Lost jungle compound is activating men’s boner switch

Here’s why Yale, Oxford, and Harvard all think this is a gamechanger for men…

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—-Important Message From Pure Body Innovations—-

Lost jungle compound is activating men’s boner switch

A new compound has been discovered in the Amazon jungle.

According to users, it has the power to restore manhood problems in days — and the results last.

“It works even better for older men who experience severe bedroom performance issues,” says longevity expert, Dr. Leonel Shub.

“It’s no wonder it has become a key topic of interest among scientists.”

The compound is being studied by universities like Baylor, Harvard, Yale, and Oxford.

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And a study published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice confirmed it to be an effective treatment for erections problems.

And now Dr. Shub has recently discovered a unique way to get the benefits of this Amazonian jungle shrub with treatments or injections.

He’s revealing how his patients are restoring their sex lives and saving their marriages in this exclusive expose — only streaming for free for the next 24 hours


Why I love my high cholesterol

Cholesterol has many useful and protective functions in the body.

Cholesterol serves as the base material for hormones.

Cholesterol helps to remove inflammatory, disease-causing bacteria from circulation.

Cholesterol is essential for an optimal immune system – this is especially true in older people.

So when I see people with “high cholesterol,” I wonder why their cholesterol is high.

You see, high cholesterol is usually protecting you against something.

So while high cholesterol may be associated with some types of disease – it is almost never the cause.

And for people over 70, high cholesterol is not a risk factor for coronary heart disease, heart attack, angina, or all causes of death.

I think it’s time to rethink “high cholesterol.”

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This human research was carried out at Yale University School of Medicine. The results were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

In younger people, high cholesterol and high blood pressure are associated with poor health outcomes.

Though neither of these things actually cause disease – they are protective.

And high cholesterol, like high blood pressure, becomes more protective the older people get.

The study was designed to look at the effect of high cholesterol on the risk of death and major health problems allegedly caused by high cholesterol.

“We asked whether high cholesterol is associated with all-cause mortality, death from heart disease, or hospitalization from heart attack and unstable angina in the over 70s.”

The researchers analyzed that from over 900 people to get some insight into these questions.

They used information taken from a study which began in 1988.

The researchers looked at the risk of death or these major health problems over a 4-year period…

Asking whether high cholesterol alters these risks.

They split the participants into 2 different groups depending on their cholesterol levels.

People with cholesterol below 5.2 were considered low – above 6.2 was considered high cholesterol.

These are the standard cutoff points in the US.

The researchers also looked at HDL-C cholesterol and the total cholesterol:HDL-C ratio.

Both are also assumed to affect these risk factors.

None of these markers had any significant effect on the health outcomes measured.

Total cholesterol, HDL-C and total cholesterol to HDL-C ratio had no effect on risk of…

  • Death from any cause
  • Death from heart failure
  • Hospitalization for heart attack
  • Unstable angina

The greatest difference in risk between high and low cholesterol groups was only 3% – which is negligible.

High cholesterol was not a risk factor for over-70s in this analysis.

Usually, cholesterol increases to protect people against disease states.

It is not the cause of clogged arteries.

The researchers concluded that the theories about cholesterol causing disease are incorrect in people over 70 years old.

Our findings do not support the idea that high cholesterol or low HDL-C are important risk factors for all-cause mortality, coronary heart disease mortality, or hospitalization for myocardial infarction or unstable angina in this cohort of persons older than 70 years.”

Beating down cholesterol with treatments can be a very bad idea.

But at the same time, high cholesterol can be a sign of a problem in younger people.

If your cholesterol is very high, you should be asking why

Not trying to beat it down, which can cause even more harm – especially in older people.

Cholesterol is so important because it is the base for your hormones.

It also helps to detoxify disease-causing bacteria which leak into your blood from the gut.

Cholesterol is not the enemy. Mine is 220, and I’m very happy with that.

—-Important Message About Cholesterol—-

Skip the statin – this naturally lowers cholesterol by turning it into testosterone

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Many men on statins often suffer from low testosterone and don’t know why.

And it’s because they don’t know how important cholesterol is for testosterone.

See, cholesterol is the natural building block of testosterone.

You can’t make testosterone as a man without cholesterol.

So when you take a statin, you poison your body’s natural mechanism of turning cholesterol into testosterone…

So cholesterol goes down, but so does T…

And that’s yet another reason why I never recommend statins.

Instead, I recommend this – my simple protocol that helps the body turn more cholesterol into T


Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.
Lack of association between cholesterol and coronary heart disease mortality and morbidity and all-cause mortality in persons older than 70 yearshttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7772105/