It’s noninvasive and pain-free — and it can help heal the prostate!
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Kill cancerous tissues and tumors with this method of “focused heat”
Current treatments for prostate cancer target the whole prostate gland, not just the tumor.
These non-specific methods of treatment can lead to side effects even if the cancer is successfully treated.
Side effects can be sexual, urinary, or rectal.
A few years ago some scientists came up with the idea of using focused ultrasound to target certain types of cancer.
Only recently has imaging technology allowed for proper targeting of tumors.
Focused ultrasound therapy has been found to be effective for prostate cancer, provided it has not spread (non-metastatic).

This research was led by scientists at the Division of Surgery and Interventional Sciences, University College London, London, UK.
They coordinated with over a dozen other hospitals in the United Kingdom.
The results were published in the Journal of European Urology.
High intensity focused ultrasound is a treatment which uses ultrasonic waves to heat tissue.
This method of generating focused heat can destroy tumors.
This treatment uses the same technology as the standard ultrasound — but the ultrasound waves are a different frequency and highly focused.
Think of how a magnifying glass can focus sunlight.
Ultrasound waves are non-ionizing — this means that they do not cause the same type of damage as x-rays can and radiotherapy do.
This study enrolled 625 men with non-metastatic prostate cancer.
Men were treated with high intensity focused ultrasound for prostate cancer.
First the doctors used advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and biopsies to isolate the location of the tumors.
“Disease was localised using MRI combined with targeted and systematic biopsies.”
Once the tumours were precisely located, they were treated with the ultrasound beams.
“Areas of significant disease were treated. Follow-up included prostate-specific antigen (PSA) measurement, mpMRI, and biopsies.”
The study conducted in-depth follow-up examinations of the men.
High intensity focused Ultrasound was very effective at treating non-metastatic prostate cancer.
“Cancer-specific survival, and overall survival were 100%, and 99%, respectively – with the ultrasound treatment.”
High intensity focused Ultrasound had a low chance of side effects compared to other treatments for non-metastatic prostate cancer.
“Focal therapy for patients with clinically significant prostate cancer that has not spread has a low probability of side effects and is effective at 5 yr.”
The average follow-up period in this study was over four years.
The results indicate that focused ultrasound is effective and has a low chance of side effects in the medium term.
“Focal therapy for patients with significant nonmetastatic prostate cancer is effective in the medium term and has a low probability of side effects.”
The two main treatments for metastatic prostate cancer surgery or radiotherapy.
Both of these treatments have higher risks and side effects than focused ultrasound therapy.
The benefits of focused ultrasound are that it targets only the cancerous tissues.
In theory, it should cause less damage than surgery or radiotherapy.
“The aim is to reduce side effects and maintain cancer control by targeting areas of known cancer, allowing for greater tissue preservation.”
They aim to preserve sexual, urinary, and rectal function by avoiding those areas with the treatment, areas which can be damaged by surgery and radiotherapy.
Though the concept of focused ultrasound has been around for quite some time recent advances in imaging technology have made this treatment possible.
The ability to use scanners to accurately see where the tumour tissue lies is critical to this type of treatment.
“This concept of tissue preservation has come about through improvements in disease localisation using MRI and mapping biopsy techniques.”
You should always consult a healthcare professional about diagnosing and treating health problems.
—-Important Message for Men About Prostate Health—-
I’ve found a way to fix the prostate that feels REALLY, really good…
Ok, so this is going to sound weird…
But I’ve discovered this extremely pleasurable way to naturally heal the prostate.
And it’s already being proven to work better than certain surgeries where they snip and cut your prostate.
And I’m not kidding about how good it feels… in fact, it’s allowed me to have multiple male O’s!
Check this out when you have some privacy — a way to fix prostate issues that doubles or even triples your sexual pleasure threshold

A Multicentre Study of 5-year Outcomes Following Focal Therapy in Treating Clinically Significant Nonmetastatic Prostate Cancer