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Hey, Matt Cook here, and most men don’t keep track of their thyroid hormones…
But I keep a close eye on mine – and I think you should too.
That’s because thyroid hormones can wreak havoc in the male body.
And if your levels are above this number they may even be giving you cancer…
—-Important Message from Aaron Wilcoxx—-
Raunchy movie star reveals: industry secret to staying rocky for hours
I’m Aaron, and even the top stars in THAT movie industry have a few tricks up their sleeves to keep performing at a really high level.
I would know — I used to be one of these so-called movie stars!
And here’s 1 of these industry “hacks”…
…a simple way for any man, no matter age, physicality, or genetics, to last longer in bed.
I’ve put together this video showing you 3 easy steps to staying rocky for 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, or even longer!
And no, this does NOT involve any weird pumps or Big Pharma treatments.
3 easy steps to achieving stronger, long-lasting erections (raunchy movie star approved)
Is your thyroid giving you cancer?
TSH is a well-known thyroid lab marker.
It is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland.
The pituitary alters the levels of TSH according to thyroid hormone levels in the blood.
If thyroid hormone levels are too low then TSH will increase – TSH should stimulate the thyroid then to produce more thyroid hormones.
And so TSH is involved in a feedback between the thyroid gland and thyroid hormone levels in the blood.
Many people think this is the end of it. But TSH also has other effects in the body.
There are quite a number of overlooked studies showing that TSH is inflammatory and may increase the risk of diseases like cancer.
The human research was carried out at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore in Maryland. The paper was published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
The researchers were trying to find out more about reports that high levels of TSH produced in the body may accelerate the growth of cancers.
“Chronic endogenous TSH stimulation of neoplastic tissue has been reported to stimulate tumor enlargement.”
They were particularly interested in the short-term effects of elevated levels of TSH in people who had a risk of thyroid cancer.
“However, little is known about changes in normal and neoplastic thyroid tissue after sudden rather than chronic stimulation with TSH.”
Animal experiments had shown that TSH could increase the risk of cancer in animals.
Early reports also indicated that this could be true in humans.
“Acute thyroidal tissue reactions, reflected by rapid tumor expansion have been reported to occur after bovine TSH stimulation and after recombinant human TSH.”
Recombinant human TSH is effectively a cloned form of the protein.
The researchers carried out their experiment in a couple of people who had recurrent thyroid cancer.
“In this report, we describe two patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma with local recurrent tumors.”
The researchers injected them with recombinant human TSH.
The study showed a rapid growth of thyroid cancer tumors after just a few hours of elevated TSH.
“Both patients developed tumor growth 12-48 h after the second TSH injection, reflected by acute respiratory distress or a palpable, tender mass.”
The researchers were able to feel the increase in tumor size when examining the patient…
…and this was confirmed by high-tech scans of the thyroid glands.
“The enlargement was documented by imaging techniques, showing tumor expansion compared with previous examinations.”
The researchers gave the participants anti-inflammatory treatments.
These treatments decreased the size of the tumors – indicating that the pro-cancer effect of TSH is due to its inflammatory nature.
“Rapid improvement with glucocorticoid supports inflammation as the likely etiology.”
It seems to confirm that elevated levels of TSH can increase the risk of thyroid cancer – at least in some people.
The researchers recommend using anti-inflammatory glucocorticoid treatments to reduce the risk of thyroid cancer in some situations.
This may be useful on occasion in extreme circumstances…
…but although glucocorticoids are potently anti-inflammatory they have major costs to overall health in the medium- to long-term.
The long-term solution is to keep TSH and general inflammation as low as possible.
“Based on these cases, and other reports of rapid tumor expansion after rhTSH injection, we recommend glucocorticoid coverage before rhTSH administration for patients with known or suspected neoplasia located in a limited space.”
There are some people for whom thyroid hormone levels can be within the normal range but TSH is elevated.
(Above 1.5 could be considered elevated.)
There is enough evidence now to show that these people should be treated for elevated TSH levels…
…even when thyroid hormones are in the normal range.
—-Important Message About Your Thyroid—-
How CID5920 fires up your thyroid and adds decades of healthy lifespan
Your thyroid is actually the gas pedal of the human body…
And almost all men find their thyroid levels fall as they reach 40, 50, and beyond.
Thankfully, a secret natural hormone called CID5920 fires up the thyroid fast.
So in just 2 weeks, the thyroid is working better and faster.
And you start seeing and feeling the difference all over your body…
With energy levels, muscle tone, cravings, T levels — even erections quality improves!
Here’s how to get CID5920 and naturally boost thyroid (and add decades to your life)