The answer may surprise you…
—-Important Message About Getting Bigger Down There—-
These drops instantly make your member grow bigger
I’m using these special drops that go right onto my scrotum…
And when they touch my skin, they instantly start making me bigger down there…
It’s almost like magic — I just start growing bigger and fatter!
And my wife, she’s always amazed — every single time. She loves watching me get bigger right in front of her eyes.
I discovered these drops from a Colombian drug lord, believe it or not.
Here’s the full story — including how to start using these drops yourself to get bigger and fatter down below
Mailmen vs office workers – who’s healthier?
We are animals made for walking – but we do less and less of it these days.
We have become an unhealthy, sitting animal.
And those who are concerned with health and exercise tend to do more running and cycling – high-intensity, stressful exercises.
But there are any number of studies showing that people who walk more are healthier.
The human research was carried out at the University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. The paper was published in The International Journal of Obesity.
The researchers were interested in factors that make up the metabolic syndrome and their relationship to time spent sitting, standing, and walking.
“The relationship between metabolic risk and time spent sitting, standing and stepping has not been well established.”
They projected these factors into the future – creating a heart disease risk score based on factors of the metabolic syndrome.
“We aimed to determine associations of objectively measured time spent sitting, standing and stepping, with coronary heart disease risk.”
The researchers recruited over 100 people for this study.
They were postal workers who were high-tech activity trackers for a week.
“This was a cross-sectional study of healthy non-smoking Glasgow postal workers who wore activPAL physical activity monitors for 7 days.”
About half of the people were office workers.
The other half were mail delivery persons who did their job on foot.
Cardiovascular risk was calculated by something called PROCAM.
“Cardiovascular risks were assessed by metabolic syndrome categorisation and 10-year PROCAM risk.”
This predicts heart disease risk using…
- Age,
- low-density lipoprotein cholesterol,
- high-density lipoprotein cholesterol,
- triglycerides,
- smoking status,
- presence of diabetes,
- family history,
- systolic blood pressure
The researchers found strong associations between time spent not moving (sitting) and cardiovascular and metabolic issues.
“Waist circumference, fasting triglycerides, HDL cholesterol and PROCAM risk were detrimentally associated with sedentary time.”
The researchers also found that people with the metabolic syndrome accumulated fewer steps during the course of the average day.
Of course it could be that some people walk less because they are unhealthy – but this study included 2 different groups…
The mailmen who walked a lot and the office workers who did not walk very much.
“Compared with those without the metabolic syndrome, participants with the metabolic syndrome were significantly less active-fewer steps, shorter stepping duration and longer time sitting.”
The average American walks 3,500 steps per day.
People who count steps often aim for 8,000 or 10,000 steps.
The researchers found that people who walked more than 15,000 steps per day were the ones who had no features of the metabolic syndrome.
This group is almost certainly all mailmen as it is otherwise very difficult to get this many steps per day…
This reinforces the idea that walking more is the active factor in determining some of these metabolic problems.
“Those with no metabolic syndrome features walked >15 000 steps per day or spent >7 h per day upright.”
As you might expect those who were more sedentary were fatter – they had larger waists – and an elevated heart disease risk score.
“Longer time spent in sedentary posture is significantly associated with higher CHD risk and larger waist circumference.”
15,000 steps a day is a lot – and you probably don’t need to take that many to get the benefits.
But getting your steps up to 8,000 to 10,000 per day on average can have significant effects on your health.
Benefits include improved digestion, blood circulation and lower blood pressure.
But if you’re one of the many Americans who only gets 3,000 to 4,000 steps per day, then increase your steps slowly and gradually.
—-Important Message About Adding Decades to Your Life—-
Men eating this 1 food often live to 110 or 120
I know it sounds crazy, but there’s 1 food that very old and vital men are eating…
And they’re often living to 100, 110 or even 120…
While many so-called health gurus are dropping dead at 50 or 60 by AVOIDING this one food…
Here’s the 1 food — are you eating it or are you avoiding it?