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Today, we’re looking at a study about low-calorie foods.
People believe that they’re doing themselves a favor using these sweeteners, and it’s about time we find out if it’s true.
There’s a lot of argument about if low-calorie foods make you fat or if they help you get thin.
It’s time to learn the truth about low-fat foods.
This is a study about using sweeteners that took a wide population of people.
Some of these people used artificial sweeteners, and some of them did not.
And the study followed these people for over 28 years to see who got fat and who stayed thin.
The subjects of the experiment monitored and reported their consumption of sweeteners of all kinds, and all uses.
They recorded whenever they used non-calorie or low-calorie artificial sweeteners in coffee, tea, and dessert.
They also reported any diet sodas and diet-type foods that they ate.
And the group that didn’t use artificial sweeteners recorded every use of sugar, honey, and other natural sweeteners.
Then the researchers tabulated the results to see who stayed thin and who gained weight.
As you’d expect, one group gained a lot of weight.
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But shockingly enough, it wasn’t the people eating sugar!!!
Out of the thousands of people that the study followed for over 28 years, it was the diet sweetener eaters who got fat!.
A much larger number of the people who became fat and obese were the people using the low-calorie, artificial sweeteners.
Participants who reported low-calorie sweetener use and did not have obesity at the start, had a significantly greater cumulative incidence of obesity than participants who did not report low-calorie sweetener use.
And most interesting:
Similarly, compared to low-calorie sweetener non-users, users of low-calorie sweeteners with no abdominal obesity at the start, had a significantly higher cumulative incidence of abdominal obesity.
So even people that were thin to start with, who used low-calorie sweeteners, ended up fat.
This isn’t what people expected from the results.
Why did people using artificial sweeteners end up fat?
Low-calorie sweetener use was associated with heavier weight, a larger waist, and a higher prevalence and incidence of abdominal obesity.
As the study speculates:
Low-calorie sweeteners certainly have fewer calories; however, our study suggests that they may have metabolic activity that is pro-obesity.
One clue is in mice that are bred to have no sense of taste.
These mice can’t taste the difference between Splenda and sugar.
However, these mice strongly prefer to eat sugar.
People have a high dopamine release when they’re eating sugar, but not when they’re eating low-calorie sweeteners.
Low-calorie sweeteners may fool the brain temporarily, but they don’t fool the body.
And without the dopamine rush, mice, and people, will go back and try again — meaning more calories.
Another theory is that many of these sweeteners are poisoning our gut.
These sweeteners promote a very bad combination of gut bacteria and yeast.
However, sugar is absorbed into the body very high up in the small intestine.
It’s very early in the digestion process, and all of the sugar will be used up.
But these artificial sweeteners often make their way down into the colon, where they harm the microbe mix there.
The telltale clue is that obesity and health became worse the longer the study ran.
If you look at the graph that I posted above, you’ll see a shocking increase in fat levels near the end of the 28-year study.
While the sugar people are much less obese and weigh less, the artificial sweetener people have ballooned out.
Artificial sweeteners and low-cal diet foods are just foods that make you fat.
This is an incredibly important finding.
It’s a clear finding that we need to eat sugar and quit the artificial sweeteners.
Sugar has many positive functions in the body.
One of those is preventing the dumping of free fatty acids into the bloodstream.
Free fatty acids contribute to lower metabolism, stress hormones, obesity, and diabetes.
Sugar is important because it suppresses the free fatty acids in the blood.
Also, sugar helps speed up metabolism, while these artificial sweeteners probably depressed metabolism.
This is just one more argument for sugar and against the use of any kind of artificial sweetener.
There are plenty of ways to enjoy a low-calorie diet without eating the dangerous low-calorie diet foods.

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