Here’s how to use this simple nutrient to deactivate cortisol and promote testosterone
Matt Cook here, and cortisol is a highly inflammatory stress hormone that can wreak havoc on the male body.
When cortisol gets too high, testosterone falls…
And estrogen starts to rise…
And then men are suffering from erections problems, type II diabetes, obesity, muscle loss, cardiovascular disease, decreased immunity…
You name it, cortisol can cause it.
And that’s why I’m getting really excited by magnesium…
You see, just a little bit of magnesium used in the right way can safely lower harmful cortisol levels… here’s how…
—-Important Message About Raising T—-
Boosting testosterone this way lowers inflammation in men
Testosterone is like the holy grail for men…
It’s something every man wants in high amounts to have great health and great sexual function.
But testosterone’s villain is estrogen… estrogen counteracts all the benefits of testosterone in men.
And high estrogen makes the whole male body inflamed…
Inflammation affects the prostate, it slows the metabolism, it leads to unwanted fat gain (even man boobs)…
…and it can really hurt men’s rockiness.
And it all starts from too much estrogen.
But I’ve discovered that if you boost testosterone in this specific way, estrogen goes down and inflammation goes away…
And your health starts improving in major ways, along with better sexual performance!
Here’s how to boost your T in a way that naturally lowers estrogen and inflammation — doctors nicknamed it my “dangerous experiment” but it really works, and SAFELY too.
Lowering cortisol this way raises testosterone
A little while back I did a lot of research on cortisol for a newsletter.
Reading about this stress hormone, I was once again struck by how many health problems it seems to cause.
Lower testosterone, erections problems, type II diabetes, obesity, muscle loss, cardiovascular disease, and decreased immunity.
These are just some of the health problems caused by high cortisol.
Health problems caused by this hormone are very common – but it is possible to lower cortisol – as I explained in that newsletter.
One tool which is useful to keep cortisol in check is magnesium.
Human studies have shown that this essential nutrient can decrease the amount of cortisol.
It does this, in part by helping the body to deactivate this stress hormone.
The human research was carried out at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. The paper was published in Clinical Endocrinology.
Magnesium is important for lowering the risk of many different types of chronic disease…
But researchers are particularly interested in the role of magnesium in cardiovascular disease.
“Increasing magnesium intake might reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.”
Cortisol is one of a number of stress hormones which have been strongly linked to the development of cardiovascular disease.
The researchers wanted to know whether the benefits of magnesium could be due to it causing reduction in cortisol.
“Whether potential effects of cortisol contributed to these beneficial effects on cardiovascular health remains unclear.”
Many of the changes which take place in cardiovascular disease take some time.
The progression or reversal of these disease processes can take months.
So it’s important when testing treatments for cardiovascular disease to do long-term studies.
“We studied the effects of long-term magnesium supplementation on glucocorticoid metabolism.”
Glucocorticoids are a class of hormones produced in the body – one of which is cortisol.
Cortisol can be converted into other glucocorticoid hormones which are far less harmful.
This conversion of cortisol into other hormones is known as glucocorticoid metabolism…
And the researchers were interested in this process
So they looked at the effect of 350mg of magnesium over a six month period in a group of 49 people between the ages of 45 then 70 years old.
Some were given supplements with no magnesium – the placebo group.
All of the participants were overweight and therefore at an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
A good way to test how much cortisol is in the body is to see how much is in the urine.
More cortisol in the urine means more cortisol in the body.
Magnesium supplementation led to significantly lower levels of cortisol in the urine.
“After 24 weeks, urinary cortisol was decreased in the magnesium group compared to the placebo group.”
The researchers also found that the ratios of glucocorticoid hormones changed.
People taking magnesium had less cortisol and more of the inactive and relatively harmless glucocorticoids.
The conclusion is that magnesium helps the body to deactivate cortisol…
Turning it into almost harmless glucocorticoids (namely cortisone).
“Ratios of cortisol:cortisone were decreased following magnesium supplementation.”
This happens because magnesium increases an enzyme which converts cortisol into cortisone.
This helpful enzyme is called 11β‐HSD type 2.
“We observed a beneficial effect of magnesium supplement toward a lower 24 hour urinary cortisol excretion together with an increased activity of the 11β‐HSD type 2 enzyme.”
The researchers believe they have identified one reason why magnesium supplementation can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
“Our findings may provide another potential mechanism by which increased magnesium intake lowers cardiovascular disease risk.”
The mechanism by which magnesium lowers cortisol could help with other cortisol related diseases too.
Cortisol problems include: low testosterone, erections problems, type II diabetes, obesity, muscle loss, fat gain, cardiovascular disease, and decreased immunity.
—-Important Message About Boosting Magnesium—-
These 5 “flow” foods boost magnesium and boost blood flow
I’ve discovered certain foods naturally rich in magnesium.
And these foods are perfect for giving men the magnesium they need to have great blood flow.
See, magnesium is important in relaxing the blood vessels to get good blood flow.
When the arteries are relaxed and flexible, more blood can flow through…
And that takes pressure off your heart, it helps raise testosterone, and it really gives men a big boost downstairs.
Here are the 5 “flow” foods that boost magnesium and boost blood flow (especially down there)