This was clearly intended for men’s eyes only… and here’s why…
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—-Important Message From Richard La Ruina—-
Older guys are using this to get more sex (it’s a Harvard discovery, LOL)
Who would have thought…
…the GEEKS at universities have discovered a technique that older guys are using…
…to get hot women and having them on their knees in a heartbeat?
Yeah, funny right?
Like, of all the people that would figure this out…
…it’s a bunch of geeks in a lab, at Harvard university?
And older guys are going nuts with this little technique…
It’s literally step-by-step, simple stuff that anyone can use to attract young women.
To see how it works, watch this funny video and make sure you’re alone when you watch it…
Just because something is sold as “safe” doesn’t mean it is.
PUFA fats (polyunsaturated fatty acids) fall into this category.
They’re marketed as “healthy fats” but they cause lots of inflammation and other problems in the body.
Don’t eat these things.
But PUFA fats aren’t the only so-called “healthy” option that can cause problems.
Another substance that’s marketed as being healthy, but can be dangerous is a synthetic PPARδ ligand called Cardarine.
I think that once you know what this stuff actually does…
You’ll be just as appalled as I am about it being marketed as if it were completely safe.
Cardarine is also known as GW501516 and is widely sold to improve athletic performance.
It’s also banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) as a doping agent.
Cardarine is a type of chemical known as a metabolic modulator. It changes how the body uses fat. It is banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).
Even though it’s banned in professional sports, it’s still available all over the internet, and it has some scary potential side effects.
The big problem is that these supplements encourage the growth of cancer!
In fact, they are so precancerous that Big Pharma has stopped their development.
The data must be EXTREMELY clear for Big Pharma to stop development.
I’ve seen them push dangerous treatments into the marketplace without enough testing before.
The risk here must just be too big for them to take.
Pharmaceutical development of GW501516 and other similar potent PPARδ agonists for medical use has long been discontinued given their potential precancerous side effects.
Researchers already know that Cardarine can increase the risk of colorectal and stomach cancer…
And now they are starting to associate Cardarine with pancreatic cancer as well.
Findings from this study indicate that people who have silent precancerous lesions, even those that are low grade, could increase their risk of developing pancreatic cancer by consuming PPARδ natural activators, like in high fat diets, or synthetic ones, like Cardarine.
An increased risk of cancer is not something that I classify as a “good thing.”
This is one of those “buyer beware” situations.
If you are taking athletic-type supplements…
Then make sure you are reading the ingredients so that you know that you are avoiding Cardarine.
Though studies on how PPARδ affects colorectal cancer date back to 1999, and pharmaceutical companies have halted synthetic PPARδ ligand development, unregulated internet outlets still sell substances like Cardarine. Ads are largely marketed to young people, claiming it will help them build muscle endurance and burn fat.
Here’s the thing… your body is always dealing with potentially cancerous cells.
Most of the time the systems work and you won’t get cancer.
But if you hijack those systems with an artificial substance that fuels cancer growth then all bets are off.
This news made its way to major media outlets, who nicknamed it “exercise in a pill.” “Unfortunately, what the media didn’t address was the dark side of PPARδ. Like muscle cells, synthetic PPARδ ligands also help cancer cells get more energy from fats as a fuel source,” he said.
These products containing cardarine are mostly unregulated, and the labels won’t tell you that this ingredient increases the risk of cancer.
They only talk about the benefits of increased endurance and accelerated fat burning.
Personally, I wouldn’t take Cardarine. I don’t think it’s worth the risk.
—-Important Message About Preventing Cancer—-
Grab this natural cancer-fighting powder next time you’re at the grocery store (costs less than $5)
This cheap natural powder is buzzing all over the internet.
It is said to revolutionize your workouts.
To normalize A1C.
To fix over 200 different diseases.
To be utterly harmless.
And yes, to really prevent and fight cancer.
Click here for my full conclusions on this stunning breakthrough.