Cook—-

The real reason why men are dying from coronavirus — and it’s not what you’ve been told… 

You may be wondering:

“Why are some men getting deathly ill from coronavirus while others stay immune?”

And the answer may surprise you… 

In fact, it’s the complete opposite of what the media’s been saying… 

Discover the truth about coronavirus — and what you can do RIGHT NOW to stay healthy.


Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.


Lower Airway Dysbiosis Affects Lung Cancer Progression