This 5 minute activity can add decades to your life

Iron is good for you, but not too much.
And unfortunately, our foods, supplements, and treatments from the doc are often loaded with iron.
So a lot of us have too much iron.
And there are big risks with that.
Luckily, there’s one 5 minute activity you can do a couple of times a year to drastically lower your risks of getting sick with cancer.
—-Important Message From Dr. Joe—-
Doctor’s huge erections secret — try this tonight

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Lowering iron this way cuts your risk of cancer by 35%
Iron is an essential nutrient — we need a little bit of iron to be healthy.
But in the last few decades we have seen large amounts of iron added to processed foods, supplements, and even treatments.
The result is that now most people are getting too much iron.
Excess iron is linked to many different diseases — including cancer.
Researchers found that lowering iron through blood donation can decrease the risk of cancer by 60% and halve the risk of death from any cause.

The human study was carried out at the White River Junction VA Medical Center in Vermont.
The findings were published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
You will find endless articles in newspapers and on the Internet about the dangers of low iron, telling you how to increase the amount of iron in your body.
At the same time some people have been sounding the alarm about the link between high iron levels and cancer.
“Excess iron has been implicated in cancer risk through increased iron catalyzed free radical mediated oxidative stress.”
In this study, researchers were interested in the effect of decreasing iron levels on health outcomes in people with peripheral artery disease.
The research included over 1,200 people who were randomly split into two different groups.
All of the participants were diagnosed with peripheral artery disease and around half of them were asked to take part in an iron reduction program.
The iron reduction program consisted of regular phlebotomy — removing blood — just as you would if you were giving a blood donation.
People naturally tend to accumulate more and more iron as they get older.
Remarkably, the body has no real way of getting rid of excessive iron.
(Except for menstruation in menstruating women — which may be one reason why women seem to live a little bit longer on average.)
“Body iron stores accumulate with aging because intake exceeds loss and no biological mechanism exists for the excretion of excess iron.”
Excess iron can do damage all throughout the body — but it is particularly harmful to the cardiovascular system, liver, and brain.
The participants taking part in the iron reduction program had blood drawn every six months.
The amount of blood taken was altered in order to keep their blood iron levels within a certain range.
The researchers followed up with all of the participants over a number of years.
“Patients were followed up for an average of 4.5 years.”
The researchers found that decreasing iron had a significant effect on cancer rates between the two groups.
People taking part in iron lowering strategies were 35% less likely to receive a diagnosis of cancer.
“Risk of new malignancy was lower in the iron reduction group.”
38 people were diagnosed with cancer in the iron reduction group compared with 60 diagnoses in those who did not take part in the treatment.
Remember both groups were roughly the same size.
The researchers then looked at the risk of death only in the people who had been diagnosed with cancer.
They wanted to know whether you are more likely to die of cancer after diagnosis in either group.
The risk of dying from cancer was 60% lower in cancer patients who had lower iron levels.
(This comparison is using only people who were diagnosed with cancer. It does not take into account the lower risk of being diagnosed.)
“Among patients with new cancers, those in the iron reduction group had lower cancer specific mortality.”
The risk of death from any cause was also lower in the cancer patients who had depleted their iron levels.
These people were more than 50% less likely to die from any cause.
“Among patients with newly diagnosed cancers, those in the iron reduction group had lower all-cause mortality than those in the control group.”
This study shows that getting control of iron levels can lower the risk of developing cancer, the risk of dying from cancer, and the risk of dying from any other cause once you have received a diagnosis of cancer.
“Iron reduction was associated with lower cancer risk and mortality.”
Some people may need to take a little bit more iron — but this is really quite rare.
Most people are more at risk from the hazards of iron excess than they are from iron deficiency.
—-Important Message For Fighting Cancer—-
This natural cancer-fighting powder costs less than $1 for a 6 month supply

This seemingly ordinary white powder raises men’s testosterone and lowers harmful estrogen…
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And most importantly, it can cure the two biggest scourges on the planet…
…cancer and Alzheimer’s disease…
Here’s the natural cancer-fighting powder Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about.

Decreased cancer risk after iron reduction in patients with peripheral arterial disease: results from a randomized trial