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I’m continually struck by the number of men who were still taking cholesterol medication.
They think that managing cholesterol is good for their health, but they’re wrong.
There’s nothing more lunatic than trying to lower your cholesterol.
When in fact, higher cholesterol leads to a longer and healthier life.
Low cholesterol may shorten your life.
We used to know this.
But in the 50s, the big agricultural interests discovered that giving people vegetable oils would lower their cholesterol.
They started pushing low cholesterol foods that included these vegetable oils.
Vegetable oils contain the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which are far more dangerous than cholesterol.
But they either didn’t realize that or ignored it.
At that point, big agriculture and big Pharma started plotting together to paint cholesterol as some sort of demon.
Since plaques in the arteries contain cholesterol, they had the perfect argument.
Instead of determining how and why the plaques form, they focused purely on removing the building blocks.
Lowering cholesterol became “the way” to avoid clogged arteries, while they still didn’t know why the arteries would become clogged.
That’s when they started to encourage people to consume more PUFAs to lower their cholesterol.
And THAT has led us to our current epidemic of all kinds of inflammatory diseases, obesity, and diabetes.
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But if you could keep your cholesterol levels nice and high, you can combat a lot of these issues and live a long healthy life.
Since I know guys still need some convincing, I want to show you this very important study.
It looked at what happens when you have low cholesterol.
This study really covers so-called “good” cholesterol, HDL cholesterol.
But the findings can apply to other types of cholesterol as we will see in a moment.
The researchers followed about 7000 people over almost ten years.
People from all over Japan participated.
They were from the city, from the country, from rural areas, from suburbia.
They measured HDL-cholesterol levels during and after the study and monitored all-cause mortality.
The researchers found that higher HDL-cholesterol levels led to modestly lower death rates during the study.
The effects of low cholesterol weren’t as pronounced as they’d expected.
Let’s look at the actual numbers.
There were 636 deaths out of about 7000 people over the ten year period.
The difference between the groups was small.
Researchers found that 2.7% fewer people would have died if they had higher HDL cholesterol.
This was a decrease in absolute risk of 2.7%.
Like I said, it’s not a large impact, but it clearly shows that higher HDL cholesterol is better than lower.
So only 445 people would have died with the high HDL cholesterol instead of 636.
That means that if you have high cholesterol, you are about 2.7% less likely to die than people with low cholesterol — all other things being equal.
So let’s look at the other side of the equation.
I want to look at this study that was funded by Pfizer.
It’s the epitome of a Big Pharma funded study.
It focused on the effects of lowering LDL or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol — what doctors called “bad” cholesterol.
This study supposedly shows how lowering the so-called “bad” cholesterol helps reduce the chances of stroke and heart attack.
This study uses a lot of words a lot of cloudy language and statistical tricks.
But after analyzing it, I want to draw your attention to this part here:
Patients with more than 50% reductions in LDL-C had a 31% reduction in the combined risk of nonfatal and fatal stroke.
Sounds great, right?
Except here are the actual numbers.
I have to wade through these numbers to find the truth, but you don’t, LOL.
What is buried in the study is that people that lower their cholesterol by up to 50% had more strokes than people that had no change.
That’s kind of suspicious, because people who lowered their cholesterol more than half, had fewer strokes.
It’s just not consistent.
You would think that people who lowered their cholesterol by 40% would’ve had lower strokes, but no.
Only people that had lowered their cholesterol by 60 or 70% had a difference in strokes.
And what was the real number?
The real number was 129 strokes.
4700 patients enrolled, so the difference is at most 81 strokes out of 4700 patients.
So supposedly, you have 1.7% LESS CHANCE of getting a stroke IF you lower your LDL cholesterol by more than half.
And of course, you need to lower it using this drug.
But here’s the real kicker.
It doesn’t matter if you have fewer strokes or fewer heart attacks.
What really matters is at the end of the day are you still alive?
Does the drug help keep you alive?
And the answer here is it doesn’t.
It’s hidden away very carefully, but the study says:
All-cause death and death from cancer were similar in the 3 groups.
So, regardless of lowering their chance of stroke, there was no decrease in the patient’s chances of dying.
There was no difference in death rates between people who are lowering their LDL-cholesterol and people who did not.
No difference at all.
In fact, people taking the drug were more likely to have negative side effects, including muscle atrophy, mental problems, and liver damage.
All for an absolute 1.7% lower chance of stroke.
This puts it in perspective, doesn’t it?
It’s such a very minor difference, but with potentially severe side effects.
I think there are much greater differences if you’re going from very low cholesterol to high cholesterol.
But it still isn’t as significant as many other dietary, nutritional, and lifestyle choices.
The biggest choice you have to make is whether or not to take a pill to lower your cholesterol.
In the past I shown you how those pills drastically lower your quality of life.
And they drastically raise the chances that you’ll die of something.
The whole cholesterol thing is of very little importance.
This is why I have had maybe two cholesterol tests in my entire life and plan to have no more.
It’s so irrelevant.
Doctors who pay attention to cholesterol are being idiots.
And they have no idea what a normal cholesterol level in blood serum really is because they’re misled by Big Pharm.
These studies and many others prove it.

- The inverse relationship between serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level and all-cause mortality in a 9.6-year follow-up study in the Japanese general population
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021915005002480 - Effects of Intense Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Reduction in Patients With Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack
- Stroke | CVA | Cerebrovascular Accident | MedlinePlus
https://medlineplus.gov/stroke.html - Stroke - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
I just my bloodwork report, HDL was 53 my LDL was 191. I stopped taking stains three months ago because my liver and kidneys were failing. the doctor told me to cut statins from 80mg to 40mg. I stopped taking them period. right now triglycerides103,,colhdlc ratio 3.7. many advice
thank you for your story. I find statins very toxic for many men and I doubt there are any advantages to taking them.