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Viruses are supposedly “incurable.” Flu, herpes, chicken pox… but what if there IS a cure for viral infections? What if you can use this TODAY?
—-Important Message—-
This Just In: One man’s successful fight against penile fibrosis — read his actual words
This is the diagram Larry was referring to:
“Found some of the supplements you suggested and purchased what I could afford, and didn’t get enough to completely turn this problem around without complications… in the process of correcting the problem I caused (didn’t follow your instructions), of taking vitamin A and K2 with the amount of aspirin I was taking.
“I was totally amazed when one day I had an erection almost as hard as when I was a kid… veins standing out all over my penis. Have had several since, and I’m very happy. I just purchased another program to complete the healing process.
“By the way, the hardened tissue is still in my penis… but has shrunk quite a lot because of the instructions you have shared with me.
Thanks– Larry”
Here is the two minute video that fixed Larry’s penile fibrosis problem
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At last, here is a viral cure… for real?
Every cell in our bodies is infected by viruses. Most of the viruses don’t cause problems that we notice.
Probably the most common transmittable virus that can cause health problems is the herpes simplex virus (HSV).
It is estimated that about 80% of us are infected with HSV, though most of us never experience any symptoms.
Type 1 (HSV-1) tends to be responsible for cold sores. Either HSV-1 or HSV-2 can cause genital herpes.
Both types of herpes simplex virus live in the nervous system. The virus remains dormant there, sometimes forever.
But when it is provoked by emotional or physical stress – or infection – it may move back up to the skin surface and cause an outbreak.
These sores can be painful, and herpes infection can even result in complications including paralysis, cancer, and blindness.
Modern medicine has virtually no fix for herpes…
The standard chemical on offer is Zovirax. Or its generic, acyclovir.
As with any chemical, we have the predictable Big Pharma propaganda cycle with it.
At the beginning of the cycle, all the studies show how wonderful a chemical is. There is complete optimism.
Eventually, after enough people have been guinea pigs sacrificed at the altar of Big Pharma, it is discovered that it either doesn’t work…
…or causes so much harm it has to be removed from the market.
Corporations are very slow to remove such chemicals from the market, but it happens eventually.
Usually after millions of people have been taking it and, in some cases, destroyed their health.
In the case of acyclovir, there’s very little profit in it because it’s not on patent anymore. So the propaganda cycle has closed.
There is no longer any need to lie or fraudulently misrepresent the facts.
And, lo and behold, the latest studies show that it just doesn’t work.
This study looked into the effectiveness of acyclovir in treating pityriasis rosea.
This condition is thought to be associated with herpes, which is why this chemical was considered a good treatment for it.
The study reported in 2016 that acyclovir was completely ineffective.
People given acyclovir recovered no faster than people who did not receive acyclovir.
Acyclovir is not an effective treatment…
Many studies that have been done (now that the chemical is off patent) showed similar results.
This one, for example:
These researchers found no difference in the results for people given acyclovir and people given the placebo.
In fact, the acyclovir group experienced side effects because of how acyclovir works.
The theory behind acyclovir is that a cell infected with a virus (such as HSV) is manufacturing the virus intensely and creating a lot of virus DNA…
And the chemical’s interference with this intense DNA production will slow down virus production.
But, of course, it also interferes with this enzyme in all cells, not just the cells that are doing bad things…
It interferes with the process of building healthy DNA in cells.
This is probably quite harmful over time. And there are other side effects from acyclovir as well.
And the chemical is not proven to actually work anyway.
So what can you do if you have this virus?
One thing that seems to actually be helpful is certain fatty acids that come from coconuts. Specifically, from coconut oil.
You can buy monolaurin, a product that is processed from coconut oil.
It has no harmful effects that I’m aware of, and many people say it stops their herpes completely.
It may also help prevent shingles.
Similar to herpes, shingles are the result of the chickenpox virus waking up and migrating to surface of the skin.
This study found that monolaurin can kill or even prevent HSV-1 and HSV-2.
Good agreement was found between the activities for HSV-1 and HSV-2.
This is another study that found monolaurin was helpful in fighting these viruses:
It’s best if people can avoid contracting herpes or chickenpox in the first place.
But I’m not a fan of the vaccines, and maybe you aren’t either.
If you do have problems with these viruses, you might consider trying monolaurin.
You can look it up on Amazon, check out the reviews, and decide for yourself.
Always consult your doctor before trying anything new.
“Could you tell me about your disease history?” Harvard Professor Dr. Leaf asked the old man.
Dr.Leaf said, “this hospital file of yours is only one page long, all it has is your birth certificate and that’s it. Tell me about your health history.”
This man was one of hundreds of people – maybe thousands – over 100 years old.
“Have you ever been in the hospital?” asked Dr. Leaf.
“Yes, the day I was born. That’s the only time,” the man said.
“I was never sick or in need of medical attention.”
If you want this kind of immunity from diseases and viruses, you can have it right now…

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